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David Neal Brown

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  • David Neal Brown

    Anyone know of David Neal Brown in Bellingham, WA.?
    Total Confidence Martial Arts in Bellingham, Washington-Children and Adult Martial Arts Program


  • #2
    Originally posted by JAB View Post
    Anyone know of David Neal Brown in Bellingham, WA.?
    Total Confidence Martial Arts in Bellingham, Washington-Children and Adult Martial Arts Program

    Looks like another guy with a fancy site trying to get your money.


    • #3
      I would prefer to hear about actual experiences, rather than nonsensical opinions based on someones website.


      • #4
        No one? Any help please?


        • #5
          Jake: Sorry I couldnt be of any help here. Where you able to view or try a class to see what it was like? Sometimes that helps t get a feel if it will work for you. In the end it has to be what you are looking for and what you need. Or hopefully someone knows about the school. Maybe Tenzen knows as well when he comes back onto the forum.


          • #6
            I don't know anything about that particular school. Ajarn Steve Wilson (aka: Chalambok) Did run one or two Krabi Krabong camps in association with them at one time up in the San Juan Islands. I believe he mentioned he wasn't affiliated with them any more. You might want to ask him directly.



            • #7
              Interesting, as I have it Mr. Wilson is still teaching there. I am not really interested in anyones personal drama. I met the man, he seemed quite nice and knowledgable. I did not see a lot of technique demonstrated by him or anything.



              • #8
                Hey Jake, hit tenzen with IM, i sent him one to contact you. I think he might know whats up in the area since he trains with a few people there. Its unfortunately he missed the second session and didnt get a chance to meet you. I am hoping he checks back in and can help out. Maybe you can go train with the cambodians since its solid, no nonsense training until you sort of a good muay thai school.


                • #9
                  Hi Jake,

                  We had a lot of conversations and did a lot of training last week so I'm a little hazy on that point. That's why I suggested you check with him directly. Living on the East Coast now I'm not plugged in to the West coast scene like I used to be.

                  Best regards,


                  • #10
                    Thanks for all the help guys. Appreciate it!


                    • #11
                      he is a student of master toddy. my training partner trains with them once a month when his job brings him to that area. they do alot of clinch work i think his gym is relatively new not sure though. he was actually at the toddy seminar you attended jab. he was the big white guy helping toddy out. i think he spent five years under him not sure bout that one either though. hopeit helps later guys.


                      • #12
                        Thanks, tenzen. Dont know if you got to talk to jake through pm as well or not. Talk to you soon.


                        • #13
                          I know this post is coming in two months late, but I studied Wing Tsun from David Brown for 8 years until chronic pain in my feet and fatherhood helped to change my current priorities. I have a great amount of respect for David. He was and always will be my Sifu.

                          He is a dedicated martial artist and his skill is amazing. Although I respect his skill, that is not the quality that first caught my attention. One of the ways in which he stands out is that he is dedicated to improving himself as a teacher.

                          As a side note, TCMA is co-owned by Kathy Holmes. Although David founded the school and he has a strong and visible presence, Kathy is equally responsible for the quality of the programs taught there.
                          Last edited by Dankichi; 12-22-2009, 07:21 PM. Reason: Edited for spelling


                          • #14
                            Thanks bro! I did not know Kathy lived in the area!? She still teach?
                            I am sure David has some talent. Unfortunately I cannot afford $500 an hour private lessons!!



                            • #15
                              I don't know if she teaches private lessons. Last time I spoke with her, she was essentially working 12-14 hrs/day and was not looking to add to her schedule.

