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Too many gangs

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  • Too many gangs

    Just wondering if this is a problem in other countries. In NZ, the fight scene is dominated by shit head, meth dealing, scum gang members and their associates.

    The clubs are too despite a lot of them being run by good trainers......just very dodgy participants.

    After 11 years of attending MT clubs, I have now fully left the club scene and train with a mate in my garage.....The only club I attend is in another town but has a staunch anti-gang rule and has created a positive environment without the bullshit.

  • #2
    Not in Italy. There may be some gang members or street thugs training, but to my knowledge muay thai gyms are clear of that kind of activity. One reason is that there's not enough money to be made in that activity.

    Boxing gyms would more likely be the target of the mob like in the US in the past for example, but in Italy some gyms in some tough areas are actually known for taking people off the street.


    • #3
      Boxing in NZ has a dubious element attached to it as well.....and they attract a lot of nutters. MT and boxing almost run hand in hand here and it looks like MMA is following.


      • #4
        Even MMA....well, the UFC bosses have their reputation after all.


        • #5
          Boxing gyms would more likely be the target of the mob like in the US in the past for example,

          but in Italy some gyms in some tough areas are actually known for taking people off the street.


          • #6
            For every good instructor whose helping people out......there are a whole shitload who are letting criminals and gang members become better and more brutal individuals so they can use there skills to continue to push the sale of methamphetamine and other illegal activities through the medium of boxing, MT and MMA.

            I know this sounds a bit negative and over generalised but in NZ it's a very real part of the fight scene. We used to get K1 events here.....we don't now.


            • #7
              you can get both positive and negative feedback know matter were you are. For the most part martial arts, kickboxing , boxing and MMA add a positive life style. If I had to deal with a mobster thats a fighter or a mobster thants not a trained fighter, i'd prefer to deal with the fighter. If your a meth head out there training Meth heads, then thats a bit screwed up , but it happens.

              i've instructed x atticks, X gangsters or wannabees before, and added a greate deal of positive influence and most of them learned from my teachings and kept there butts out of jail and out of trouble. You have your general gym rules, be stern about that and most kids will respect the rules. Alot of times a gym provides a better environment that home life, so you set a good example to fallow.


              • #8
                I hear you Scott. We live in a small country so I guess the clubs just take what they can get and that includes the troubled.

                I'm also a serving Police Officer so, in my mind, it better I don't hang out with the guys I'm trying to lock up. It just annoys me that an art that I've done for so long can be ruined by such dickheads.


                • #9
                  The Netherlands has had it's share of criminals in the fightscene in the past. Like Andre Brilleman. But it's all but gone now. The sport is getting more professionel each year. The only well known fighter these days who every now and then makes negative headlines is Badr Hari.


                  • #10
                    Indeed. I believe The Netherlands is now the place to go for Muay Thai training.

                    Despite Badr Hari's ability, the guy is a complete tool.


                    • #11
                      A few years back there was a report on how boxing clubs in the UK kept kids off the streets (showing my age by calling them kids....). But at the same time, was talking to a pal in Brazil a while ago, and he was thinking about trying BJJ there, but his local club instructor was forever having to give "character witness" for members that were in gang fights etc. If you go back the China, many kung-fu schools would be controlled and run by gangs.


                      • #12
                        In Singapore until relatively recently martial arts practitioners had to register with the government's "Martial Arts Control Unit" (MACU). They had big problems with gangs in the 1970s.


                        • #13
                          It's a shame to see that the criminal element has infected others clubs and styles around the world too.

                          I think it sucks and there probably needs to be more instructor responsibility as to who they let into the club.


                          • #14
                            Well, it's not all that suprising. If you need a bodyguard who will be your first pick? A martial artist or an olympic level waterpolo player?


                            • #15
                              I think I would take ex-military over a martial artist - considering that I myself am a martial artist and probably couldn't guard a sack of potatoes!

