Can somebody plz explain me the basic attack movements of krabi krabong;plz don't tell kali movements!Also i heard there are 20 forms in krabi krabong,if possible,please add a note about it too!!thanx in advance.
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(HELP) Proper Attack Movements Of Krabi Krabong?????
chaiya wanarat i like your new attitude but also sending emails to people under various "names" about the "secrets" of krabikrabong please see the thai teachers telling you this nonsense and learn from themNo one is going to answer an email from anonymous sources as most of the chiaya guys do who have sent me endless threats and bullshit all hiding like cowards I got a mailbox both here and to my personal email filled with this crap.
Dont worry about what americans or europeans knowTrust me many of them are incredible fighters and very knowledgeable despite what the thais are drilling into your head.
NOBODY is going to SHARE anything with people who hide behind fake names and fake personalities while trying to mock people because they think they are superio Its not going to fly and as you can see no one really wants to answer anything you ask.... so forget the (HELP) questions, GROW UP
AND PLEASE DONT INSULT MY INTELLIGENCE by claiming yet again to be someone else and not owning up to being chaiya wanarat! PLEASE DONTLast edited by george stando; 12-30-2010, 02:24 AM.
Yes guys. Listen, the same day he dug up a thread from 2006 under the name kick of death ((again another play on his fantasy world)) he sent emails to other people some not on this board under names like tony jaa(the emails are almost identical to this post) the emails were sent around and the people i knew personally on the board shared them and all knew it was chaiya wanarat immediately. Its the same thing when he used tony moore, zadra, he impersonates people and expects to get answers.
Dont worry i got my bullseye on these little wimps and im slowly tracking them down one by one. They keep threatening, insulting people through emails and running away. Let them run their mouths on and only shows more and more what we talk about on this forum is TRUE and the gibberish being spread to stupid people is being exposed.
We need you as the moderator Tant01! Nobody else will do. I just have this momentary thing going on here with some people running the mouth that needs to be addressed. Its just about ended we are not going to entertain him like the last time. he is going to be talking to himself on this forum from here on in cause nobody is going to bother but maybe we can give him his own little corner like a crib called the chaiya wanarat( or who am i today? I dont even know)soapbox for mindless children.
Hi tan01
In this case it did because the email was identical to what was circulated as well as the wording and the choice of nameThe emails arrived in several members personal email boxes just as he arrived here.
Anyone can post here as they do and anyone can answer this question still if they so feel rightIf kick of death protested that he was being put upon and was incorrectly identified he would have said so believe me and then that would have been dealt with by moderators or forum members. We didnt see that at all. He is guilty and he knows it.
I think the problem is there needs to be a moderator to step in to control the action because sometimes we need a ref. It gets carried away and i admit doesnt make the forum look good because within those threads are awesome info that gets lost. So before it gets too far the moderator can say like other forums keep it on track or the entire thread gets deleted. Just my ideas on it not a criticism of anyone.
I believe the forum has tackled tough issues and brought out things no other forum could or would becuase of the arguments. it has been heard clearly heard and read in thailand and other countries by many as the emails that hit my personal email and IM here show.
A new person or new member can do as he pleases posts as he wants but also he has to realize that there might be strong opinions here that might not agree with him as in any free democratic environment then POST AWAY.
This question is still up here. So if someone wants to indulge it BE MY GUEST--------
Thanks everyone. I haven't been able to get to a computer lately, but Kick of Death surely knows that any of the 20+ certified krabi-krabong instructors in the United States would love to see him come to a seminar, or a class, or a workshop...or even an alley. Safe bet that will never happen!