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Chai Sirisute

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  • Chai Sirisute

    anyone train with him and any opinions? personally i have only done seminars with him but found him rather funny and his tech. good

  • #2
    Never had the opportunity to train with him myself. I know alot of people on this forum have though. How old is Ajarn Chai now?


    • #3
      i am not sure, but he is getting up there.i don't think he is as old as Inosanto but he still does move with the students. last seminar i went with he took a good number of the students and worked pads one on one with them. they learned a lot. he fixed little bugs each one had and really drilled his combo into them.


      • #4
        yeah, I know he has been around teaching for a long time. I was always hoping to meet him but the timing never worked out. He came up i think in the 60s and 70s when thai boxing was really getting strong and seriously popular. Does his teachings reflect learning during that period or is it more like what we see today? I was always wondering that.


        • #5
          njot sure what you mean by today, as i haven't met any thais that teach here, as far as the reg americans i have met, they are light years behind him. i have watched him slip punches and bob and weave in a boxing only context with his eyes closed.he also will hit you from time to time to re-enforce what he is saying if you are stubborn.he breaks up his seminars into maybe just a boxing phase then full muay thai and small portions of knees clinch putting it all together and usually on his last day start the wai khru /ram muay ceremony. and work pads with a number of seminar participants


          • #6
            What Ive seen from the Chai Sirisute way of training and his students I belive his method is no where near the same as Muay Thai as trained in Thailand today.


            • #7
              could you please explain the difference and the pros or cons?


              • #8
                Thanks as always fire cobra. I was just wondering because i trained with a few guys who were fighters from the 60s/70s and they had distinct style, they kicked alot, and a little less in the clinch. Just was wondering if that was reflective of chai's style or he had adopted a more 80s/90s(more aggressive, more developed clinch,etc) or even 00s type of feel(the slow loss of the complete plow, etc)....


                • #9
                  Originally posted by thaiboxer67 View Post
                  anyone train with him and any opinions? personally i have only done seminars with him but found him rather funny and his tech. good
                  I love Ajarn Chai seminars... speaking of which, I can't make it down to MD this weekend. I'll PM you with details.



                  • #10
                    well i got a spare bedroom as long as you can sleep on grappling matts,and offwer full use of kitchen or you can elect to share what ever i cook or contribute to what i make.. and the gf is cool...


                    • #11
                      ok not sure what is done in thailand today, but as for Ajarn Chai, he is a huge empthasis on boxing, and basics ...very basics. just went to a seminar, and he hit a couple tech. real hard, downward elbow, boxing jab,cross,hook, including some ways of power generation i haven't seen... and clinch, clinch , kick. was good lots of work on stnce, and chaining strikes together, but no 15 count combo just a 1, 2 then maybe a 3 and 4 added. slipping and bob and weave as used in mt. not a bad seminar.also one of his last....down from 84 a year to 9. so if you like him or are interested get to them cause as he said " my time is getting short".


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by thaiboxer67 View Post
                        ok not sure what is done in thailand today, but as for Ajarn Chai, he is a huge empthasis on boxing, and basics ...very basics. just went to a seminar, and he hit a couple tech. real hard, downward elbow, boxing jab,cross,hook, including some ways of power generation i haven't seen... and clinch, clinch , kick. was good lots of work on stnce, and chaining strikes together, but no 15 count combo just a 1, 2 then maybe a 3 and 4 added. slipping and bob and weave as used in mt. not a bad seminar.also one of his last....down from 84 a year to 9. so if you like him or are interested get to them cause as he said " my time is getting short".
                        In Thailand now bro there is ery little emphasis on Boxing,much more on Kicking(body mainly) and clinch work.

                        There is very little and I mean very little Bobbing and weaving,slipping is seen more but not that much,the boxers preffering to quickly block and counter.


                        • #13
                          odd, he usually does a good amount of clinch work even this last weekend there was a decent amount...why don't they focus on boxing? i know the stance can throw it off some and too much committment can get your legs kicked out from under you. it is my understanding that a body kick scores more than a leg kick if that's true then that makes perfect sense. as for bob and weave that can be bad with kicks and knees, slipping is good in that you can strike back imediately.what is your own preference towards boxing? also it was explained to me that that pesky downward elbow is a big reason thai's don't do so much boxing. wouldn't it be a sign of stagnation to not advance things? or do you feel that would be getting away from mt and its original intent?


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by thaiboxer67 View Post
                            odd, he usually does a good amount of clinch work even this last weekend there was a decent amount...why don't they focus on boxing? i know the stance can throw it off some and too much committment can get your legs kicked out from under you. it is my understanding that a body kick scores more than a leg kick if that's true then that makes perfect sense. as for bob and weave that can be bad with kicks and knees, slipping is good in that you can strike back imediately.what is your own preference towards boxing? also it was explained to me that that pesky downward elbow is a big reason thai's don't do so much boxing. wouldn't it be a sign of stagnation to not advance things? or do you feel that would be getting away from mt and its original intent?
                            The scoring of a Muay Thai bout takes some study to understand,I will dig out a good article on scoring whch can explain much better than I can later today bro.


                            • #15
                              i would greatly appreciate that. and i appreciate your comments as well

