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***wiang kwai/throwing the buffalo***

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  • #16
    @kyuss,give me his email i.d.&and that styles of world(piece of shit),i wrote it just for fun and if any of you guys,got any humour sense,then you'd 've appreciated it by now!!!ROFL!!! @stando,AGAIN CRAP TALK/ADVICE!!!i don't wanna leave chaiya and i love it but i want to get perfection in only one move of another style!And I POSTED HERE BCOZ IT'S ONE OF THE BIGGEST 4M OF MARTIAL ARTS,so,hoping to get some good opinions/guidance!!!I didn't post here to hear Your FOOLISH,IMBECILIC,FUCKIN' CRITICISMS!!!you heard that right,punk?

    If you know,then share,if you don't then,SHUT YOUR _____ UP!okay?


    • #17
      Chiaya Wanarat yet another representative of chaiya= moron, imbecile.

      Get a dictionary and look that cuz you cant spell--stop the stupid I am a pseudo american shit. We have more than a sense of humor here but we suffer the fool badly.


      I have been posting on here since 2003--how are you to tell ME to SHUT UP!

      Stop the posturing, fronting and asshole behaviour you have exhibitied on this forum. You have 34 posts most of them are troublestarters. You arent looking for information, you are looking to start trouble. Like I said, you live in thailand, you have access to any of this information. GO OUT AND FIND IT! Every person on this forum would agree with that because thats what any of us would be if we could and were able to.

      Any INTELLIGENT person with an honest,sincere approach to finding answers usually does long as he is open to it.

      In fact go to the history books and look at all the times chaiya guys were knocked out cold with the buffalo swing, so there are ways they were using their elbows in the technique and short and long punches, chaiya teachers dont understand it and cant figure it why are they teaching it?????????????????????????????????????????????

      This is a big forum dedicated to MUAY THAI and oher kickboxing forums, and we do discuss old style things but if you are in thailand, why not use thai forums, and thai people to hunt out the teachers and learn the techniques????? Inteliigence dictates that this is where it would begin. Now if you did that and reported back your findings, it would be far more interesting as a thread.


      • #18
        Hey stando,what the hell,you think you're?you're not a superman!Superman my ass!!!lol!you're also a human with bones,flesh and blood,and it's easier for any thai people to kick your dumb/deaf ass and let you suck their cock!!!After all,you're a brazilian,and what you're gonna know about a thai art,I can surely say that you did only boxing stuff+thai round kick+a yat khao(knee FYI)without form and With these shits,you're going to kick my ass PHYSICALLY!UH?it'll be better to say it hiding behind your computer that you're the fuckin war~machine!!!I'm younger than you but i know i'm really stronger and i'm sure that i can surely kick your ass!!!After all,your boxing punches and a round kick won't stand against our elbows+knees+muay thai punches(not boxing ones ,as they seem powerless to you,but it's really not,still we've got elbows and knees and got less job for a punch to finish your fuckin head OFF!!!

        @stando, I really RESPECT YOU as you're both ELDER than me in AGE& IN THIS FORUM!!!But don't take that for granted and throw some crap talks!okay! That ain't right for your Age+Experience!!!

        you've gotta "Look before you leap"!If you go to someone,threatening that you can kick his ass,then i'm gonna know for sure that 'you're going to get your ass kicked&learn a lesson about your abilities and usage of time&place in using your fighting abilities!unless you use them well,you're not going to win anywhere and at anytime against anyone!!!

        "plz pardon me,if i hurt you a lot,but unless you learn to stop threaten people and show up like a smart ass,you never can prevent your ass from getting kicked!!!

        p.s:-Also,i'm not a trouble~starter,it's YOU!i asked for muay korat people,their opinion,and not and never to you!If you don't know,then why you try to answer!!!are you a moron!uh?
        I'm also not doing any FUCKIN PROPAGANDA for chaiya and i've got no use out of it!!as y'all know it!!!


        • #19
          Wow, chaiya wanarat you are way wrong. You are actually the fool. Read the posts carefully. you are telling someone to shut up, then saying you are going to kick their ass(so hopefully you will back that up) and if you do those things then you are starting the trouble. You dont like being called out but you are not a positive to this forum in any manner. You are acting like a little crybaby. Its pretty sad for you.


          • #20

            Originally posted by george stando View Post
            Get a dictionary and look that cuz you cant spell--stop the stupid I am a pseudo american shit.
            'Imbecilic' is an adjective,you retard!go and learn english,you illiterate asshole!
            Originally posted by george stando View Post
            I have been posting on here since 2003--how are you to tell ME to SHUT UP!
            I don't need to be the owner of this site,to say that!When you're doing wrong in my thread,then i've all the rights to say SHUT THE **** UP to you!

            Originally posted by george stando View Post
            Like I said, you live in thailand, you have access to any of this information. GO OUT AND FIND IT!
            It's harder to find a real korat master in thailand,almost all of them are fakes,who run their schools for dumbasses like you and real masters are reluctant to teach foreigners!!!

            Originally posted by george stando View Post
            This is a big forum dedicated to MUAY THAI and oher kickboxing forums, and we do discuss old style things but if you are in thailand, why not use thai forums, and thai people to hunt out the teachers and learn the techniques????? Inteliigence dictates that this is where it would begin. Now if you did that and reported back your findings, it would be far more interesting as a thread.
            coz i'm a FUCKIN' AMERICAN and i've got lang(****)age problem here!!!


            • #21
              chaiya wanarat:
              You talk shit like a little girl. You hide behind some phony ass name, say you are now going to kick my ass!!!!!!!!!!!! SO PM anytime here, click my name, send me a message. DO IT! Stop talking. Walk the walk. You are a tool. a keyboard warrior talking shit endless

              Nobody is doing WRONG in YOUR thread. This is an open forum, all can talk and all DO talk. Nobody stops anybody unless an admin steps in.

