What is the possibility of dying in the ring, would there be a limit when you can stop ? (300+ fight records, someone who holds that record i think is A LOT!) Does anyone know any Thai Boxers who has died in the ring for taking too much damage ?
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Dying in the ring
A few Thai boxers die in the ring every year, or so I've heard. I believe it because there's almost no way it isn't true. I believe that knees to the head are the cause of most of these deaths. Damage doesn't even need to accumulate with that stuff. One solid knee from someone with power can break your neck and sever your spinal chord.
The thing I worry most about if i ever fight in the ring next to death is getting PARALYZED, next to that is, going blind ? But i`m not really sure if they allow strikes to the back, I saw a pic on google where the dude landed a knee on the other fighter's back. I dunno what causes you to go blind for fighting, unless you get hit in the eye if that is the case?
Trama to the brain from a single strike delivered correctly with enough force can cause damage to the brain. This damage could cause paralysis, Blindness, loss of the ability to speak, Loss of sensory perception. Swelling of the brain leading to death.
Repeated hits can take their toll as well. even less powerful hits can over time do great damage to brain function.
There were a few deaths in the last few years in TKD point sparring tournaments. 1 in california and one in denmark that were documented. I would imagine that full contact Thai matches would have even a greater number of deaths. Especially outside of the US or Europe due to the lack of medical care.
I knew a foot ball player that was playing a game and he scored a touchdown. one of his team mates ran up and smacked downward on the top of his head and he was instantly paralyzed. He had something wrong with his spine that had not been diagnosed previously.
Heck even little league baseball loses a kid or two a year from balls smacking into a kids heart stopping it and killing the kid.
With all things there are risks though.
Best thing is to learn not to take full force shots, especially in the head.
Oh and don't block with your face.
Um, few people actually die right in the ring. This is in part because the Thais are very superstitious about dying in the ring. I saw a guy get knocked out cold at Lumpenee Stadium. What ensued shocked me. The guys came into the ring with a stretcher and basically threw him onto the stretcher and literally ran out of the ring. The poor guy's head got caught on one of the ropes and he nearly came off the stretcher before they caught him.
This kind of treatment, while difficult to understand for a westerner, stems I believe from the "it's REALLY bad luck" belief regarding someone dying in the ring.
So, the answer to the question might vary based on how you ask it:
A) How many people die in Thailand each year as a result of injuries sustained during a Muay Thai bout? Answer: About 15.
B) How many people die IN THE RING each year in Thailand? Answer: Very few.
Registered User
- Mar 2003
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Kru Brooks C. Miller
GCA MuayThai Board of Advisors
USMTA Director of DC, MD, and VA
Speaking of Thai fighters dying...
I just find it very disturbing when fighters die period. Not just fighters, but athletes. People who die for no apparant reason. They just drop dead.
Like Nanfah, or ChatChai Paeseethong when speaking of Thai boxers. Or that skating champion who died in his hotel room. People in the prime of their life who just suddenly drop dead while doing mundane tasks. Not the Corey Stringers of the world who push themselves too hard, too fast.
Sorry for the OT post...
Khun Kao
To elaborate on the superstitiousness of dying in the ring, the Thais are wary of absolutely any violent death, and will do their best to avoid coming in contact with any victim of a violent death. The reason being is that the spirit of someone who has died violently is also violent and malicious and seeks to harm.
Over Songkran, there were many deaths here in Chiang Mai. One in particular saw a man beaten to death by a gang of thugs, two of which smashed his head open with whiskey bottles. Nobody would even attempt any type of first aid, he simply laid in a puddle of his own blood. When the ambulance finally made it to him, they just threw a sheet over him, and into the back he went.
Registered User
- Aug 2002
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Mongrel Combative Arts
Coventry, Rhode Island
All you need is love........and a sharp blade.....a hardwood flat stick......Oh, oh, oh and a Paraordinance lda 14.45 loaded with 230 grain hydra shocks,ranger SXT's or golden sabres
How's your health insurance?
Um, few people actually die right in the ring. This is in part because the Thais are very superstitious about dying in the ring. I saw a guy get knocked out cold at Lumpenee Stadium. What ensued shocked me. The guys came into the ring with a stretcher and basically threw him onto the stretcher and literally ran out of the ring. The poor guy's head got caught on one of the ropes and he nearly came off the stretcher before they caught him.
I was shocked the first time I saw that as well. I was watching a fight where one fighter threw a high round kick, his opponent leaned back hard into the ropes as the kick went by. As he rebounded off the ropes, the other fighter kept his momentum and came back around with a spinning elbow and caught him square in the side of the head. The guy dropped like a sack of spanky potatos and did not get back up. The ref gets down and grabs his head and starts shaking it trying to wake him up, blood is pouring out of the guys mouth. Next thing you know, two guys run into the ring, grab the guy and practically throw him onto the stretcher, and race back out looking like the two guys who race around to bring you that giant bowl of ice cream on a stretcher at Farrels Ice Cream parlor. The guy was bouncing all over the place and practically fell off. Quite scary.
Bruno may come back because he's in dept but he's got a detached retina!!!!!!
Who's the fool: The man with no money Or the man with no eyesight!!!!!!
HA HA HA True.
But i laugh at the people who say "I would fight him for a million" & they ain't never been in the ring, Imagine this guy punching someone in the head full power who hasn't done any neck training or other conditioning, He may be a panto queen but i wouldn't want a full force punch from the guy if he's kept his strenth.
Good old Frank Bruno, who we all know and love in Britain, did have another fight. He kicked the crap out of his wife. What a twat.
I was once on the periphery of a murder case, but it was reduced to manslaughter. Basically two guys had a fight, and once punched the other just behind and beneath the ear. Something went crunch and the poor guy dropped down dead. I felt sorry for the pair of them.
But Thai Boxing in its original form must have been a bloodbath.