You spend years training your fighting abilities but do you even know at what point you would resort to using them. Do you hit somone only if they hit first? Do you warn them beforehand? Do you use a pre-emptive strike eg: a guy you dont like they look of walks up to you menacingly so you perform your well rehersed thai roundhouse kick, watch him drop to the floor then walk away knowing that you escaped unharmed, before realising that the guy you just "defeated" was actualy just trying to inform you that you had dropped something. Do you hit them once then stop or do you make sure that they are completely defeated. would you hit a woman? what if there was a group of armed women would you hit them then? would you hit someone in the groin or with a weapon (or even in the groin with a weapon!) if you were losing? Would you join in a fight if someone was attacked?(and on whose side?) i hope i have given you something to think about.
