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Foot Injury?

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  • Foot Injury?

    During a sparring session I missed a shin kick to the ribs and hit the opponent in the elbow with the top of my foot. After going to the foot doctor, it turned out to be that I have some scar tissue on the top. There's a pretty good sized lump that goes down when I massage it, and comes back slowly throughout the day. Around the lump gets a little puffy when I've been standing on it for long periods. Although it does'nt hurt and I am back to training already.

    Has anyone had this, and got any tips for getting rid of the lump? I was told to just massage and ice by the foot doctor.


  • #2
    Yeah, makes it difficult to walk and gives you a nice bruise. Take some time off, ice it and land with your shin/knee instead of your ankle.

    Good Luck!


    • #3
      Hey what's up.
      Actually there is no pain. Just swelling and a lump. It was a freak accident and I rarely ever hit something with my foot. Just had some bad luck.


      • #4
        Sounds something like a lipoma. I've got one on my ribs from where I got kicked years ago.


        • #5
          Hey Terry,
          What's a Lipoma? And did yours slowly get smaller and go down?


          • #6
            wow, that's pretty crazy... my left foot gets injured all the time cuz of elbow blocks (right now my toes are bruised from pretty much landing on it) and that hasn't happened *yet*...

            up to now most serious elbow-kick injury was a split toenail but if that happens, damn i'm gonna be more careful


            • #7
              get "dit dat jow"

              these types of injuries happen--so dont let it get you down.

              i would suggest you use chinese liniment for injuries.

              it is called dit dat jow and can be ordered from a few different places--often listed in mags such as kung fu, etc.

              i would strongly recommend you be aggressive with treating this injury as the best time to turn things around is early on. until you get the liniment you should alternate ice with heat (not too hot) with gentle massage, 5 minutes ice then 5 minutes heat for 2-3 cycles.

              good luck,


              • #8
                This sucker is getting hard! It's starting to feel like a bone. I can massage it down a little, but it comes back to size within the day.


                • #9
                  follow the plan...

                  did you have an xray taken? something like a chip fracture would show up which would change the approach you would take to recover.

                  however, presuming you do not have a chip fracture you should follow my recommendations....

                  alternate cold-hot in 3 cycles of 5 minutes each and get dit dat jow asap. apply it using a gentle massaging action.
                  you can also consider a short course of nonsteroidal antiinflammatory medicines such as vioxx, bextra, motrin, etc.-you will need a prescription for these. this is another option for you if you choose.

                  you should be able to work out except for direct contact to the top of your foot so you will not be missing out on alot.

                  take it one day at a time and stay focused.

                  good luck,


                  • #10
                    Yeah X-rays were negative. No chips or cracks.

