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At what point do you hit someone?

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  • At what point do you hit someone?

    You spend years training your fighting abilities but do you even know at what point you would resort to using them. Do you hit somone only if they hit first? Do you warn them beforehand? Do you use a pre-emptive strike eg: a guy you dont like they look of walks up to you menacingly so you perform your well rehersed thai roundhouse kick, watch him drop to the floor then walk away knowing that you escaped unharmed, before realising that the guy you just "defeated" was actualy just trying to inform you that you had dropped something. Do you hit them once then stop or do you make sure that they are completely defeated. would you hit a woman? what if there was a group of armed women would you hit them then? would you hit someone in the groin or with a weapon (or even in the groin with a weapon!) if you were losing? Would you join in a fight if someone was attacked?(and on whose side?) i hope i have given you something to think about.

  • #2
    It always depends. Every situation is different. There is no universal answer to any of your questions other than: don't wait for the other person to hit first.


    • #3
      I hit people for stuff like looking better than me, opening windows, wearing the same clothes as me, and sometimes people just come up and ask me to hit them.

      to be honest i dont like hitting folks. but sometimes you just have to when youre threatened.

      1. if someone threatens your life...knock them out cold.
      2. if someone hurts your lady(physically, emotionally, mentally)...beat them senseless.
      3. if someone hits you...hit back.
      4. but if you can...hit them first.


      • #4
        I have never been of the opinion that you should wait for the other person to strike first. IF the threat is imminent, you attack! plain and simple, then there is no question of becoming a victim. Even absolute masters of any martial arts can get caught by a unexpected haymaker and get knocked the **** out. Why wait?


        • #5
          On the moment he try to attack/hit me...not a second earlier or a second later... B.S.


          • #6
            You must have lightning fast jedi reflexes to do that man. Sorry but thats just rollin the dice if you ask me. You could get lucky or you could get knocked the f*ck out!


            • #7
              That's true, but I don't want to hit someone unnecessary if you know what i mean. And yes you are right, you reflax has to be very fast. I also have to mention that I have never been in such a position. I always try to avoid such situations. B.S.


              • #8
                Trying to gauge if and when someone may take a swing at you is not always a simple matter. Don't wait for the other guy to hit first. If you have moral and legal justification, strike first. You have a very low probability of being successful in a first strike any other way.


                • #9
                  Why is it so difficult? If someone is in your face, and in your engagement zone, then swing away! If someone is talkin sh!t from a distance then walk away, but if they close the distance be ready, then when they enter your engagement zone( say the distance for a nice jab,cross,right kick) go for it. It can mean the difference of walkin away from the fight , or being cleaned off the pavement with a sponge and a plastic bag.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by JIMI
                    Why is it so difficult? If someone is in your face, and in your engagement zone, then swing away! If someone is talkin sh!t from a distance then walk away, but if they close the distance be ready, then when they enter your engagement zone( say the distance for a nice jab,cross,right kick) go for it. It can mean the difference of walkin away from the fight , or being cleaned off the pavement with a sponge and a plastic bag.
                    not all people enjoy getting into fights.....alot of times people talk shit and dont want to fight....if someone is in your face that still doesn't mean that you have any ill will towards that person.

                    If you dont dislike the person punching him first, and then continously attacking until the "threat" is gone is VERY HARD. Its hard to tell if the person is just letting off some steam, or wants to rip your head off.

                    Its very hard to go all out on a guy just for talking shit, some times you could be afraid, then you definately will want to do anything you can NOT to fight, and get the hell out of there.

                    alot of people have a hard time thinking about kicking the sh!t out of people. Therefore it would be harder to give the first shot.

                    Its hard to tell when an "disagreement" crosses the line into were someones life or well being is threatened.

                    My opinion is generaly that the guy who attacks first, is the instigator, and therefore responsible for the fight occuring. Though thats not always the case, for the most part i still feel this way. If i wanted a fight, or didn't care, getting the first shot wouldn't be to hard.

