I am not happy with my front leg roundkick. Anyway I can improve it? I don't think I rotate enough, and I also think it is not as fast as it could be. I do weightlifting and running in wrestling, and I try to kick the heavy bag on tuesdays and thursdays in Hapkido. I like my rear-leg roundhouse (except I knock myself off my feet if I kick too high, but in Muay Thai I don't believe many people kick exceedingly high).... lol. Anyhow, any tips to have a perfect front kick.
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Front Kick
Lead leg roundhouse, correct? Just practice, practice, practice..lot's of bag and pad work..skip your foot back and then release like a very fast rear leg round kick. It's just a matter of timing and quick footwork so that you can hide your kick. It'll take time.
you may or may not do these things but they are some things that help me:
1. i make sure that i am picking my knee up first as opposed to my whole leg.
2. i aim my knee at different points on the bag (not on the same kick of course). if i aim my knee at the side of the bag i am making contact with i don't get the drive through the bag. by pointing my knee at the center of the bag i can get a lot more out of it.
3. adjust the angle that my kick (shin and foot) is on. i can't get as much power from a kick that gains altitude on the way out. if i want to kick high my knee must be high prior to starting the release i try to always cut straight across parallel to the floor (shin and foot)
hope it helps.
what he means that u should watch out good friend from doing a sudden move that will really hurt ur knee ,and he's right very good remark...
and for ur training try doing what i said but if u feel tired instead of doing let say 100 set ups do 50 ,