Just curious on how you all train knees during sparring. At our intermediate class, sparring is generally hands and feet only. On days we work the plumb, we are allowed to motion/touch with the knees (which is enough since I'd really like to not have broken ribs if I'm caught in the wrong place), and on some days we can use straight knees to the bread basket to counter punches.
How does everyone else train knees in sparring/sparring-like situations? We can train technique all day, but heavy bags and thai pads are different from people
Specifically, is there any equipment you use to go hard yet still keep it safe? Our instructor mentioned that he'd let us go harder on the knees if we had some vests or kneepads or something along those lines.
How does everyone else train knees in sparring/sparring-like situations? We can train technique all day, but heavy bags and thai pads are different from people
