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Which arts are closest to a real fight?

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  • #76
    Loss of presonal judgement

    I know this is an old thread and that I haven't posted in awhile, but I think everyone missed my point.

    Can you fight? That is the question. Not which style... lahhhallallaa di da.
    Do you feel that you are prepared? Do you feel like you're on the right track?
    I can't, and neither can anyone else here, answer these questions for you.
    The best style? Sorry. That has't to be answered by you. And if you were exposed to the same art in different circumstances I'd wager your ideas about it would be different. Your instructor will mold your imperssions and skill, but there is a point that you have to take responisbility for yourself and your own development. Thing is are you ready?

    The idea that there is one art that will satisfy your needs is childish, it is akin to the fool watching late night TV and buying the wonder abezersizer. They aren't serious about their pysical health they just want a quick fix. Understand that I am not saying that mastering a single art isn't the answer, if that is your calling by all means... Just that in my experience the people that ask these questions are not serious martial artist. If they were the answers would be self evident.

    Some of us are born fighters, some of us can learn, and some of us are better leaving it to the first two altogether



    • #77
      Originally posted by Joshu
      I know this is an old thread and that I haven't posted in awhile, but I think everyone missed my point.

      Can you fight? That is the question. Not which style... lahhhallallaa di da.
      Do you feel that you are prepared? Do you feel like you're on the right track?
      I can't, and neither can anyone else here, answer these questions for you.
      The best style? Sorry. That has't to be answered by you. And if you were exposed to the same art in different circumstances I'd wager your ideas about it would be different. Your instructor will mold your imperssions and skill, but there is a point that you have to take responisbility for yourself and your own development. Thing is are you ready?

      The idea that there is one art that will satisfy your needs is childish, it is akin to the fool watching late night TV and buying the wonder abezersizer. They aren't serious about their pysical health they just want a quick fix. Understand that I am not saying that mastering a single art isn't the answer, if that is your calling by all means... Just that in my experience the people that ask these questions are not serious martial artist. If they were the answers would be self evident.

      Some of us are born fighters, some of us can learn, and some of us are better leaving it to the first two altogether

      I disagree.

      Although it is a matter of whether you can fight or not as you stated it still does matter what style you do .

      The best martial artists in their style whether Karate,TKD, Kung Fu,Muay Thai,Jujitsu etc can lose a fight on street against an unskilled martial artist if they aren't trained well or just simply not the fighting type outside of competition.How one reacts in competition is different from how one acts on street,different kind of scenario,however although doing a realistic style may not guarantee you winning a fight it will definitely improve your chances of winning. Styles like karate,kung fu,tkd will not improve your chances of winning as they are useless for self-defense and in fact limit you and make you an easier target due to faulse skills,faulse self-confidence and faulse perception of a real life scenario to those who have never been in a real fight, however real arts that teach real self-defense or street defense (Pankration,Shooto,Muay Thai,Savate,Jujitsu,Judo,Aikido etc.) will improve your chances of surviving a life threatening situation.

      In real life the easiest techniques are the most effective as you don't have much time to end a fight,it has to be over within first 30-60 seconds if even.Getting fancy with stances,kicks,etc will do shit on street,the street is real it's not some fantazy land or entertainment place,it's about you or him.Why study what won't work ?

      Think about what makes more sense in a real fight pulling punches and kicks or going right through with them? obviously going right through so if training for self-defense why would an art that teaches you to snap your techniques and pull all punches and kicks do you any good on street ? ANS. It won't.

      Kung Fu might work in the Matrix but it won't in real life.

      Your instructor may be able to mold your skills but if the skills are useless it most likely isn't going to do you any good should you ever have to defend yourself.

      So I agree that it isn't so much a matter of what style you do as to whether you're able to fight on street,however I disagree that style doesn't count as far as improving your chances to win .

      If someone feels they need to improve the way they fight and their chances of winning on street while trying to defend themselves and decides to take up martial arts they should get into something that will teach them self-defense and realistic street-defense not some fancy bull shit.


      • #78
        I disagree

        Originally posted by MuayThaiFighter
        I disagree.

        Although it is a matter of whether you can fight or not as you stated it still does matter what style you do .

