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Broken Leg

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  • #61

    What the hell did you do? I saw those images and thought about them. Those are not the kind of images I would want sitting at my desk. Patch those wounds up! Good job! I hope I never have to fight you.


    • #62
      Re: Broken Leg

      Originally posted by retired
      Ive been involved in thaiboxing for about 15 years or more & 7 months ago i broke my right fibia & tibia 20 sec's into a fight by throwing a downward turning kick at my apponent but i caught his hip bone as he turned & my leg carried on & snapped off half way down my shin, i then stepped onto it not knowing and u can guess the rest...
      anybody had this happen & how long did it take them to recover.

      Thanx for replies
      i just had lower screws removed to relieve pressure on ankle but titanium rod & top screws staying, hoping to start back with stretching & a little fitness this weekend.
      SHIT that must have hurt like a son of a bitch.

      Oh well you know what they say"SHIT HAPPENS"

      I hope that never happens to me but of course I know anybody stepping in the ring is taking a chance with any part of the body.You unfortunately got it pretty bad.

      I've busted my nose and jaw and even gone temporarily paralized in one leg but **** I've never had it as bad as you.

      Get better,train harder,fighter faster and harder and win next time.

      Don't let a broken shin get in your way of wanting to train again.

      Bones heal most of the time anyways.


      • #63
        Thanx for the interest & the reply.

        Im back training now & it seems to be going well & hopefully better next year when i can start to build up my kick again although my left leg makes up for the loss of my right as the power at the moment is knocking the padman back & im not back to 100% yet.

        I suppose that's because im 6'4" high and i have long legs so the momentum and leaverage builds up a powerfull kick without a large muscle requirment (bri-thai will tell you).


        • #64
          Hi everyone.....well it's 5 months now since i trained in MT, in fact in ANY type of training & im now 14.4 stone (bearing in mind that i was 12.0 when i broke my leg) so its a new year & hopefully a new begining for me in 2004.

          After a bad injury like mine it can be hard to push yourself knowing that you wont compete again or maybe not kick again if i listen to the do-gooders & i have found it hard after pushing myself for a year & a half, & only getting slightlly back to my old ways & then giving up on myself for 5 months, but now in the new year i think it's time to get up off my fat arse & start to get back into my training & sort out my leg so i can kick heavy again........maybe now at the end of january when i finally (hopefully) have my own place i can start some serious training & get rid of this belly of mine LOL.

          Goodbye flab Hello MT again for 2004.

          Happy new year


          • #65
            Hey Retired! Good luck in getting back into training!


            • #66
              Yeah cheers mate, hoping to go finally this sunday, been havin loads of aching in my leg over the last few weeks & dont know if it's just the cold weather or just were i aint been stretching & training it


              • #67
                Good luck retired!

                Can you compete with the shin pads, like they do in amateur muay thai in the US?


                • #68
                  Maybe or i could just go back to normal and use my shin in the ring but is it worth it, im now 33 & just starting a family so i have to start thinking about the future when i get older .

                  Im just going to train to stay fit & too look after myself .

                  thanxs anyway mate



                  • #69
                    Good Luck!

                    Studies have shown that for Muay Thai kickboxers the probability of having super bad if not crippling arthritis by the time they are forty is very high. you seem to be going strong. keep going.


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by retired
                      ...been havin loads of aching in my leg over the last few weeks & dont know if it's just the cold weather or just were i aint been stretching & training it
                      Do keep us informed of your progress, routine, etc. I'm personally interested because of my injury (minor, by comparison to yours) and what type of recovery I can ultimately expect.

                      Have you noticed any changes or adaptations in your training, use of certain techniques, mental attitude, etc. (I mean, aside from slacking of for a few months.) I've noticed that I've become more protective of the injured leg and more predictable to my sparring partners, seldom attacking from the injured side. I'm currently working to correct that tendency, but it's subconcious and difficult to root out.

                      Best of luck in your training,


                      • #71
                        Cheers all, yes you become more aware of your injury which i suppose is just human nature but i think the younger you are the better chance you have of recovering in mind & body.

                        Im to slack at the moment but have to much going on outside of the gym in my life at the moment but i do plan on getting back to my old self some time soon.


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by retired
                          ... i think the younger you are the better chance you have of recovering in mind & body...
                          Well, you've just dashed all my hopes as I'm about 18 years older than you.
                          I guess I'll have to develop some sort of one-legged martial arts style
                          (Hop-ki-Do? "Limp Puny" Muay Thai?)


                          • #73
                            Sorry it's just me at the moment as i haven't been in a MA mood for a while but i will return .


                            • #74
                              Not to worry, I know the feeling well. Hey, at least you're still talking about returning.


                              • #75
                                Yeah iv'e been waiting 8 months for a house & have to wait another 2 before it's sorted which is doing my head in, i got a really bad case of flu just before we broke up for xmas & then to top it all off my uncle passed away on 28th Dec totally unexpected .

                                But as they all say our lives must go on .

                                Anyway thanx for the reply's.