                    Thats why its so difficult for some people to tell when to take the first shot.


                    • #11
                      Well believe me it would not be something i would enjoy. I constantly practice self control mostly because i am afraid of seriously hurting someone. All i am saying is that if you are of the opinion that you should not wait first, then a good time to tell when you should go ahead and make a first move is when they are within reach and could be imminently endangering your safety. Otherwise you must rely on your particular relationship with the force


                      • #12
                        You spend years training your fighting abilities but do you even know at what point you would resort to using them.
                        When all other forms of getting out of a bad situation have failed.


                        • #13
                          Be smart

                          As a cop, I realize two sides exist here. None of us want to take a hit. But legally, if you're not defending youself against an unarmed attack, you're looking at assault or battery, depending on your state/country. Very seldom can the justificaiton be made that striking first is defense, unless your wouldbe attacker is armned and you feel in fear of your life.

                          As far as making mention or warning of skills. Don't do it. That's asking for a fight. You can be diplomatic and try to use reason. There is a book called Verbal Judo, written by George Thompson. Give it a read. He was a cop and has a great perspective on the situation.

                          Groin shots... if you're in danger: hit and get out. It's that simple. You're not fighting for points on the street. Your attacker may want you dead more than you want to win!

                          Now.. the common sense approach. You should have an honest gut feeling if someone is going to cause trouble. If you can't avoid it... always.. always... always: do what's right. Even in court, if it comes down to that, you will end up on the better side. Don't take a chance and get hit. No matter how good you are, there is always someone who knows more.

                          I hope this lends some help.


                          • #14
                            Be smart

                            As a cop, I realize two sides exist here. None of us want to take a hit. But legally, if you're not defending youself against an unarmed attack, you're looking at assault or battery, depending on your state/country. Very seldom can the justificaiton be made that striking first is defense, unless your wouldbe attacker is armned and you feel in fear of your life.

                            As far as making mention or warning of skills. Don't do it. That's asking for a fight. You can be diplomatic and try to use reason. There is a book called Verbal Judo, written by George Thompson. Give it a read. He was a cop and has a great perspective on the situation.

                            Groin shots... if you're in danger: hit and get out. It's that simple. You're not fighting for points on the street. Your attacker may want you dead more than you want to win!

                            Now.. the common sense approach. You should have an honest gut feeling if someone is going to cause trouble. If you can't avoid it... always.. always... always: do what's right. Even in court, if it comes down to that, you will end up on the better side. Don't take a chance and get hit. No matter how good you are, there is always someone who knows more.

                            I hope this lends some help.


                            • #15
                              But legally, if you're not defending youself against an unarmed attack, you're looking at assault or battery, depending on your state/country. Very seldom can the justificaiton be made that striking first is defense, unless your wouldbe attacker is armned and you feel in fear of your life.
                              I realize that you are a LEO and that this is your area of expertise, but I must disagree. When a reasonable fear of serious bodily harm or death exists, the law clearly gives you the leeway to use proactive force. Of course, one must be reasonable, but the option is there. If someone says "I'm going to f$cking kill you, you little b!tch," and they potentially are able to do this, you definitely have the right to strike first. The court does take into account relatives size and strength of the two (or more) people involved. That said, you need to be able to rationalize your action with something better than "I was scared." Offering rationale for your actions is very important. That's why you should NEVER, repeat NEVER answer questions for the police before consulting an attorney first. In the aftermath of a confrontation, you will likely be adrenalized, excited, possibly scared, and not thinking clearly. The police will arrest everyone at the scene, so keeping your mouth shut is advisable. The phrase "anything you say or do can and will be used against you in a court of law" is not a joke. DO NOT MAKE ANY STATEMENTS. Better yet, if you have the opportunity to take off before the law arrives, you might want to do it. The aggressor or criminal often presses charges against the victim. If it's your word against his, there's no telling who will come out on top legally.

