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Quotes For Martial Artists To Live By

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  • Quotes For Martial Artists To Live By

    "Everyone has a plan, 'til they get hit."-Mike Tyson

    "You don't have to do your best every day. You just have to do every day."-Marvin Hagler

    "I can do it you can do it."-Surachai Sirisute

    "There are people who do things, and people who take the credit. The trick is to be in the first group, there's a lot less competition."-Edward R Murrow

  • #2
    hasn't anyone but me ever read a book?

    Jeez, I thought this would get something from you people! Everyone has a mantra or a saying they use constantly, just put them here. You can never tell what might be important to someone else that is trivial to you. I'll add a Thai folk saying:

    A friend puts the knife in from the front


    • #3
      Reality is just a collective hunch -- Lilly Tomlin

      Chance favors the prepared mind. -- Pascal

      No one laughs at a victimless joke -- Brokenmace

      The value of truth is the price of its consequence -- Brokenmace

      I didn't sellout, I bought in. -- unkown

      Perseverance is not a long race; it is many short races, one after the other. -- Walter Elliott

      Even the highest towers begin from the ground. -- Chinese proverb

      I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: 'O Lord, make my enemies ridiculous.' And God granted it. -- Voltaire


      • #4
        After an enjoyable seminar with Pak Herman, we were sitting around chatting and nursing our sore legs. My girlfriend at the time had driven her jeep into the parking lot and I noticed her outside, and tried to wave her in. She shook her head, and motioned for me to hurry up and get out there. Pak Herman, with Ibu Shannon, asked me if that was my girlfriend. I said yes it was, and he asked if he could meet her. I ran in an tried to pursuade her to come in, but she refused claiming she was in a hurry and what not. The truth is, she was always a little timid around the gym and didn't feel comfortable. I went in and told Pak Herman that she was shy and wouldn't come in. He shook his head and while smiling said. "If you train together, you stay together".

        Sure enough, shortly after we broke-up, and now I am living happlily with my current girlfriend, in the midst of a six month trip for both of us to train and fight in Thailand.

        I wonder if anyone else has had any experiences like this. Pak Herman was such a pleasant person, and had quite a "way" about him.



        • #5
          Make them think you are week when you are strong and strong when you are week - The art of war

          Some people look at things as they are and ask, why?... I look at things as they should be and ask, why not? - J.F.K

          The best way to stop a punch is to not be there - Mr. Myagi

          The only fair fight is the one I am winning - Me

          These are some of my favorites and I look forward to seeing others


          • #6
            It's not the size of the dogs fight in the dog....... No, hold on. It's not the fight of the size of the dog? No, this is it, It's not the dog of the size of the fight, it is the fight of the dog in the size? Of the dog?


            • #7
              i like hot dogs---holte2


              • #8
                - Its better to be under the dragons nose then in his path...


                • #9
                  Whatever attitude you are in, do not be conscious of making the attitude; think only of cutting. -- The Book of Five Rings

                  Study strategy over the years and achieve the spirit of the warrior. Today is victory over yourself of yesterday; tomorrow is your victory over lesser men. -- The Book fo Five Rings

                  If you fail to take advantage of your enemies’ collapse, they may recover. -- The Book of Five Rings

                  To reduce someone’s influence, first expand it;
                  To reduce someone’s force, first increase it;
                  To overthrow someone, first exalt them;
                  To take from someone, first give to them.
                  This is the subtlety by which the weak overcome the strong:
                  Fish should not leave their depths,
                  And swords should not leave their scabbards.
                  -- The Tao Te Ching


                  • #10
                    I like: "(WHAM!) " Keep da hahn' uhp, suh." --S. Sirisute


                    • #11
                      I don't get mad. I don't get even. I get ahead!!! - Me



                      • #12
                        "If you cant do it now, then whats the point?"

                        Carlson Gracie jr.

                        "Better graves than slaves."


                        "I also enjoy hot dogs."





                        • #13
                          My other saying (that I use often to explain to people why I train so much).

                          I'd rather know it and not need it, then need it and not know it.


                          (what about Tofurkey?)


                          • #14
                            Better to be judged by 12 than carried by six. -- unknown

                            To kill your enemies and see their women driven before you. This is the only meaning of life. -- Conan, The Barbarian

                            If they want to take my reputation, they'll have to do it with a sword -- Antonio Illustrisimo, Founder: Kalis Illustrisimo

                            Grave diggers have families too. -- unkown boxer, when asked why he was so brutal

                            Use your enemy's hand to catch a snake. -- Persian Proverb


                            • #15
                              speaking to bank teller result in high fees---holte2

