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Muay Thai Magazine??

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  • Muay Thai Magazine??

    Does anyone know how or where you can order muay thai publications, magazines?? Sometimes staring at the computer for 8hrs hurts the eyes!!!

    any help would be great.

  • #2
    Yes dbok1
    That is a very good question I have searched for a long time online and come up empty handed. I have seen a magazine called Muay Thai but I cannot find online to subscribe if anyone knows of any website with a Muay Thai magazine I would be greatful if you could post. I am a new member with this being my first post. I think these forums are just great and will be visiting here quite frequently.
    Later all


    • #3
      This is just a wild idea, but it has I believe it is very possible-How about just publish a Muay Thai magazine. I mean if enough writers and Muay Thai enthusiasts could get together, it would be possible. Moreover, in the process of getting together it would make a greater prominence of Muay Thai (which I think is lacking today, at least in the U.S., because I can only get a fight maybe once every 4 to 6 months if that)


      • #4
        Muay Thai magazine is a publication of CFW Pub. Group.
        They produce MT magazine as they have enough info 1 to 2 times per year presently. If people send more in.....


        • #5
          What an Idea!

          That sounds like a bold but interesting idea. Start a magazine for kickboxing or Muay Thai enthusiasts. let me know if you actually plan to pursue this idea. it may prove a most interesting endeavor.


          • #6
            muay thai publication

            Although new, I would like to anounce something
            I am willing to publich a MT magazine (I would be responsible for the design and printing of this publication) and the articles the interviews and all the other subjects and help it would be from you MT enthousiasts.
            my plan is to pubice an international magazine specific for the MT society of the world in english language.
            I would like you to communicate with me if you are interested in this plan for let me know how many of you are you willing to subscribe, to write articles and general to participate in this ambisious plan
            PS. The pubication will be b/w with color cover in the begining and we will see after
            thnx in advance


            • #7
              Check New Thread

              I have created a forum of many you might like to add to your buddy list including Jamie fighter. It is in this forum if you have not seen it yet.


              • #8
                I havent seen it..
                Ok if this idea is already taken its all right with me. Its just that it happen to work in a printing industry so i wouldnt have a problem of publish something like this
                anyway thnx


                • #9
                  no it is not

                  We would welcome your assistance in this endeavor. the forum was only to find more interested people.


                  • #10
                    I'm a publisher, not a printer or graphic artist, and am interested in your idea about a Muay Thai mag. There's a lot that goes into a new magazine, one of the most important being $$$! I'd like to further discuss a start-up publication with you.


                    • #11
                      ok Krav maga
                      you can send me an email in :
                      The costs here are minor comparing to EU stadarts.
                      for more information send me email

