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Which arts are closest to a real fight?

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  • wisdom and power

    learn at least five or six styles from Muay thai to judo to boxing to pancrase to kali to gun shooting, then depending on what's the situation and who you have to deal with, no matter how skilled you are the closest thing to safety is to avoid fighting otherwise if it's inevitable then use all what you have, you will know the result just ones the fight is over!
    (P.S: in South Africa it's common to carry nkifes and guns)
    Last edited by Boxiados; 04-27-2004, 10:18 AM. Reason: typing errors


    • PANCRASE is a professional sport in which athletes compete employing;*skill, physical strength, mental power, intelligence and luck.* Athletes utilize; striking, kicking, throwing and submission techniques from various martial arts.* All combatants will observe the rules and compete with a sportsman-like attitude.

      Many martial arts techniques are employed in PANCRASE matches including; wrestling, judo, boxing, sambo, karate, kenpo, jiu-jitsu, and Thai boxing. The most important aspect of* PANCRASE fighting is the need for combatants to adapt their techniques to this unique competition.* PANCRASE fighters must cross-train in many disciplines to be successful.* The alternative is almost certain defeat. learn this and you are close to a real street fighting situation, but do not forget to carry a knife always and if you can your gun! with all of this be the most peaceful one!


      • The 'street fight' mentality in learning MA will probably do you more harm than good, because you can get overconfident and engage yourself in unnecessary fights. Suppose some street bum mocks you. Without any MA experience you probably just ignore him and let it go. Now after learning some MA in school, you think to yourself "hey, I'm a martial artist. I should fight!". But before you're able to apply your superior MA skills, the guy pulls out a gun and shoots you. So instead of being a real life Jackie Chan, you end up being a dead body. In such a case isn't it better if you hadn't learned MA in the first place?

        Let's face it, in the modern days, the real-fight value of MA is less and less important. Unless you're living as a street bum, most street fights can be avoided if you are careful enough. You should learn MA to improve yourself, to have a healthier body, to be a better person, to have a better life, not to fight.


        • A lot of martial arts fail to teach you skills in de-esculation and recognising danger and how to avoid it in the first place.


          • I am BOXIADOS

            Boxiados Says Hi To All The Fighters!


            • I acn talk to you about what's closest to the street fight is street fight... I grew up having so many street fights most where you always end up on the ground and using your forehead to destroy the guy's nose while immobilising his arms, later I strated martial arts, these last just made it easier to **** up any MOTHER F.
              The bottom line, if you never had plenty of street fights where you also had your nose smashed...well, shut up cause you just don't know what you are talking about!
              Peace on you brothers!


              • The same thread that appears in EVERY martial arts forum... Unfortunately, there are no answers, except personal opinions. So, let me offer mine.

                Street fighting is NOT a style, so to try and apply a style to it is pointless. There's are too many variables and uncertanties in street fighting to be worried about applying styles. So what's the use of martial arts, you ask?

                SD training should serve one purpose: allow you to escape, or at least a chance to escape. MA training has many purposes: sport, health, hobby, etc... But the core is tactics. The tactics applied in MA or SD, etc... were successfully or theoretically applied to a "fighting" situation, which may or may not work in another similar situation There aren't any guarantees here, simply your own faith in someone's testimonial and experience. We've all been dominated by instructors in a sparring match. But can you honestly say that he would remain unscathed if you went 120% with the intent of killing? I don't think so.

                I've been training MA for over 20 years, had a few run-ins, but does that make any of my training foolproof in street fight? No... It only means I hope to familiarize myself with tactics or situations that may apply to my training. Whether that holds true, remains to be seen.


                • I will explain to you one thing, you must know that if you practice martial arts you obviously have an davantage in the street, it's just bull shit to be making a whole deal about what would work or what would not in a fighting situation in the street, you just have to take into cosideration what type of situation like, are you fighting against one, two or more... do they have weapons or not, what type of people they are, just normal dickh heads who never had a fight in their lifes or people who have been in amny fights before (like me), and so on, most of the time, if I am unsure of who I am dealing with I just try my best to avoid any fight, some guys look dangerous and your gut just says to stay away from trouble, second some people can be so easy to knock down that it looks too dangerous to hit them, you never know, when you are a pro and you use full power on a head that would hardley move to avoid your favourite powerful right hook you might kill them or cause serious damage, lets not forget that the damage can apply to your hand too(many of my friends broke their hands punching hard some guys faces) we forget that in the street we do not have bandage and gloves; so teh risk is to hirt and get hirt as well, and trust me it's not worth it at all... in a situation like this there is no winner!
                  The bottom line is that if you practice martial arts you have some kind of advantage in some kind of situations with some kind of people, I knocked down few people who looked strong hitting them hard with a surprising and unexpected low kick, once on the ground they looked under shock due to the surprise and the speed, I probably looked like a fighting machine who it would be better not to mess with any further, many other times I acted like I had nothing to loose wich scared my opponent while maybe I was more scared then him...
                  Street fight is a war situation, it's like a science, a philosophy, the more you have the better chances you would make it... but as I always said the best thing is to avoid any fight but if you have to you will know how it went just when it's over.
                  I practiced all kind of martial arts and learnt how to use all kind of weapons but in the last fifteen years I had only three fights, the firts two I knocked down the two guys with a one single kick, the third did not take place cause while I pulled my knife when surrounded by three security guys of a club one of them pulled a gun, I was under a shock so asked him to shoot and that I was ready to die... all the others screamed at him that showing the gun will just have the club in trouble... I was lucky he was not some kind of drugged dude ready to use his gun!!
                  Fucck the street fights... peace is the answer!!


