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Question about training heavy bags

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  • Question about training heavy bags

    I went to academy today and took a look at heavy punching bags. They had a 60 lbs one hanging there so I decided to whack it and play around with it. The first few times were ok, but I began to notice a sharp pain in my right wrist. Joint pain, perhaps?

    Is this normal on a heavy bag? (I put on the bag gloves on that were lying about) Would someone's wrists have to be conditioned to accept this? Or was there a problem in my form? I hit with decent force, but not very very hard, and it was a pretty straight punch. (Although the bag was moving, it was only 60 lbs.)

  • #2
    I learned the hard way that you should never hit a heavy bag without first wrapping your hands and putting on some bag gloves. The pain in your wrist will eventually go away. Always take the time to wrap your hands before you hit the bag.


    • #3

      why should you not hit the bag without wrapping your hands then putting on bag gloves? whats the difference between a bag glove and a normal glove? I do not do these things and at first my left wrist would sometimes hurt but not any more.


      • #4
        I am very surprised that the trainer of that gym would allow anyone to punch a bag without wrapping first. The difference between gloves is mainly weight. Bag gloves tend to be 8oz or less. Regular gloves would be 10oz and up to legal boxing size 16oz. A tip on improving strength in your your minimum 200 pushups a night on your knuckles.


        • #5
          .....yes. And this will also ensure that you can barely use your hands by the time you are 40.

          This "problems with punching" type thread has come up so often it is amazing. The human hand was not meant to punch. When will you all realise?


          • #6
            Well i am just passing along info that was taught to me from my Thai instructor. Remember that we are fighting in there and not making love, so something is bound to get hurt. You really confuse me Bri Thai? If you truly believe that, then why are you here in a thai boxing forum? Humans have been engaging in hand to hand combat since the beginning of the creation of this world.
            Last edited by JIMI; 02-18-2003, 02:56 PM.


            • #7
              heavy bags

              all training should be done in stages and punching heavy bags is a long time into training, start with a nice light bag to build up your speed & do lots of wrist strenthening exercises like knuckle press-ups (with your gloves on for beginners) & chin-ups.
              holding a thai-pad can be good at conditioning & build-up for arms if you tense your arms & stomach & breath out as the kick makes contact.
              also going down into a nice straight knuckle press-up position and hold it for as long as you can without sagging your chest or pointing your butt to the ceiling.
              do knuckle press-ups in pyramids to break it up like : 5,10,15,20,15,10,5. (it's harder than it looks).
              and don't forget LEARN TO BANDAGE PROPERLY!!

              Good luck


              • #8
                Originally posted by JIMI
                Well i am just passing along info that was taught to me from my Thai instructor. Remember that we are fighting in there and not making love, so something is bound to get hurt. You really confuse me Bri Thai? If you truly believe that, then why are you here in a thai boxing forum? Humans have been engaging in hand to hand combat since the beginning of the creation of this world.
                Thai Boxing has got a whole lot more to offer than just punching. And I know that humans have engaged in H2H, but what is your point?


                • #9
                  no disrespect...
                  but it aint the trainers fault that he punched the bag without gloves or raps...

                  it's the guy who choses to be a dumb ass... lol
                  and hit the bag... without proper equiptment....

                  the trainer can't be there all the time..

                  i can hit a 200 pound bag without gloves or raps.. im just used to it....

                  i sometimes **** up the wrist but i have learned to use the gloves when i'm really training..

                  but what can i say..

                  buy some raps that strap your wrists..


                  • #10
                    I'm still laughing at your thinking a 60-lb bag was a 'heavy bag'


                    • #11
                      Well, do you *REALLY* have to put on bag gloves? Cause was just wonring, heard a saying here before, something about if your training for the streets, punch the bag without gloves!


                      • #12
                        Kickboxing and "streetfighting" are two completely different animals. If you choose to strike someone on the "street" I recommend using open hands instead of fists...



                        • #13
                          IMO if your going to hit the heavy bag regularly, then you should constantly switch what you hit with, wraps, wraps and gloves, gloves, barehanded, etc.


                          • #14
                            Be a fighter not a fairy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            I started on a 75lbs. bag, I don't use gloves just wrapps and dit da jow. It took the skin off the first 2 times now my hands don't even fell the "bag burn". I have a vinyl bag too. You are also probably hitting wrong too.
                            Last edited by goatnipples2002; 03-17-2003, 11:32 PM.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by kh_s
                              Well, do you *REALLY* have to put on bag gloves? Cause was just wonring, heard a saying here before, something about if your training for the streets, punch the bag without gloves!
                              I would still wear wraps and bag gloves.AT least wraps. I have an 80lb bag and solid. I'd feel the punch down to the toes. It does get easier. I still see professional nhb guys breaking their hands punching to the head in compition. Mostly these guys strike with their palms (if they stike to the head at all).
                              Dont forget wrist curls and reverse wrist curls help too. Most importantly- good technique! Hit with the first 1 to 2 knucles. Wrist straight. 1st knuckle in-line with the wrist. Wrist in line elbow, etc. With hooks I find it easier to hit with my fist vertical rather than horizontal, but it depends on range.

