Been doing muay thai just for a few months and started sparring about a month ago.
I'm starting to be able to string a few combos together and catch my opponents on occasions.
There's a couple of South paws in our gym and a I'm noticing that I'm lacking imagination when I spar them. Obviously they are quite used to sparring non-south paws.
I find my leg/thigh kicks are not quite as effective as my leading left leg is not so strong as my right. - MY right leg on the other hand seems more telegraphed as it has a bit more distance to travel before connecting with his leading right.
Does anyone have any advice for sparring/fighting them ? What techniques combos are good ? Any good fakes etc.
PS. I'm sure some south paws could comment as their techniques should work from my point of view too !!
Been doing muay thai just for a few months and started sparring about a month ago.
I'm starting to be able to string a few combos together and catch my opponents on occasions.
There's a couple of South paws in our gym and a I'm noticing that I'm lacking imagination when I spar them. Obviously they are quite used to sparring non-south paws.
I find my leg/thigh kicks are not quite as effective as my leading left leg is not so strong as my right. - MY right leg on the other hand seems more telegraphed as it has a bit more distance to travel before connecting with his leading right.
Does anyone have any advice for sparring/fighting them ? What techniques combos are good ? Any good fakes etc.
PS. I'm sure some south paws could comment as their techniques should work from my point of view too !!