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Broken Leg

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  • #76
    How's that line from the John Lennon song go? " is what happens while you're busy making plans..."

    Hang in there, mate. Everything eventually sorts itself out.


    • #77


      • #78
        Hi Everyone, aint been on here for ages.
        How is everyone?
        anyone heard from JP Prideaux?

        Still aint training at the moment but WILL (honest) get back into it once i sort everything out in my life.

        Anyway merry Xmas & have a happy new year


        • #79
          Leg injury

          Hey man, what's up? Just caught this thread today and you're the only person that has had a leg injury anywhere close to being as bad as mine. Have the doctors removed the tibial nail yet. It was in your leg on the x-ray. If not, that's the main reason for feeling the weather. I had an 11mm diameter one and after it was removed, most of the pain went away. My injury was to my left tibia-fibula in 1995, and now I can kick like a mule with it. In my case the tibia was bone grafted to the fibula in the midde of the lower leg, so there's a lot more leg bone there to kick with.
          Good luck with your training.
          Mahalo, Jeremy


          • #80
            I was told to leave the pin in as i was in my thirty's & they dont remove it in older people unless you have problems with it.

            Only thing i get is a tingling if i touch the scar where i had the lower screws removed.

            I did go back training & started to get back to the splits & kicking but other things in my life have had to stop me from training for now but i do intend on training again even if its only at home for now.

            I take it from your wording that yours was worse than mine?



            • #81
              Yes, My leg injury would be considered more extreem. You need to get a second opinion on that tibial nail being removed, because whoever told you it can't be removed is full of it. Being in your 30's isn't too old, being in your 50's or 60's is. You'll never realize how much pain the thing is causing you until get it removed.


              • #82
                Im not getting any pain as such but was told that it wouldnt normaly be removed anyway unless it was causing problems

