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Which arts are closest to a real fight?

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  • Originally posted by sherwinc
    Maybe if your Muay Thai hit with a Praying Mantis ButterFly Kick then you will finally...... CONVINCED?????
    bwahahaha hahaha. praying mantis butterfly kick? hahahaha in a fight?? hahahahaha.

    there u have it. all the proof you need that sherwinc will get his ass kicked in a real fight.

    hey sherwinc y dont you reply to us about that one?? and dont puss out cuz i know you get these in your emails


    • Originally posted by MuayThaiFighter
      Why don't you go back and read what I wrote to while you're at it and realize that I wrote unlike what you believe experts of one style won't necessarily beat a non-expert of another style. Although it is true that a person has alot do with how he/she fights it also has alot to do with the style.

      HA HA HA,Muay Thai the worst for instilling false sense of security in their students!!!!!!!!!!! now that is funny,I hope you 're kidding.

      Our sense of security in ourselves is not false look at how many fights muay thai fighters have won compared to any other style. Nine out of ten times Muay Thai fighters win whether you want to believe it or not.That tells me you have no clue what you are talking about.Even in Thailand,I bet anything they will tell you that in real situations Muay Thai fighters win.

      The schools that install the most false sense of security are your typical traditional martial arts schools like Karate,Kung Fu,Tkd,Wing Chun etc.who think that all the techniques within their katas and little drills and point sparring will help save their ass on the street.Most of the practitioners of these arts have only sparred point competition because they wouldn't know what to do in full contact.How much of the shit they learn actually works compared to what would work in Muay Thai? From my own experience and many others,I would have to say about 50% of stuff in these traditional arts may work compared to 99% of what would work in Muay Thai.

      I know fuckers like you will disagree and have the right too,because no one wants to admit how much their arts sucks? Anyone who has done both karate and Muay Thai know that katas and point sparring done in arts like karate are pointless.

      Karate is great as long as you are not expecting to learn self-defense.

      I don't know the kung fu terms for these stances only the karate ones,but anyways those little sheko dachi(horse stance),neko dachi(cat stance),sanchin dachi(power stance),zenkutsu dachi(forward stance) will do **** all on street the only thing this does is increase focus,balance,stamina,posture and co-ordination other then that it is useless for self-defense.Why not learn all this stuff while learning self-defense at the same time? It doesn't take these fancy stances to learn to increase your balance,posture,stamina,co-ordination and focus.The whole point of learning martial arts is self-defense if your art doesn't teach it you're wasting your time and money.

      You know why arts like Pankration,Shooto, Muay Thai,Judo,Jujitsu,Submission Wrestling,JKD,Boxing etc. win fights? Well let me tell you this much it's not because they do katas,useless little drills or point sparring. They win because they put what they learn to full use,they fight full contact and do not hold back which teaches them to hit hard,how to take hits,kicks and how to handle being thrown,flipped,etc. under pressure and under adrenaline rush.

      I don't care how much martial arts teaches you to control your adrenaline rush it can only teach you that to a certain degree in a real situation you would be fighting under adrenaline rush so you better be prepared to know what to do.
      yes it is bad for that.Just because muay thai kicks ass doesnt mean you do!


      • Originally posted by Karate_is_cool
        bwahahaha hahaha. praying mantis butterfly kick? hahahaha in a fight?? hahahahaha.

        there u have it. all the proof you need that sherwinc will get his ass kicked in a real fight.

        hey sherwinc y dont you reply to us about that one?? and dont puss out cuz i know you get these in your emails
        and when that butterfly kick landed on your neck - then i cant resist to HAW HAW HAW.......


        • Convinced?


          • Originally posted by sherwinc
            and when that butterfly kick landed on your neck - then i cant resist to HAW HAW HAW.......

            hahahahaha too much wishful thinking sherwinc. i think that's the major problem with your posts. too much fantasizing and not enough reality. u might fluke out and land that kick but you'll miss 99% of the time. and when you do, i'll knock your teeth out with my fist.

            try haw hawing with a mouth full of knocked out teeth.

            IM NOT CONVINCED YET!!!!!!!!