        Kung Fu might work in the Matrix but it won't in real life.

        Your instructor may be able to mold your skills but if the skills are useless it most likely isn't going to do you any good should you ever have to defend yourself.

        So I agree that it isn't so much a matter of what style you do as to whether you're able to fight on street,however I disagree that style doesn't count as far as improving your chances to win .

        If someone feels they need to improve the way they fight and their chances of winning on street while trying to defend themselves and decides to take up martial arts they should get into something that will teach them self-defense and realistic street-defense not some fancy bull shit.

        I'm not sure what you are disagreeing with. I didn't say the style didn't matter. What I am saying is shopping for your next art on a forum is rather ignorant. And what Kung Fu style are you refering to?


        • #79

          Originally posted by eXcessiveForce

          When several guys start chasing you, you run.
          When someone fires a gun you run.
          When someone pulls a knife you run.

          Most realistic situation.

          When you are cornered you fight.
          When you fight you fight them with.....
          1. Muay Thai if your opponent is in middle to long distance
          2. WingChun if your opponent is in your close distance
          3. But in a grappling situation..... MuayThai and WingChun is not applicable, you must learn any grappling martial arts

          You see????? Every Martial Art has its disadvantage and advantages.


          • #80
            Originally posted by sherwinc

            When you are cornered you fight.
            When you fight you fight them with.....
            1. Muay Thai if your opponent is in middle to long distance
            2. WingChun if your opponent is in your close distance
            3. But in a grappling situation..... MuayThai and WingChun is not applicable, you must learn any grappling martial arts

            You see????? Every Martial Art has its disadvantage and advantages.
            Gun Fu and Lawyer Fu is the closet art to a real fight


            • #81
              Originally posted by Joshu
              I'm not sure what you are disagreeing with. I didn't say the style didn't matter. What I am saying is shopping for your next art on a forum is rather ignorant. And what Kung Fu style are you refering to?

              I'm refering to all Kung Fu styles.


              • #82
                Originally posted by sherwinc

                When you are cornered you fight.
                When you fight you fight them with.....
                1. Muay Thai if your opponent is in middle to long distance
                2. WingChun if your opponent is in your close distance
                3. But in a grappling situation..... MuayThai and WingChun is not applicable, you must learn any grappling martial arts

                You see????? Every Martial Art has its disadvantage and advantages.
                Muay Thai can be used both long distance and close up and Wing Chun will do shit for you on street. The only reason many people claim it to be best and why it is highly exaggerated is because it is the art in which Bruce Lee oritginally took and from that created JKD.Had someone else taken Wing Chun it may have not been as popular an art.So the art doesn't really have anything to do with reality it's all about a popular martial artist and actor haven taken it at one.

                I agree learning some grappling is a good idea.


                • #83
                  Originally posted by MuayThaiFighter
                  Muay Thai can be used both long distance and close up and Wing Chun will do shit for you on street. The only reason many people claim it to be best and why it is highly exaggerated is because it is the art in which Bruce Lee oritginally took and from that created JKD.Had someone else taken Wing Chun it may have not been as popular an art.So the art doesn't really have anything to do with reality it's all about a popular martial artist and actor haven taken it at one.

                  I agree learning some grappling is a good idea.
                  i agree wing chun is highly exaggerated because of bruce lee, that is bullsh{t , in the street you have to rely on strength and smarts not what some nerd kid deems 'cool'


                  • #84
                    Originally posted by HandtoHand
                    Stregnth, and smarts are two very important elements, but so is spead, timing, technique. Enough said.
                    I agree but lets not forget right mentality for fighting and not being intimitated by size.


