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how old is too old?

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  • how old is too old?

    i have had some people i know including my girl tell me that i'm too old to switch disciplines now and be able to compete. i have been training judo/ju jitsu since i was young but i'm only 24 years old. i think these people are crazy. i can understand my girl worrying about it because she just doesn't understand the reasons behind my love of martial arts. have any of you had people tell you you were too old for martial arts? im just curious what your take on this situation is.

  • #2
    I think no one is ever too old to learn or try a new skill; especially when it comes to martial arts. You think Dan Inosanto thought he was too old when he decided to learn Brazilian Jujitsu when he was near 70 years old?


    • #3
      Dont let ANYONE steal your dream bro


      • #4
        Yeah, you can do it.Dont listen to anyone. You are 24 you still got many, many years to go to train and do whatever you want. In the new era, we see fighters going into their late 30s early 40s. Key is always train smart and train wisely! Go for it!

        PS- girlfriends dont always give the best advice!


        • #5
          Mate, your girlfriend and your friends don't know shit, you have all the time in the world to change disiplines and compete.

          Do what you want as it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks anyway.


          • #6
            24 is young. Keep on learning!


            • #7
              i am 33 and i plan to ompete in mma when tim and daniel think i'm ready. if you think you are too old then you are. if you love it than you have all th time in the world.


              • #8
                I didn't start training in Muay Thai until I was 23 years old. I fought for a few years, then took a 10 year hiatus, came back and started fighting again and won a couple more titles while fighting guys who were literally HALF my age!

                Would I have done better had I started younger? Probably, but age only started becoming a factor in my mid-30's...


                • #9
                  sorry i haven't replied back to this in a while. been busy as hell with work school and the woman. thanks for the comments. i was planning on going ahead with training in Muay Thai anyways i was just wondering what you all thought about this. my girl and i have known each other since we were kids and i wasn't always the most level headed guy so she was mainly worried about me. I talked to her a while after i put this up and told her that the reason i calmed down when we were younger was because i started in martial arts. so now she doesn't have a problem with me switching from grappling to striking. I'm still trying to find a trainer for authentic Muay Thai now but its been a pain. i might just do the "dutch style" or whatever to get into better shape and get used to the style and then train for a while in Thailand.


                  • #10
                    Dutch MT is developing a reputation as being better than going to Thailand anyway.


                    • #11
                      That's crazy! I have guys that are 30 switching disciplines. You're going to leanr no prob, as long as your dedicated.


                      • #12
                        yeah i have a heavy bag in my garage and i run every day before i get ready for work so i'm in decent shape now. the main problem with really committing to martial arts that i have is that i work 12 hour shift work at a power plant so i kind of have to go with the one place that will do private lessons. my training times will vary every week because of my work schedule. either way its going to be interesting getting into striking after this long ass time in grappling.


                        • #13
                          Training around shift work can be difficult....I know as I do it. Eat well and get plenty of sleep and you should be fine mate.

                          Remember there are a ton of people out there who will love to tell you what you can't do.......tell them to get stuffed!


                          • #14
                            Your never to old for kool-aid ! ! !


                            • #15
                              Well I think 36 is too old. Well, I feel too old to do much now!
                              24 is really really young. Go for it!

