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Thai Kicks

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  • Thai Kicks

    I do TKD but I want to learn Thai kicks since they are better. I know how to do a rear-leg roundhouse, but are there any front leg kicks in MT? Please instruct me dear brethren. Convert me to the ways of Muay Thai!

  • #2
    Join a club my friend, you can't learn a martial art through the internet.

    Damian Mavis
    Honour TKD


    • #3
      no Muay Thai clubs in my area ;-)

      I have been trying different kicks though and finding what works best.


      • #4
        send us an email address & i'll send you a clip of thai frontkick


        • #5
          You need a good pivot to do a powerful Thai kick. I saw some bloke once at my club dislocate his knee coz he didn't pivot properly and he got through 4 bottles of oxygen and painkillers when the ambulance came.

          In left stance turn your left foot 90 degrees to the left then thrust your right leg forward to do a front kick. As your about to make contact you move your head and torso backwards to maintain your balance then pull back into left stance.

          You can kick people a fair few feet if you land one of these in the stomach properly


          • #6
            Yeah, I understand it's all in the pivot. Thanks, e-mail will be forthcoming retired.


            • #7
              Originally posted by M@T
              You can kick people a fair few feet if you land one of these in the stomach properly
              I can vouch for that, I copped my first hard kick right in the stomach today, you have to feel it to believe it.

