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Alex Gong murdered in SF Today

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  • Alex Gong murdered in SF Today

    Sad, sad news... Alex Gong was shot dead today right outside of Fairtex. Someone had crashed their car into his parked car, and then drove off. Alex chased the car on foot and was then somehow shot in the chest.
    The police are still looking for the coward who murdered him.
    What a shame and terrible loss!!!!

  • #2
    Holy sh*t are you serious? Oh man.... that's awful.

    Damian Mavis


    • #3
      Are you serious?


      • #4

        We'll eventually hear about it in the news if it happened.

        This came in from

        "Alex had just finished with the fighter's training and I had just finished my workout. I was in the front of the school when I saw this guy run into Alex's car. I memorized the guy's license plate and ran to where Alex was and told him what happened. The guy tried to speed away, but Alex caught up with him when he got stuck in traffic. When Alex reached the guy's window the man pulled out a gun and shot him. Alex collapsed and died right there in front of me. He wasn't even wearing his shirt or his shoes. He died only wearing his Muay Thai shorts.."

        If indeed this is correct, my condolensces go out to Alex's family, friends and members of Fairtex. RIP Alex, you were an inspiration to all of us.
        Last edited by Tom Yum; 08-02-2003, 02:14 AM.


        • #5
          I recieved a phone call from a friend who was there, it's true. I'm kind of upset right now, so I won't say much else.


          • #6
            I had to read the thread subject a couple times before it sank in.

            Here's an article from the SF Chronicle:

            It says this happened at 4:30 pm. Jesus I was having a conversation around that time telling friends at work how much I love this gym.


            • #7
              It happend at 4:30pm because that is when the fighters training takes place (the class is between 3-5). It's was on friday and they were probably sparring at the time.


              • #8
                Thats so awful. My sympathy to all who knew him.


                • #9
                  . . .

                  I was planning to go to Fairtex next year after a stint in Thailand.

                  I've always wanted to meet Alex Gong...

                  RIP Alex


                  • #10
                    This is unbelieable..........I still can't believe it.......very sad day...


                    • #11
                      Very sad. Another unfortunate case of senseless violence. My condolescences to his friends, family and students.


                      • #12
                        I don't know what to say. He was a good man. He had a quiet, unassuming manner and a decency that, like his mentor Bonkerd, made you feel like it was an honor to know the man. I wish I had more time to get to know him better.



                        • #13
                          My sympathy & all at the gym


                          • #14
                            yeh condolences out to his family. thats terrible. RIP


                            • #15
                              I'm deeply saddened by the death of Alex Gong—He was a great martial artist and person.

