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***wiang kwai/throwing the buffalo***

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  • ***wiang kwai/throwing the buffalo***

    Can anybody from muay chaiya tell me how it should be executed without damaging our knuckles?I mean,which part we've to use,The front of the first 2 knuckles(which is used for hook/straight/any ordinary punch) OR The dorsal part of hand(the side opposite to the palm and having little bit of knuckles' area to hit)!!!But when i hit with the dorsal part of hand,with as much force,i can,there also comes lot of pain,as there's some visible blood vessel running beside the knuckles(for everyone!).so,if there's someone well versed in chaiya,here in this 4m,ithen can you plz explain me how to use this "wiang kwai or throwing the buffalo punch" properly to its perfection!!!also,i know,behind the ear(mastoid region) don't necessarily need so much power to make it get burst,and i'm throwing more than enough power,but i'm still having a feel that what i'm doing isn't right?so,plz make me right!
    Also,some say it's the best punch of muay korat(so,if any korat muay learners in here,then i'll really appreciate your help if you come forward to reveal the secret!(as korat is mostly unknown to the world,right now!)

    ***plz enlighten me!Anybody!
    what is wiang kwai?
    will add it to my arsenal!

  • #2
    I'm not an expert nor a practioner of chaiya or korat, but I do try to find out everything I can about everything martial arts. I saw a documentary on muay boran once and it covered this strike briefly, it said the striking surface was with the top of the knuckles. This may be completely wrong, I don't know for sure. You should ask your kru. One thing also to keep in mind, in the old days they conditioned their tools very well, if you are injuring yourself you should first find out if you are doing it right and second condition your tools better. In this case your hands.


    • #3
      Your reply was both wise as well as Awesome bro!showing me your deep intelligence in muay thai but still i'm needing the info about the right area of hand to execute the strike,as i guess, it differs slightly from kru to kru too!


      • #4
        I'm sure that you will have a difference from kru to kru but as long as the mechanics and the conditioning is there the striking surface probably won't matter, nothing is perfect. About the poll, even a well placed jab is a good finisher. Bad poll. Also I only practiced muay thai for a few years when I was young, I practice pradal serey and kbach kun boran.


        • #5
          Although Im unsure of the way different Krus from both Muay Chaiya and Muay Korat would teach that punch I am sure that for all the 7 variations of hook to swing punches I would use the strongest 2 knuckles of the hand to impact with.

          Hope this helps the op a bit


          • #6
            ^thank you fire & yeah that helps!


            • #7
              punch came from korat style and not chaiya. chaiya guys dont know how to use it. korat are the masters of it. So check with korat.'

              Love it when a guy comes on with THE SECRETS, its a chaiya slogan! there ARE NO SECRETS! Thats a selling propaganda thing. i have MAE MAI but you dont! So what?


              • #8
                Nice one George.

                Here are my Cobra style secrets.. 1) Use common sense and 2) Apply hard work into using your common sense


                • #9
                  chaiya guys dont throw hooks well or at all, so they dont understand that mechanic. Korat guys did and put a hurting on them in real fights in the past from what i understand. im not up on the history or such, but i was told that by a number of people.

                  i would imagine if a korat guy used a chaiya technique, they would go ballistic and insane, they dont know the SECRETS of CHAIYA, they dont know how to use it!!! They can do everything and know everything. If chaiya wanarat, had a good teacher, he would have been taught how to do this punch correctly and wouldnt be asking. Good teachers produce good students.

                  firecobra: by the way, thanks for the cobra secrets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                  I'll stay positive here despite my lack of respect for a representative of the propaganda party( i guess maybe I should give them a shirt color or something so they fit into politics): Learn hook mechanics and how to execute a hook, learn the progressions, use focus or thai pads, use your lower body, pivot points, twisting activating the full body behind it(ohh! did i let go of some secrets here.....)


                  • #10
                    Nice to see you back!@Stando
                    Also,thanx for the "muay COBRA" secrets @firecobra.
                    Anyway,I used the word secrets bcoz i can hardly find a korat guy out there and i believe it's almost beyond extinction!and also those guys lock their arms fully,and i wonder, with a lot of swing power,how they're still protecting their elbow joints and want any korat guy to explain it and that's what i meant for secrets and nothing more!!!

                    i'm right now practicing martial arts for 4 years by now and i'm 21 and so,younger than most of you guys but still i'm fluid in my movements and there's no flaw in my lower body rotation/pivoting!

                    And like george said,it's a technique of korat,and i believe it's one of the explosive techniques and can kill a man/permanently make him deaf by bursting out the mastoid region or by severing the vagus nerve which runs behind the ear!But in chaiya,they incorporated this technique,yet using it with their own elbow bending method,so,i'm needing the advice from any experienced user of this technique and love to hear their opinion!!!THE END.


                    • #11
                      I've been here, so i dont know where the nice to see you back came from. I've been here all along.

                      Your technique description comes from the chaiya over elbaboration of killing!!! Maiming!!! Secrets!!! FOOLISHNESS!!!!

                      End this thread and conversation by simply asking your teacher. If you have a good teacher, then you will know the technique.

                      Ask your teacher to ENLIGHTEN YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                      • #12
                        Yeah!i'm enlightened already but as this is a style of Muay KORAT,and they used it to perfection to win matches,i made a thread to hear from them!I believe i don't belong to a single style,i was made for all the styles in the whole world and i can't ask a teacher of one style to teach like in some other style,in which he's not a kru of!!!After all,this forum was made to exchange thoughts between us,students right?


                        • #13
                          Yeah, it is but you come on, already with smirk, wink, wink of the chaiya non sense--i'm only 23 and i have been training only 10 years but i have enough education to approach things with some sense of intelligence which you dont. Now you are a student of the world---you are not only confusing but confused! also i think there is only one american that i know is versed in korat and he isnt on this forum.


                          • #14
                            plz any Muay korat student out there,plz come forward to share your comments with me!Being silent may be useful for you,but it'll never be useful for others!so,Open up!
                            @george,if you're not of muay korat,you can step out of this thread!Plz i don't wanna hear any crap talk/useless advices!!!I want some opinion,from people,WHO KNOWS WHAT THIS TITLE'S ABOUT!!!for others,plz don't flood/advice me coz i know what i'm doing;so,plz visit other threads and leave this to muay KORAT PROFESSIONALS!!!


                            • #15
                              HOLY SHIT! Now I have heard it all.

                              Chaiya wanarat is enlightened at 21 years old. Are you telling me chaiya leads to enlightenment????Please share the secrets. PLEASE>>>>>>>

                              If you were enlightened--you wouldnt worry about learning a technique to maim or kill someone.

                              This one takes the cake. I am saving this thread. I thought I had heard it all and then boom! here it comes all around again.

                              Train and practice. You live in fucking thailand, go train with a korat master and ask. Same way you found your damn chaiya master you go find a korat master, so he can laugh at you and send you home. How much easier does it get? Go ask your brilliant teacher.

                              There are no PROFESSIONALS. What the hell is a PROFESSIONAL? A professional fighter?

                              Like I said before stop writing like an american b boy--you fraud. YOU STEP OFF FOOL. You are acting like a fraud american asshole just like are acting like some kind of martial artist

                              You can take that to the bank.

