Here's my history, about 2 1/2 years ago i got into an accident and broke a lot of stuff, mainly the tibia and fibia in each of my legs. They were pretty bad breaks and i needed a few surgeries involving pins and shit and i basically was in a wheel chair for 3 1/2 months and then was in heavy rehab for like 8 months. My legs are still not in perfect condition for general running and stuff, after like a mile or so they start to hurt a bit at the point of the breaks but i dont run often so maybe its normal for legs to hurt like that. I never kick with them for fear of injuries but i dont know if they would be ok or not. I've been boxing by myself and selfteaching for about a month or two with pretty good conditioning, i wanna start going to a real gym now but im between a kickboxing gym and a boxing gym. It would be easier to go to a boxing gym because my legs would be safer but kickboxing is more realistic for real fights and self defense. I've also broken my wrist pretty bad, but it doesn't bother me too much when i box except if i mess up and turn it the wrong way. I'd like to get advice on this. Is there a good chance i'll hurt my legs kickboxing? Should I take it or should i take boxing.
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can i kickbox with legs that were badly broken?
I reckon you'll be OK mate. Like yourself I have broken my Tibia which is the bone down the side of your leg next to the main one which is the fibia. I do full contact kickboxing and havent had a single problem with my legs. Apart from the odd cruciate strain but thats another story.
I also broke my hand very badly 3 years ago and havent had any problems with that either. And it was a bad break. I snapped a bone in my hand and dislocated the same bone from my wrist joint. The bone then turned through 90 degrees and stuck about 2cm out the top of my hand
I had to have the bone pinned to my wrist for 6 weeks. After a few months I couldnt even tell i'd broke it and now it feels perfectly normal.
Apparently, when a bone breaks it bonds back together and the bonding is supposed to be even stronger than the bone. This may be just a myth but i've heard it many many times.
Nice 1 bri LOL.
How old r u? mate (not you bri i know your an old bast)
Me? you may ask, im not fighting anymore as i have my life left ahead of me to sort out & as you can see from my thread that its a hard thing to come back from (not impossible mind) but it's down to your age & what you want after this.
Im only now able to kick medium with my good leg & very week with my damaged one at the moment but i haven't & won't give up.
All the best in your future!!!!!