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  • Roadwork

    Some time ago I began pumping small hand weights during my roadwork and have been pleased with the results. Now that I have realized roadwork can be improved in more ways than just running hills, I would like to find other ways to improve this important part of my workout. I have seen those adjustable ankle weights that go from one to twenty pounds. However I have heard that using them can risk injury near the end of a run as your legs become tired. Does anyone use these, or have advice on how to safely use them?

  • #2
    you should NOT use any weights on your ankles it's bad for the connective tissues in your knees and ankles. if you really want to put weight on your legs there are some that attach to your thighs however you can do damage to your hips.

    i suggest adding some sprints...helps w/ explosiveness. also some bleachers training.

    if you need some specific suggestions on sprints etc let me know i can tell you what i do.


    • #3
      This is what I do for sprints: 200M x 4, jog back between each sprint. 100M x 4.

      Can you give me some variety?


      • #4
        I’ll give the sprints a shot, but how frequently do you do sprints? I’m currently doing roadwork every other day now, with that day in-between to recover.


        • #5
          try running backwards


          • #6

            Running backwards? Hhmmm. Well, I'll experiment with it, but not on the downhills.


            • #7
              Oww oww oww...

              ...oww oww owwww!
              No more with the backwards!


              • #8
                you sure there's a problem with adding weight to your ankles? Where'd you hear that? Wouldn't that mean gaining weight or muscle in general in your legs would be bad? I wear 5 lb weights on my legs all the time, haven't had any problems.


                • #9
                  Heh, you tell me of an excersise that can add 5 pounds of muscle to your ANKLES and I'll eat my Thai shorts!

                  Damian Mavis
                  Honour TKD


                  • #10
                    "you should NOT use any weights"

                    Oh well thats the military training buggered!!!!!!