            • What is a butterfly kick? I'v never seen one


              • Originally posted by Tameo
                What is a butterfly kick? I'v never seen one
                Actually, Seven Star Praying Mantis is my KokSut Classmate(also one of my bestfriend) individual kungfu art that my instructor taught to him privately...

                in any major northern kungfu art - butterfly kick is execute by swinging of both legs to avoid lower sword attack while you simultaenously attack him in mid-air.... just like my butterfly kick in my Hik Style Tai Chi Chuan Sword.....

                but the butterfly kick of Seven Star Praying Mantis Kungfu is like: a spinning outside crescent kick of right feet to hit the right neck of opponent while a followup of insteap roundhouse kick of left feet that lands on right neck of the opponent.... Note: all two targets are the right neck of the opponent....

                but there are still 6 or more applications with type type of kick but my bestfriend would not share it to me how.......


                • Originally posted by Karate_is_cool
                  Well im a new member at the site and i see that most of you are very knowledgable regarding the martial arts. We all have our preferences and oppinons, but i dont beleive that we should put down other arts. Saying that, whoever wrote that shit about wing chun being better than MT is a fuckin shithead. First off you shouldnt say shit about other arts. secondly u need to go fight someone that knows muay thai. I do agree though that the palm strike is good. Unlike the fist it can take a lot of impact. That's all i have to say about that. Also, who the **** is going to remember 108 different attacks in a fight? Or a sparring match for that matter? You can say that a grandmaster could, but by the time he is a grandmaster, get this, he's friggin old!! The fact of the matter is, unless you're goku off of dragonball z, you're not going to remember 108 different techniques in the heat of battle. Ok im done with that

                  A lot of people say that 90% of fights end up on the ground. I can definetly see that. When someone loses, they're probably on the ground lol. Maybe the other 10% is people breaking it up. That's my oppinion anyway. I know enough of brazilian jiu jitsu to say that it is very effective. It may not be the greatest choice when you're fighting with more than one person though lol. Yet, you cant ignore the edge it gives you with an unknowledgable person.

                  Striking is also an area where you cannot neglect. Knowing how to strike should be at least part of your main arsenal. You have to know how to hit and hit hard. Someone on this forum said something about using force. They said something like "If you have to use force, make sure it's excessive." (that's not the exact quote but you get the point) I totally agree. Once you've decided to fight, you make sure you destroy your opponent. I just hope people dont take that the wrong way and go out and kill people haha (maybe i shouldnt laugh....). The point being is that we shouldn't go looking for fights and only fight when it is neccessary. But when it is neccessary, don't hold back.

                  As for what style is realistic, none of them are. WAIT WAIT I DIDNT SAY THAT MARTIAL ARTS ARE USLESS. Now lets not over react here. Any style you learn will give you an edge. A fight in reality has too many variables (someone else in this forum said that too)-who can take the most hits, who's bigger and more intimidating, who has the element of surprise, who is more confident, who cares for or not about rules, who has honour, who HAS A WEAPON!!! Who knows?!?! who can say if you're going to go to the ground or if you're going to get smashed by a knee or a haymaker or and elbow or a head butt so on and so on. The only thing you can do is prepare yourself the best you can before hand and "roll with the punches." People say "oh you should've done this" or "he couldve done that" but really in a fight chances are you're not going to see every opening or every chance.

                  Remember that every martial arts style has something different to bring to the table and that we are all similar at the same time. We are all children of the same idea. We all strive for perfection in what we do. We all train hard and sacrifice. We all love what we do.

                  "Success often comes from good judgement. Good judgment come from experience. Experience often comes from bad judgment." ~Tony Robbins~
                  (Yah yah he's no Musashi Miyamoto)

                  Good luck and train hard!!
                  i agree with you. there are way too many variables to concider in a street fight. specially if it's a life and death situation. i myself hate hearing, reading about people arguing which art is better. because as a true martial art practitioner, we should all have respect for each other.


                  • [QUOTE=CPK-Mantis]
                    Originally posted by whoever wrote that shit about wing chun being better than MT is a fuckin shithead.[/QUOTE

                    **** up loser, ure so gay, go **** a cat fuckwit.
                    **** off, im bored of your trying to sound like an expert like u said u are new, maybe u should end ure journey here and **** off
                    by your reply, it's obvious that you're still a kid. either that or really imature. the fact that you practice kung fu ( at least thats what you're projecting) is a disgrace to the art. you have no respect and discipline whatsoever.


                    • My goodness,not again!

                      Oh well,some people just need an exact answer to a question in which there isnt one!!!


