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equipment wreaks!

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  • equipment wreaks!

    Does anyone have any good advice for cleaning out boxing gloves. I have some equipment that wreaks! I was using alcohol inside the gloves but I was wondering if anyone had any other suggestions.

  • #2
    How does the saying go?

    "An ounce of prevention is better than a ton of cure?"

    Or something to that effect?

    Since your equipment already reeks, then you're in a little bit of a spot. I would recommend trying to clean the inside of the gloves with a mild detergeant. Don't get them soaking wet, but damp on the inside. Then sit them out and allow them to air dry. You may want to repeat this process a couple of times.

    Some things you may want to consider for keeping your equipment from getting funky.

    Always wear handwraps. Your handwraps will absorb *most* of your sweat. When you are done using them, set them out in the open to allow them to dry. Putting them into your gym bag with all your other sweaty gear will allow them to get really ripe, and mold, mildew, and bacteria will have a field day. Another measure of prevention is to lightly dust the inside of the gloves with Talcum Powder. Don't use much because then you'll get talc everywhere as you start boxing.

    This applies to gloves, shinpads, headgear, groin protector, and handwraps. Well, maybe not the talc for all of them. You need to make sure to allow all of these pieces of equipment ample time to air dry. Do NOT leave them sitting in your gym bag after your return from the gym. Take them out and set them somewhere so that they can dry.

    Khun Kao


    • #3
      Try this...

      Pour a 50/50 mixture of rubbing alcohol and water into a spray bottle. Lightly mist the inside of your head gear, gloves, belly pad, etc... Allow it to air dry. I have used this since my competitive cycling days and it always gets the funk out. Straight alcohol evaporates too fast to soak in and kill everything. Mixing it with water allows it to penetrate and work its magic.



      • #4
        Thank you Khun Kao and William.



        • #5
          always keep your kickpads clean & don't put them on the floor face down while you swap pads between partners.

          we had a fighter drop out of a fight a week before a show possibly due to dirt coming off the pad & into a small cut on his shin, this then infected & swelled up full of puss (not very nice).


          • #6
            Yeah, the thing that retired said is why our instructor always presses us to get our own gear...if you're gonna be in it more than 6 months, it's well worth the 200 bucks to get gear you don't have to share.


            • #7
              Yes, what he said.

              Would you share your tooth brush?

              Then why would you want to swim in someone elses sweat. You certainly should have your own gear....and keep it clean.
              I don't loan out my gloves, head gear, shin pads etc... I like you, but your not using my gear