                  • Originally posted by Boxiados
                    I will explain to you one thing you must know, it's just bull shit to be making a whole deal about what would work or what would not in a fighting situation in the street,... do they have weapons or not, what type of people they are, just normal dickh heads who never had a fight in their lifes or people who have been in amny fights before (like me), and so on, when you are a pro and you use full power on a head that would hardley move to avoid your favourite powerful right hook you might kill them ... in a situation like this there is no winner! I probably looked like a fighting machine who it would be better not to mess with any further, many other times I acted like I had nothing to loose wich scared my opponent Street fight is a war situation, it's like a science, a philosophy, I practiced all kind of martial arts and learnt how to use all kind of weapons the firts two I knocked down the two guys with a one single kick, the third did not take place cause while I pulled my knife when surrounded by three security guys of a club one of them pulled a gun, I was under a shock so asked him to shoot and that I was ready to die... Fucck the street fights... peace is the answer!!
                    Whoo! Gonna need an extra shovel for all this!


                    • Originally posted by Boxiados
                      I acn talk to you about what's closest to the street fight is street fight... I grew up having so many street fights most where you always end up on the ground and using your forehead to destroy the guy's nose while immobilising his arms, later I strated martial arts, these last just made it easier to **** up any MOTHER F.
                      The bottom line, if you never had plenty of street fights where you also had your nose smashed...well, shut up cause you just don't know what you are talking about!
                      Peace on you brothers!
                      Oh, brother!


                      • Originally posted by jubaji
                        Whoo! Gonna need an extra shovel for all this!
                        Hey you better watch want you say around here cuz, Boxioho guy is a very experienced street thug, he might hunt you down and pin to he ground hold you arms above your head and tickle you til' you piss yourself. HMMM or did he say head but.... O well either way he is a bad ass in his own mind.

                        Yea it's getting deep in here!


                        • the street fight

                          remeber that in the street you have to free your mind from any rule that you learned during martial art classes. in the street you might consider hitting exactly where at the gym they told you not to, to the balls, kick or hit with your knees to the lower back scratch the eyes very hard, hit hard to the throat, if you are grappling on the ground smash the guys head on the ground, don't let him breath break his little finger bite his ears remember that anything you have in your pocket can become a weapon from coins to a pen to a cell phone your shoes your jacket or your shirt e hodetto tuttto vabbene!


                          • Originally posted by Boxiados
                            remeber that in the street you have to free your mind from any rule that you learned during martial art classes. in the street you might consider hitting exactly where at the gym they told you not to, to the balls, kick or hit with your knees to the lower back scratch the eyes very hard, hit hard to the throat, if you are grappling on the ground smash the guys head on the ground, don't let him breath break his little finger bite his ears remember that anything you have in your pocket can become a weapon from coins to a pen to a cell phone your shoes your jacket or your shirt e hodetto tuttto vabbene!

                            Man, whattabadass!


                            • Originally posted by Boxiados
                              e hodetto tuttto vabbene!
                              Portuguese? Italian??

                              Let's see... "e hodetto tutto".....'and hopefully fighting'????

                              "vabbene"....'goes well'?

                              'Hope your fighting goes well'??

                              scuce mon seignor boxiados, non parlo us out here.


                              • No sensei, that's not Portoguese, it's Italian it means "..and I said all, ok!"
                                Street fights are like accidents, you have to be unlucky to get into a fight in the street, some guys are fast in getting to the point, they are usaully those people who do not practice any combat sport, they are unaware of what they are getting into, I have seen sometime some fighting and it seems like watching a scene in slow motion, no coordination, no balance, no body posture, people that you see out of breath in the first ten seconds of the fight, sometimes when some of these type of guys wanted to come **** me I just kicked high in the air and made a sign with my finger to come, it's funny to see somone like this backing up and walking away with their tail between the legs... bottom line, if you are a good fighter with long years of experience of both martial arts and real street fights you can easily **** up the 80% of the guys you see around, if you are wise and try to keep things cool even in extreme situations you can be pretty sure to avoid the 20% who can be as skilled as you or even stronger and more dangerous than you.
                                Now if you have to happen in that rare case where there is no escape but facing the fight... THEN USE YOUR FULL POWER SPEED AND MOST OF ALL THINK NASTY THINK NO MERCY THINK CARZY... IT'S WAR, YOU OR HIM, IT DOES NOT MATTER CAUSE BOTH OF YOU WILL BE LOOSERS! :