                      • Originally posted by sherwinc
                        You could not remember(using your head and eyes) that 108 alphabets of wingchun in an actual fighting situation, but thru the sensitivity of both of your bridge forearms(using your chisau, autopilot) you can use that 108 easily, even you.... you cant believe yourself how did you done it, you did use your 108 using your chisau and not your head and eyes....

                        i really did it up to 108 of wingchun plus the 55 of chidianbun plus the pushing hands of taichichuan and the single short, double short, single long, double long, and kneeling hand attacks of ngochokun kungfu.... very easy.....

                        you only know karate, and it is only karate, and karate is only the basics of kungfu and nothing more..... how can a BASIC Moves be superior to ADVANCE Moves?????? since Karate is only a basics of KungFu.
                        k , i'm a muay thai practitioner myself. and thats the MA that i found worked for me the best. i've trained karate, TKD , kali escrima (w/c by the way i love too) and yaw yan (sayaw ng kamatayan w/c is a philipino version of muay thai, same principles etc.) i didnt like karate and TKD, but that dont mean it's "shit" art too. this is why i hate these kinda comments. as a martial artist, specially one who has experience in fighting in the streets, i expect you to understand that it's not all about the art. it has alot to do with the person, or people involved, and luck. yes luck coz even the skiniest, weakest inexpereinced guy, if threatened with his life could fluke out. lets admit it, shit does happend.
                        brad, serioso lang, wing chun student ka pero ganyan and ugali mo. ano sasabihin ng sifu mo tol? open mind pare, at yun mga aanga anga dito wag mo na pansinin dahil dapat wala na tayo kailangan patunayan kahit kanino, lalo na kung alam mo ang kapabilidad mo.


                        • The best one is the one that uses some sort of weapon,in addition to having some buddies around to help if the going gets to be to much...Oh, I almost forgot,it has to be in the concrete jungle,not some safe ring or mat with a ref...


                          • Remember when arguing which MA is best that there are many roads that lead to the same destination, If your destination is to be a good fighter (street) Many styles and systems will tech you how to fight but what sets a good fighter apart from the rest is his Intelligence, willingness to train hard, his determination, and tenacity.

                            Attributes for a good fighter
                            1) Intelligence
                            2) Heart and mindset (mental toughness)
                            3) Physical strength and conditioning (physical toughness)
                            4) Proper training
                            5) Techniques

                            *Remember there are and have been good fighters who never have had training these guys had the first three from above.

                            totally agree with this statement. thats why as martial artists, we should learn to respect each other and forget that question "which MA is better" coz there's no real answer to that. it all boils down to the person, not what MA he's practicing.


                            • No offense but personally I don't think there is one art around except maybe tai chi that would not be able to beat Wing Chun.

                              In my opinion Karate,Tkd,Jujitsu,Judo,Submission Wrestling, Shooto, Pankration,Savate,Aikido,most styles of Kung Fu,Jkd.,Muay Thai,etc would all kick ass on Wing Chun and I'm not someone who likes arts like karate,tkd and kung fu yet i think against your style they would winHell I would even bet that someone who follows Tae bo (which by the way is not meant for self-defense only for aerobic type exercise) would beat someone of Wing Chun.

                              yo MTF sorry bro, but have to disagree with you here. like i said before. i truley believe it's all on the person. how that person interprets and uses the art he/she/it studies. but i agree with you about most the things you've said. by the way, ryan still teaching with lance?
                              another thing. you said you dont agree that all MA has something to offer. the thing is diff people take MA for diff reasons. some to learn to fight some for physical conditioning, some for spiritual reasons and some just for plain confidence. IMHO every art could accomplish this at least to a certain extent you know what i mean.


                              • Originally posted by .T.
                                brad, serioso lang, wing chun student ka pero ganyan and ugali mo. ano sasabihin ng sifu mo tol? open mind pare, at yun mga aanga anga dito wag mo na pansinin dahil dapat wala na tayo kailangan patunayan kahit kanino, lalo na kung alam mo ang kapabilidad mo.
                                brad, dili man takon WingChun estudyante, man style kolang ni bay para mabal-an koman kung ano man ang ila baya nga rason kanakon nga ba-is bay.... dira man naton baya mabal-an ug ano man ang ila ya nga labutaw nga mga istorya kanakon nga ba-is.....