              You are a child. Your mother must be proud she bore such a useless human being into the world.

              You are actually funny, A genuine poster child for disfunction in martial arts. One more reason the grape kool aid should be avoided! So you are an american, even more reason, you were sold the world like the gullible fool you are.

              I said you were an imbecile. which is a noun and means a stupid person( as defined by your actions)as an adjective it would be used as in try not to make imbecile remarks. Try college it might help. I went and it did wonders for me.

              You just dont want to accept the fact from anyone on this forum that you are lost and misguided. So why bother arguing.

              funniest post ever:
              who run their schools for dumbasses like you and real masters are reluctant to teach foreigners!!!

              YOU are the one losing his time and money drinking the chiaya kool aid, you probably learned nothing and the thai teschers are probably laughing at your ass, taking 20 years to make you learn how to bare knuckle fight.

              The QUESTION remains who would TEACH YOU anything thailand. I can name many foreigners who learned so much there and where accepted because of their hard work and abilities.


              • #22
                @any administrators/moderators, Someone lock this thread,as these dumbasses don't understand why i started this thread and what i'm needing but they'll go on with their advices and showing pity over my replies!!!Enough is enough!when there's no use,atleast we'll save this site from huge flooders!

                Thanx for all good people who brought up their good opinions eg.firecobra.

                "F.u.c.k. off" for those crazy suckers,who gave useless advices to me & wasted my time stando,kyuss.

                (^the above is also for fun and i don't mean hurting you,so,get some humour sense and GET A LIFE!!!)


                • #23
                  Chaiya wanarat one day you will grow up and actually see what the truth is and you might have to send me a thank you note, in this case, if I am not here I will hopefully have one my cohorts accept it for me.

                  You are not off the hook, big mouth: PM me and step up, name and place in thailand, show you are not the coward we all think you are.

                  No one is going to lock the thread because you said so. You are NOBODY here but a disruption and a fool for our entertainment.


                  • #24
                    Just got a PM from the coward of chaiya wanarat:

                    *** off motherfucker!
                    **** off!uncle fucker! Will snipe you out,once i've identified you!bitch!

                    I am identified. I told him to send him his name, cell number in thailand and place. He sends me threatening messages. I sent him my personal email. I am giving him all the info he needs to contact me and all he needs to do is contact me back with info. The threats keep coming, but there is only air behind them.

                    Is the guy a psychopath? I am serious. I think he is truly unstable and emotionally not well.


                    • #25
                      jesus. the guy should be banned. he is not well at all. he might have went off the deep end because he knows he is getting ripped off by those teachers in thailand. all these threads bring it out more and more. man, this is some sad shit.


                      • #26
                        Very very sad. Also dumb ass no american says "humor sense." Twice! Crowd boo this man!


                        • #27
                          I would just like to add to the discussion without wanting to take sides., just to show that there are CHaiya teachers who have some common sense and really teach for the sake of it.
                          My teacher in Thailand teaches Chaiya as well, he is one of the many who studied with kru Tong and never looked down on other Chaiya teachers even though there's been one who tried to make trouble because he wanted to be the one and only.
                          Last time I went there I asked him what he thought of muay thai, he said muay thai fighters are the best fit to fight because that's what they do, that's their life and that's what they train for all day, without secrets and politics. Sure that's his thought, but given his experience in MA and as he very a very respectful person it makes sense to me.
                          Chaiya is a good method, but I heard from different sources that there is only one Chaiya teacher who brings his students to fight in Mae Sot, and others who stay in the shade and keep the bare-knuckle tradition alive.
                          All the other Thai fighters are muay thai I would look for a muay thai camp and start from there.
                          also because the muay Korat people stay among themselves and don't really publicize their art. I enquired about Muay Korat in Thailand and I got only vague answers. The impression I had was that they'd rather tell you they don't know than saying that they know.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by george stando View Post
                            chaiya guys dont throw hooks well or at all, so they dont understand that mechanic. Korat guys did and put a hurting on them in real fights in the past from what i understand. im not up on the history or such, but i was told that by a number of people.

                            i would imagine if a korat guy used a chaiya technique, they would go ballistic and insane, they dont know the SECRETS of CHAIYA, they dont know how to use it!!! They can do everything and know everything. If chaiya wanarat, had a good teacher, he would have been taught how to do this punch correctly and wouldnt be asking. Good teachers produce good students.

                            firecobra: by the way, thanks for the cobra secrets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            I'll stay positive here despite my lack of respect for a representative of the propaganda party( i guess maybe I should give them a shirt color or something so they fit into politics): Learn hook mechanics and how to execute a hook, learn the progressions, use focus or thai pads, use your lower body, pivot points, twisting activating the full body behind it(ohh! did i let go of some secrets here.....)

                            Funny you should mention hooks, I remember when I saw these taught (they looked more like swings, actually) I told my teacher that I thought boxing got the job done faster and in a more simple way. I thought he was going to get angry but he agreed!
                            To me it was an example of keeping an open mind an being receptive to all arts, as usual the only way to know for sure is to try it all out.


                            • #29
                              Like any style its not all teachers some are good and some are bad THAT GOES WITHOUT SAYING!

                              But from what i felt personally in thailand and across the boards from here, other sites, youtube, its the same thing wrapped in a different color from place to place.

                              I mean truly and honestly they dont get any respect in thailand so maybe that's the main thing with the whole attitude. Any kaimuay, nakmuay or ajaan will just laugh at the idea of them kicking their asses--- So one side laughs at the other. So i guess its equal.


                              • #30
                                i think from across the internet the issues are clear. i just couldnt figure something out, why try to learn something so outside the system when the guy cant even do or understand the system he is doing? then not ask your teacher?

