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REVEAL YOUR SECRETS : your mae mai techniques

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  • #16
    You keep saying you are not going to post anymore and yet you post MORE and MORE nonsense. Shut up, already! You said this conversation ended twenty posts ago. You've worn out your welcome. I doubt if anything intelligent can come out of your mouth. Go back to your cult and practice your deadly techniques some more.

    Still waiting for your IM or PM big mouth

    And dont call me BRO, you aint no homeboy. Stop playing yourself.


    • #17
      Round and round these chaiya guys go when they ll stop no one knows. Its funny george u are no longer in thailand and now they are brave.
      Chaiya wanarat I will give u the advice I gave sieh shortly before he kindly removed himself from our forums. Post on here intelligently try to make friends discuss valid points but don't come on here saying this and that trying to build your shit up cuz people on here will come see you and knock u the **** out. This is not to be mean this is an invitation to you, start a new thread tell us something valid about your system give us info we don't have answer questions. Talk about current events in your martial community not involving politics. But don't under any circumstance come on here with that chaiya is the answer shit. Be informative.
      Thank you for your time.
      George they never quit do they brother.


      • #18
        might be better and more edjucational to put down a few training techniques

