Which has more advantages and would have more effective strategies and techniques in a street fight?
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Enough of which art is better already. And anyway, how many streetfights are there that everyone is always worried about street effectiveness?
If you want a martial art with some street cred then go move to a really bad part of town, join a gang, get beat into the gang, go get into fights with the gang. Get arrested, go through the penal system, get ass raped in prison, learn 52 Blocks or something and pump lots of iron, come out and you'll be a real badass. Then you won't have to worry about is my art effective on the street. You will be the street.
In the meantime just train in whatever you enjoy the most because statistics argue that it is unlikely most Americans will actually get into street fights. And Sanshou and Muay Thai are both good. Although I'd argue the comparison is not really accurate as the similarities of the two arts are superficial. MT is a subset of the traditional Thai arts, hence, a lot of the original grappling, weapons, etc. have been removed. Sanshou, though a modern, derived art, drew upon the whole of Chinese martial arts, hence it focuses on more ranges.
Btw Lizard, MT has some takedowns, there just aren't as many as SS (they're more along the lines of sweeps).
And that's my rant for today.
Until I see another silly post of course.
Originally posted by RobertG
If you want a martial art with some street cred then go move to a really bad part of town, join a gang, get beat into the gang, go get into fights with the gang. Get arrested, go through the penal system, get ass raped in prison, learn 52 Blocks or something and pump lots of iron, come out and you'll be a real badass. Then you won't have to worry about is my art effective on the street. You will be the street.
RobertG is my new hero for the day.
first of all i don't like deconstructive critcism. First many people do get into fights. And no im not going to go out looking for fights. Some people train so they can defend themselves whenever the need comes. So stfu and don't post your bs, thinking your all mature. Maybe you were one of the prison people that did get their salad tossed and handed around like currency in prison? hmm probably. So please don't comment if your going to put useless crap like that.
Actually this is a good question. I don't know about the street fight part, but as far as the ring is concerned......maybe you can do some research as to the past matches between the two arts and see who one. For example, in the last k-1, there was a san shou vs MT match. The San Shou guy won.
I'm very certain that you're talking about Cung Le from San Jose. He uses both San Shou *AND* Muay Thai. ^_^ Do you know how MANY MT kicks and knee strikes he uses in each fight? ^_^
Many people have failed to realize that San Shou ACTUALLY is MUAY THAI!!! You're in doubt? Just go watch how San Shou guys kick. (and sometimes how they perform knee strikes) Many Chinese martial artists claim that San Shou is NOT MUAY THAI, but HEY!!! How often do San Shou figthers pull their "Kung Fu" moves on the ring, hmm?
another idiot. Just stay out of the post if you don't have constructive criticsm dumbass. Thatz all im saying. Don't post if your going to criticize me about street brawling and going to jail and crap. All i want to know is what is a good fighting style and has good uses if i ever need to use it. DAMN you idiots piss me off.
Originally posted by Aaska
I'm very certain that you're talking about Cung Le from San Jose. He uses both San Shou *AND* Muay Thai. ^_^ Do you know how MANY MT kicks and knee strikes he uses in each fight? ^_^
Many people have failed to realize that San Shou ACTUALLY is MUAY THAI!!! You're in doubt? Just go watch how San Shou guys kick. (and sometimes how they perform knee strikes) Many Chinese martial artists claim that San Shou is NOT MUAY THAI, but HEY!!! How often do San Shou figthers pull their "Kung Fu" moves on the ring, hmm?
in *my* humble opinion, San Shou fighters have slightly better chances of winning fights against MT guys on the ring becuase they cross-train. (they use San Shou takedowns, MT kicks & knees, and sometimes boxing skills)
I, a 7-year Muay Thai practioner, do western-boxing because I know the importance of cross-training. (As a result, I have become a much better stand-up fighter)
However, I *HIGHLY* doubt that San Shou fighters can win the fight against Thai fighters such as Namsaknoi (258 wins 12 losses) , Samko (or Shamko... 298 wins 22 losses), Fuakao or Chokdi.
If you'd like to see their pictures, please go
Namsaknoi (first left)
Samko (second left)
Fuakao (third left)
Chokdi (fourth left)
Enjoy... and just wanna say that NOTHING IS GREATER THAN CROSS-TRAINING! This idea has been proven to be true by UFC, K-1, PRIDE, KOC, and many other MMA competitions.
I love Muay Thai, and I promise to myself I won't stop training in MT until my body stops functioning completely. And I dare to say that if you add western-boxing to MT, you have a better chance against other stand-up forms such as San Shou, Kyoukushin Karate, Kickboxing, etc.Last edited by Aaska; 09-12-2003, 01:55 PM.
All i want to know is what is a good fighting style and has good uses if i ever need to use it. DAMN you idiots piss me off.
Great subject,
I've always trained in "stand up" fighting, am currently training in BJJ and have to say that Sanshou is on the top of my list for my next step, mainly because of the takedowns, seems like the next logical step, I started Bjj first assuming it would be a lot harder to learn technique-wise than Sanshou. Comments?
For years Muay Thai was consistantly beating Sanshou/Sanda, until Sanshou has become more Muay Thai inclined, i believe the Chinese employed Thai fighters to teach Muay Thai to Sanshou artists. Now days things are more even, other than the fact that when the two styles fight the Chinese win in China and the Thais win in Thailand, its all biased judging and biased rules. I will say however that Sanshou only seem to win by points wheras the Thais knock the their opponants out. Another thing to consider is that the Thais who fight in these mixed matches arent the best Muay Thai fighters, but their opponants from Sanshou have been the top ranked fighters in their disapline.