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Don't have a boxing bag...

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  • Don't have a boxing bag...

    Hi. Yes. Right. Ahem.

    I am currently working on getting a hanging bag, and some gear to work out with (ie focus pads, stuff like that). However, I do not at this stage actually have anything I can use to aid me in my workouts, except for a skipping rope and some kid sized boxing gloves lol.

    I presume you guys weren't born with workout gear, so does anyone have any tips, ideas or stories about what they used before they got the 'real thing'. Ie, a makeshift boxing bag of some sort.

    Anyway, thanks for, y'know, whatever.

  • #2
    i used to hit a foot ball (soccer ball if your american) in a plastic bag tied by skipping rope to a tree.

    if you hit it fast it swings up and into the tree and you have to use a step ladder to get it down

    not really very useful

    i also tried a plastic coke bottle (2 litre) filled with water but it hurt to hit.

    again useless

    just get a punch bag


    • #3
      sparring might help

      put on your gloves and punch random people you meet


      • #4
        You can try an army duffle bag stuffed with old rags and blankets.



        • #5
          Extremely helpful Crouchtig, especially the part about hitting people randomly. I try to do that already lol.
          That coke bottle idea has merit, though, i've set up a couple. They do hurt to hit, but hey, I'm tough. (Getting the implication?)

          I've got a hessian bag which I'll stuff with rags and see how it works out. Thanks, guys.

          Any other advice out there?


          • #6
            Poor Man's Reflex Bag

            I used to have a nerf basketball that I poked a hole in and ran a length of surgical tubing through. I could hang this anywhere, weight the bottom or tie it to something on the floor, and have a portable double-end bag for about $5. I stole this idea out of an autobiography about Bruce Lee, by the way. The nerf basketball will not hurt your knuckles nor your face, so you will need no other equipment. It will slide up and down so you can adjust for height to better work bobs, weaves, or body movement. And you can angle the surgical tubing to give you various options.


            • #7
              Hang a towel from the ceiling as an aid for shadow-boxing. It won`t help your power much, but it can help your accuracy and focus.


              • #8
                Mike Young`s book Martial Arts Home Training has some pretty good ideas, and if you`ve got the time and tools, you can make your own gear.


                • #9
                  Try this -

                  You need a tennis ball and a rubber cord (about 1.5-2m). Attach the cord to the tennis ball and make a loop to the other end. Now put the loop around your head so that the ball hangs in front of you on about 1m of cord. At this point you will start to feel (and look) extremly silly so make sure nobody sees you. Now throw the ball in the air and try to hit it with your hands. You will need to hit pretty fast and accuratly to keep the ball bouncing. Naturally, the faster you hit the faster it will come at you. When you get your reps up (say more then 5 bounces) you can try to move around, hit the ball with your legs, do hooks and duck and move away from the incoming ball. Great thing is, it will always come at you head (since its being attachted to it and all). Watch out though, when the ****er hits your eye (and it will eventually) its helluva painful.

                  Hope this will not be a double post. Or triple. Or quad... whatever. My browser doesn't like me. And I don't like him.


                  • #10
                    Towering Reagan

                    Do you then invite 2 friends around with tennis rackets & play that game where you wack the ball attached to the rod (or you in this case) around in circle's. LOL

                    Get a sand bag & half fill it then nail/tie it to the wall like the wing chun bags.
                    Last edited by retired; 04-25-2003, 10:03 AM.


                    • #11
                      I had a message saying fr0st_bite left a message here but i cant see it?

                      Did the Moderator have a hand in it?


                      • #12
                        lol must have been deleted, he was talking about kidnaping handicaped people can killing them and stuff.......wierd guy


                        • #13
                          Ha Ha I might have a knackered right kick but boy have i got a devestating left knee KAPOW!!!!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Kingston
                            lol must have been deleted, he was talking about kidnaping handicaped people can killing them and stuff.......wierd guy
                            lol thats just the sort of twisted humour that i find funny

                            but its too risky

                            if theve been training with a wise master...

                            theyll beat the crap out of you (and look good doing it)

                            seriously though:

                            i just watched the film "kickboxer"

                            1) there was a bit of confusion over thai boxing/kickboxing
                            2) van damm trained with a wise master who taught him kung fu instead of muay thai
                            3) no plot
                            4) terrible fight coerreograo.. action directing (they just took it in turns to do bit powerful move on each other, plenty of big hook punches and spinny kicks)


                            • #15
                              it wasn't kungfu!!!! (well some of it)
                              & i think they wanted the wise guy to be a sort of philisophical bruce lee type, some of the stuff was tai-chi a bit of TKD & dont forget this guy was a ballet dancer, the film was called THE KICKBOXER because about 99.9999% of the viewing audience at the time wouldn't have understood THE MUAY THAI BOXER which doesn't suprise me as even the fight shows in UK are mostlly called KICKBOXING SHOWS because people don't now what MUAY THAi is.

                              I still like this film tho as it's the only true thai film i know!!!

