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Broken Leg

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  • #16
    cheers bri!!!!
    anyway see if this makes sense as it's well confused me.
    i done 2 days of 1hr cold static stretches & iv'e noticed stretch markes on my inner legs lately & inner tendons have started to give in against resistance but without any pain, iv'e been doing my floor stretches with heavy breathing and relaxing & lowering on the out breath sometimes with someone pushing me down & have increases already.
    people have said it's because i haven't exercised for 8 mths & the tendons have relaxed due to muscle shrinkage (like a child's tendons) & if i stick with stretching only until at maximum then add exercises i will keep flexibility.
    if anybody has done this or knows different please tell me.
    Attached Files
    Last edited by retired; 04-02-2003, 12:59 PM.


    • #17
      also done this?
      Attached Files


      • #18
        Are you both frowning because your facing the wrong way?


        • #19
          Bri Bri Bri, i expect more from you.......Your quite welcome to come down to Newport to train with me so i can F***@@~~~ Y***@@~$££...............Must Take Valium.................Bas****@@:?#..........Ignore the Voices..........The Ppaaaiiiiinnn........ZZZZzzz ZZZZzzzzz (i see a vision)
          Attached Files


          • #20
            Originally posted by Bri Thai
            PS - has anyone seen my incontinence pants?
            Was your ring-name "Slasher" by any chance


            • #21
              No, I was called Slusher.........

              Anyway retired. I could easily beat you with my internal energy. It runs all the way down my back and manifests itself in the form of a yellow streak.

              And you'd be so easy to outrun, as you'd be hopping..........


              • #22
                if you where in the ring i could rush around in circle's dragging my right leg behind me while lashing out....LOL

                the boys have been threatening to hide magnets at strategic places around the gym just to see me throw wacky kicks & moves (Bast@#*'s).

                any intelligent reply's out there?


                • #23
                  Originally posted by retired
                  if you where in the ring i could rush around in circle's dragging my right leg behind me while lashing out....LOL

                  the boys have been threatening to hide magnets at strategic places around the gym just to see me throw wacky kicks & moves (Bast@#*'s).

                  This thread is classic

                  Hey by the way everyone, I'm off back to Lanna this summer if everything goes to plan. Not bad for a broke student who hasn't worked in over 2 years

                  Its all about having a PLAN...


                  • #24
                    Dave you Bast... you cant imagine how jealous i am.......oh look another student skrimping off my tax!!!!!


                    • #25
                      Ha, not from your tax I'll have you know. I'm paying my way through the fantastic thing that is Student Account Overdrafts

                      Natwest have an ever so usefull interest free overdraft of almost 1.5 grand, more than enough for me to have an awesome 2 months out there.

                      And I only have to worry about paying it back when I have a job with a certain amount of income per year. Superb

                      And remember, the last time I went my Thai website didn't exist. This time round I will have the website in mind with EVERYTHING I do and so will come back with the best pictures and video clips I possibly can, you wait an see...


                      • #26
                        cant wait mate, & i'll have some more fight clips for you from my gym.


                        • #27
                          Well fellow MA's it will be 1 yr next week from when i broke my leg (my how time flys) & if your interested i will tell you how my recovery has been.

                          Well one thing that people said was that i would get trouble in the cold weather but i ain't noticed anything yet?

                          Most professionals that i contacted in the UK said i was finished in MA, well they can kiss my bright white ass!!!! cause im still here.

                          I do have the odd bit of pain but its minimal & mostlly located around the tendons of my knee due to the stress of operation but i still havent started hoping or any exercise where my feet leave the ground (the shock still plays on my mind), but now that it's a year i think i need to start to put a little shock into my leg so i started to wear daps (yes like the kungfu ones) around in work to see if it helps.

                          Training has been ok but it has been frustating when your holding the pads for a kicker & your trying to explain the details of a kick but without being able to do it physically, i did notice that when i punched for a while i couldn't get my leg to pivot/bend when throwing the cross but with practice its now a hard punch again but with high combo's i get a little niggly crampy pain on the inside tendon on the back of the leg behind knee (dont know the name) & the same when i knee with it.

                          The plus points i am happy with is that i am now 13.5 stone or 86kgs (189.6lbs) as apposed to my old weight 12 stone or 72kgs (158.7), with this extra weight & the skill of technique i now feel i can hit harder with less effort, oh yes & i now have a much easier job due to my relocation in work due to my injury (nice of them).

                          Train Hard & Win Easy

                          What you may think as the end can turn into a new beginning
                          Last edited by retired; 06-28-2003, 09:08 AM.


                          • #28
                            I know how you could defeat retired. Challenge him to a fight--right next to an MRI machine. It's pretty hard to fight when you're leg is stuck to the wall.



                            • #29
                              Ha Ha, you been talking to bri-thai for to long.......anyway i dont think titanium works with magnets (i hope). LOL

                              one things for sure with the amount of callis & the rod i'd be suprised if it happened again (not that i'll try).


                              • #30
                                Well my 1 yr anniversary passed with no problems (6th july) & i did manage 50 free standing full squats (its a lot for me now) at the end of a lesson this week without any hassle so hopefully im on the mend, those daps seem to help as all that hard surface walking seems to have ironed out some of the niggles in my ankle.

                                I plan on starting to light kick with my good leg now to see how my twist on my recovering leg holds out & decide from there when i'll kick with that leg.

                                One thing im wondering about is that after my 6 mth x-ray (feb 2003) would i normally have another one or would i only have one if i had any future problems?

                                p.s. bri-thai - i dont know if i should now start upping my exercise regime to get rid of my belly or maybe get you to adopt me as your twin brother!!! LOL (nice talkin 2 u).
                                Last edited by retired; 07-10-2003, 12:25 PM.

