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Ong Bak 2 (2009) Trailer

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  • Ong Bak 2 (2009) Trailer

  • #2


    • #3
      why post this now? did this not come out yet or some thing? i have seen the movie four times already. it was a good movie but not in any way related to the first. it is actually a remake of a movie they did a long time ago. it never came out though. dont expect to see any muay thai in it though. its all kung fu. but its still a good movie. when does it come out? see i watch movies online and most i see months even years before they come out. for example a movie called 88 minutes when i got it i just thought it sucked in the theaters or went straight to video thats why i had never heard of it. a year and a half later i see previews for it. and im like hey i have that movie at the house. my friends said no way it doesn't come out for 3 months. so i took them to my house and we watched it. this wasn't from a cam corder in some foreign theater but a demo of the dvd. so it is dvd quality but only way before it was ever released.


      • #4
        Most people are watching bootlegs in america and europe(i think subtitled from the thai dvd release in hong kong or malaysia where the boots came from). Because the initial releases on dvd here dont have english subtitles. The movie will come out in europe and the us soon so alot of people have not seen it yet. Many people are waitiing for the main release in the theaters then the dvd release probably one dubbed and the other with subtitles in the us and europe soon after that, so to alot of people its all new. They are also doing Ong Bak 3 now from what I heard.


        • #5
          when are they doing the one where tony is supposed to play king naresuan? have they already made it and im just in the dark or something.


          • #6
            he keeps saying he is going to do the king naresuan film but i guess its going to be a really big movie at a huge cost plus they just did an extradordinary three part movie series on king naresuan that came out in theaters one at a time here in thailand, so maybe that dented his plans a bit. I think next is ong bak 3.


            • #7
              any info on the story line for ob3


              • #8
                Here is some info on Ong Bak 3

                Ong Bak 3 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                I also think the story of OB 2 was badly told and there were holes in it, but the action is top notch. I expected more Thai martial arts and some Thai swordplay but Tony Jaa seems to be doing his own thing, which is ok of course. I think the first Ong Bak is still his best movie.


                • #9
                  Looks like a mad dash to rush another one out while the timing is good. Looks like it will be more an extension of part 2 then the first one which is sad in my book unless they just unleash part 3 with wall to wall action. There is no connection between Ong Bak and Ong Bak 2, its like night and day, so i guess they are moving with the stuff of ong bak 2 over the original.


                  • #10
                    so that wiki thing says this is before ong bak. was tien tings teacher in ong bak i cant remember. they have to connect them some how or it wont make any sense.


                    • #11
                      I guess we'll see. ong bak 1 and ong bak 2 have no connection at all. I think they are just doing what they want. Long as they deliver on the goods I guess who cares at this point.


                      • #12
                        Did Ong Bak 2 come out commercially in the US yet? I was wondering if they cut it or extended certain scenes because some stuff would probably go over the regular audience like the extended dance scene.


                        • #13
                          I think it comes out in late October.

                          Just noticed that youtube took the trailer down. Here's a new link for anyone who missed it.


                          • #14
                            Thanks, aseepish for the updated trailer.


                            • #15
                              A quick review of the american version, i guess they are trying to make them tie together as the next one will be a prequel to ong bak 1 and a sequel to ong bak 2. Thought originally they would do a massive reedit for the american version to streamline and clean it up but i assume they didnt.

                              ONG BAK2
                              This one doesn’t quite have the magic of the original, but there’s
                              lots of crazy Tony Jaa Muay Thai ass kicking. There is just a tangled
                              thread of a confusing plot, which amounts for excuses for escalating
                              numbers of people to fight Tony Jaa at the same time. And it
                              seemingly has nothing to do with ONG BAK, since it is set in ancient,
                              rather than modern-day Thailand. Allegedly this will be cleared up in
                              ONG BAK 3, which is a sequel to ONG BAK 2, but a prequel to ONG BAK.
                              I miss the fact that the original ONG BAK director, Prachya Pinkaew is
                              not directing this. Allegedly, he and Tony Jaa had a falling out.
                              Also production on this film shut down for a time -- rumors say Tony
                              Jaa,, who started off as the director of this, just disappeared.
                              Despite all these flaws, the climax, involving fighting around, and on
                              elephants is worth seeing, as is the man-on crocodile fight at the

