Reveal your mae mai techniques and lets see who's better, and if possible, can change our current mae mai too
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REVEAL YOUR SECRETS : your mae mai techniques
chaiya wanarat has returned to invade the forum with more useless nonsense for 2010. What secrets do you have that makes fighting better and if so, PLEASE< PLEASE show your monkey ass up in lumpini and get in the ring and display them. Its all talk and garbage. Go out into the real world and get out of the backyard! You are the biggest joke since..............well, the last fool who drank the grape kool aid and came on here to tell everyone about the TRUTH and the SECRETS of REAL fighting when they hadnt fought one day in their fucking life and dont know fighting or acting. GIVE US ALL A BREAK!
Well stando, can you post a single fight clip of yours? I agree you know a lot about fighting and techniques and a real fighter (or the something you described) won't waste their time , chatting over forums! i've just posted just to see is there something new somebody had in their routines so that i could add on my own & nothing more ! I'm not here to argue with you & well! Fighting with mouth in a martial arts forum is a real shame! Well.....THERE'S NOTHING MORE TO SAY!
here we go again. You are the one telling US. Since you cant READ. You are the one making claims NOT ME! Since you are brainwashed and lost you evidently cant see it. I am not stating anything about myself. Everything is in answer to the useless threads you guys put up. You came on here TELLING us about your secret techniques and I asked you to SHOW where they are workable and how. you put up your clips or clips first then we'll go from there. Hows that? Why should I post anything for you clowns? Again who do you think you are? You run the mouth so you prove your shit. END OF STORY.
I again SALUTE you for showing the infinite intelligence and genuis of MUAY CHAIYA!
Originally posted by george stando View Posthere we go again. You are the one telling US. Since you cant READ. You are the one making claims NOT ME! Since you are brainwashed and lost you evidently cant see it. I am not stating anything about myself. Everything is in answer to the useless threads you guys put up. You came on here TELLING us about your secret techniques and I asked you to SHOW where they are workable and how.
Originally posted by george stando View you put up your clips or clips first then we'll go from there. Hows that? Why should I post anything for you clowns? Again who do you think you are? You run the mouth so you prove your shit. END OF STORY.
I've ended this there but now you're making it STICKY! Lol!
Originally posted by george stando View PostI again SALUTE you for showing the infinite intelligence and genuis of MUAY CHAIYA!
You are by the far the biggest asshole moron from chaiya to ever invade and spam a forum. You are not only showing what a fool you are for everyone to note but showing a total lack of understanding of fighting. The proof remains in YOUR CORNER lets see your clips, your real figthing ability like you say you have. Dont spin it like a 12 year old child. Why worry about me? When you are trying to prove to the world you possess the SECRETS?
You making fun of my name? Listen big mouth, you are proven coward, how is your mae mai looking now. IM or PM anytime, fool.
At least I dont hide behind phony names like cowards do. At least I dont post useless garbage only a 12 year old would. Hey I might not have the secrets but at least i got a brain! You gave your brain away.
Do you really think posting this stuff helps people understand or respect MUAY CHAIYA? Do you think somebody is going to go to thailand and train in chaiya after reading what you are writing? I mean take a second to read what you are writing. You are doing endless damage to a style you supposedly are cult devoted to or maybe the kool aid was too strong this time?
You are a COWARD and a FOOL, if thats what chaiya has given you then I dont want any. Pass the Kool Aid to someone else.
Oh!c'mon! GIVE ME A BREAK!
Okay!alright! I'm sorry a thousand times(is it enough);i'm sick and tired of your criticisms and MORE THAN THAT AT ALL, your scoldings!
ah! What a man you are!
No replies needed!
your good friend,
chaiya wanarat
Its truly beyond ridiculous.
lets break this down for the audience at home and for those who have been following this:
Chaiya Wanarat attacks the forum with endless posts of nothing-- instead of coming on here intelligently to break down and explain--he is not a participating forum member but a guy who believes he only possesses the truth (as good cult members do as his friend siah did) and thus wants to help us lost souls who can never understand the true fighting techniques.
He attacks and provokes then when called on it, runs and hides, spins and throws it back on you. Never answers a question intelligently or indepth.
Does appropriate chaiya spin control--Its you. Lets see your fights. when its him saying he can fight, has the secret techniques, deadly elbows, but he has nothing to prove its worth--ITS UP TO YOU TO PROVE YOUR POINT.
Says he is being scolded--I assume he is a child because i havent heard the word scolded since i was like 10---- Being called out to prove your point is not scolding its reality(being in a cult you are removed from reality and the sense the real world exists and challenges ridiculous notions is something beyond his grasp).
Takes on a authorative all knowing tone--I know the secret do you? Then we asked to show and tell, he runs and hides.
Best yet, he says this is the END of the CONVERSATION. Like he is in control. Again assuming a stance of superiority and demanding it end because he says so. I mean maybe he doesnt understand his OWN TONE and WORDS. maybe he doesnt understnad he is the firestarter.
Does anyone else see right through this continuous game?
The title of this thread REVEAL YOUR SECRETS, like he possesses some with the secret mae and look mai shows no understanding of what those techniques are. But even so, whats the point?
So chaiya wanarat...COME ON, GIVE ME A BREAK!
Act like an intelligent adult and post like one and everyone will answer in kind, trust me on that. But also understand there are many who will not agree with you or even me. Thats fucking life.
Also chaiya wanarat you can IM or PM off line and continue this if you want. Better yet IM or PM me your REAL NAME so you dont come off like a coward