                    • #85
                      Originally posted by MuayThaiFighter
                      I agree but lets not forget right mentality for fighting and not being intimitated by size.
                      all true, and as handtohand stated 'enough said'


                      • #86
                        Originally posted by MuayThaiFighter
                        I agree but lets not forget right mentality for fighting and not being intimitated by size.
                        I agree 100% the mental toughness is more than half the battle. Intimidation is basically psychogical warefare. Big is not always better, I know/knew lot of body builders great physique for thier sport, but for fighting completly disfunctional. Now most don't have to worry about fight as MTF said because of intimidation. Just something to think about

                        ps. MTF I just came back from Vancouver stayed 4 days at the pan pacific on business. cool hotel and city (though I didn't really get to see much)


                        • #87
                          Originally posted by IPON
                          I agree 100% the mental toughness is more than half the battle. Intimidation is basically psychogical warefare. Big is not always better, I know/knew lot of body builders great physique for thier sport, but for fighting completly disfunctional. Now most don't have to worry about fight as MTF said because of intimidation. Just something to think about

                          ps. MTF I just came back from Vancouver stayed 4 days at the pan pacific on business. cool hotel and city (though I didn't really get to see much)
                          I'm glad you agree with me.

                          I hope you liked your trip here. Pan Pacific Hotel is expensive isn't it?


                          • #88
                            no, you are wrong......

                            Originally posted by MuayThaiFighter
                            Muay Thai can be used both long distance and close up and Wing Chun will do shit for you on street. The only reason many people claim it to be best and why it is highly exaggerated is because it is the art in which Bruce Lee oritginally took and from that created JKD.Had someone else taken Wing Chun it may have not been as popular an art.So the art doesn't really have anything to do with reality it's all about a popular martial artist and actor haven taken it at one.

                            I agree learning some grappling is a good idea.
                            If there's a fight between WingChun versus MuayThai with the rules of only "NO USING OF FEET" only hands or fist. WingChun will win the fight 101%. You know, the only thing that i believe in MuayThai is their powerful kick, but their hand are weak, i'll repeat, WINGCHUN FIST ARE MORE ULTIMATE POWERFUL THAN MUAYTHAI.



                            MUAY THAI:
                            1. MuayThai have only 6 fist attacks (jab, cross, hook, uppercut, roundhouse, straight) punches.
                            2. MuayThai use only fist and nothing else, they have no palm attacks.
                            3. All MuayThai hand attacks is all telegraphic to the eye even when it is executed fast - still it is telegraphic to the eye and to the chi sau of WingChun's bridge.
                            4. That's all?????? and that's all.

                            WING CHUN:
                            1. WingChun Palms are more powerful than MuayThai's Fist because they have their Iron Palm Training as well as their IronBridgeHand Training.
                            2. WingChun have a total of 108 hand attacks, that if you master it all your hand strokes.
                            3. WingChun hand attacks is not telegraphic to the eye of the MuayThai but..... but WingChun hand attacks is really telegraphic to the bridge of another WingChun opponent because of their ChiSau.
                            4. How about Biu Jee? It is the art of trusting fingers.
                            5. There are many more, and I mention all awesome techniques of Chinese Martial Arts before and you still cannot get.


                            Reasons why Palms are more powerful than Fists:
                            1. Since you are a baby learning to craw on the floor - you use your palms and not fist.
                            2. When you push a heavy table or refrigirator etc - you use your palms and not fist.
                            3. When you close your car door - you use your palms and not fist.
                            4. When your lifting a very very heavy object - you use palms and not fist.
                            5. When you accidentally drop on the floor - you use palms and not fist.
                            6. etc, etc, etc, and etc.
                            Note: Tai Chi Chuan Theory of Palm power rather than fist.

                            1. When you attack the steel wall many times what will you use: Your Fist or your Palm?
                            Answer: I'll attack the steel wall using my palms and not my fist
                            Answer: Because if I use my fist unto the steel wall - ooohhhh, it really hurts.

                            2. For what reason will i use my Fist rather than Palm?
                            You only use your fist when you have to masturbate yourself, and palms are useless.


                            • #89
                              Originally posted by sherwinc

                              Because if I use my fist unto the steel wall - ooohhhh, it really hurts.
                              For what reason will i use my Fist rather than Palm?
                              You only use your fist when you have to masturbate yourself, and palms are useless.
                              AGGHHHHH GET THOSE TERRIBLE IMAGES OUT OF MY HEAD!!!


                              • #90
                                who the hell uses a fist to masturbate? What do you do beat the hell out of it like a slam man doll or what? Or maybe thats where open palm strikes come in. lol

