Prologue: Currently to be an Apprentice-Level instructor in the TBA, you must complete a basic test, consisting of several phases, including but not limited to a knowledge test, terminology, form and wai kru tests, and a physical portion which is 2 rounds showing you can defend yourself by doing 40 kicks and 30 skip knees per round. For Advanced-Level you must have 5 students successfully attain apprentice-level instructor, and pass a written test.
Precis: Should the Advanced Level Certification be amended by the Association to include knowledge of Krabi-Krabong?
Pro: The TBA has positioned itself as the arbiter of all Thai National Martial Arts in the United States and, through President and Founder Grandmaster Surachai Sirisute, many other countries around the world. As such, there is a tacit responsibility to further the promotion and promulgation of Krabi-Krabong.
Con: The TBA, although originally set up to be an association of teachers, has devolved into an organization of fighting practitioners, almost exclusively training for the ring.
Please make a contribution. With the Pacific Northwest Muay Thai Camp coming in 3 weeks, it is an opportune time to air this grievance. Let us know if you think Krabi-Krabong should be a requirement for advanced certification. Thank you - Stephen M Wilson
Precis: Should the Advanced Level Certification be amended by the Association to include knowledge of Krabi-Krabong?
Pro: The TBA has positioned itself as the arbiter of all Thai National Martial Arts in the United States and, through President and Founder Grandmaster Surachai Sirisute, many other countries around the world. As such, there is a tacit responsibility to further the promotion and promulgation of Krabi-Krabong.
Con: The TBA, although originally set up to be an association of teachers, has devolved into an organization of fighting practitioners, almost exclusively training for the ring.
Please make a contribution. With the Pacific Northwest Muay Thai Camp coming in 3 weeks, it is an opportune time to air this grievance. Let us know if you think Krabi-Krabong should be a requirement for advanced certification. Thank you - Stephen M Wilson