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Which arts are closest to a real fight?

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  • Which arts are closest to a real fight?

    Here are a few martial arts styles that I believe to be the best and the closest to a real situation let me know what you think.

    Consider which fighters of which styles wins most often in UFC, Sabaki Challenge, and Pride.

    Muay Thai Kickboxers
    Grapplers (judo,jujitsu,sambo and submission wrestling etc.)

    Without a doubt are MuayThai fighters as well as grapplers great fighters in and outside of UFC,Sabaki Challenge and Pride, however the best styles are the ones that combine muay thai and grappling. These mixed martial arts styles have been proven over and over again to take on the world of martial arts, anyone who has doubts has not seen these competitions.

    In my opinion Pankration,and Shooto are a few of the best fighters in the world of martial arts today, as they combine muay thai, a top stand up art with grappling.

    From what I have written and from what you guys have seen in these competitions, which arts do you believe to be the best ?
    Wrestling (Greco,submission,sambo etc.)
    Any art that combines Muay Thai (or similar art) with any form of Grappling

  • #2
    52 Blocks....number one in the hood G.

    This is getting so old....haven't we had this same thread about 30 times today posted by different people?


    • #3

      When several guys start chasing you, you run.
      When someone fires a gun you run.
      When someone pulls a knife you run.

      Most realistic situation.


      • #4
        combine everything already written, mixed with everything else thats ever been written, and there you go-------a blend of anything that can happen in a "real fight". I don't believe there is any one system that is closest to a real fight. Too many variables.


        • #5
          All styles have elements that can be useful in an actual situation, but if you try to rely solely on one of these arts it would be inevitably futile to defend against a real attacker. The arts are just entirely to strict in rules by themselves but when used together a total style can be used to defeat any attacker.


          • #6

            That man is wise.

            You should listen to him.



            • #7
              UFC, Sabaki and Pride aren't real fights


              • #8

                They are as close to real fights as one should get without the actual anger and rage of a streeet situation. They might not be real but only in that they lack situation.


                • #9
                  The style which is closest to a real fight? A style that trainers Haymakers and bad grappling with flailing as its primary weapons.


                  • #10
                    ha! Ha1

                    Very humorous that you would detail a style in the manner of a jackass!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by fullcircle
                      UFC, Sabaki and Pride aren't real fights
                      So true,but still the closest you will get to real fight provided we are talking about a one on one fight.

                      After all in UFC,Sabaki and Pride just as in a real fight they don't wear boxing gloves.They wear grappling gloves but those still can hurt person getting beaten up in these competitions almost as much as someone getting beaten up on street with no gloves at all.Those grappling gloves have very little protection and fingers are not covered.

                      Just as in a real fight most of these ring fights end to the ground.

                      You would never see in a regular tournament such as those of karate,tae kwon do,kung fu etc. guys pounding the shit out of their opponent while he is on ground or see guys choking each other out to tap or unconciousness and you would never see any fighters doing arm bars,leg locks,ankle locks or neck cranks,also you would never see a fighter elbowing someone on ground or knocking a guy out with his knees from stand up position all these in one tournament.

                      Compared to other tournaments and ring fights these UFC,Sabaki and Pride fights have very few rules so when it comes down it they are the next best thing to a fight.


                      • #12
                        I’m afraid we all kidding ourselves. No martial art stile can be even close to real life scenario. What makes MA real? The intent to eliminate opponent in minimal time with maximum violence. Name one like that. All of stiles have something, but it’s more like abstract models of a real thing. The only systems, which solve the problems, are specially developed hand-to-hand military systems, And you can’t learn that in fancy Sportclub in Manhattan or in a basement of a private house. The key for us, simple folks are the mind set. My long time friend and brilliant kickboxing coacher (not a Teacher) always said: Good fiddler will beat bad Karate master. SO, train, train, and train. And we have to remember-what makes your art or stile real is intent.
                        P.S. I’m surprised you put Sambo in the same group as wrestling. Can you explain why?


                        • #13
                          I’m afraid we all kidding ourselves. No martial art stile can be even close to real life scenario. What makes MA real? The intent to eliminate opponent in minimal time with maximum violence. Name one like that. All of stiles have something, but it’s more like abstract models of a real thing. The only systems, which solve the problems, are specially developed hand-to-hand military systems, And you can’t learn that in fancy Sportclub in Manhattan or in a basement of a private house. The key for us, simple folks are the mind set. My long time friend and brilliant kickboxing coacher (not a Teacher) always said: Good fiddler will beat bad Karate master. SO, train, train, and train. And we have to remember-what makes your art or stile real is intent.
                          P.S. I’m surprised you put Sambo in the same group as wrestling. Can you explain why?


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by bratvas
                            I’m afraid we all kidding ourselves. No martial art stile can be even close to real life scenario. What makes MA real? The intent to eliminate opponent in minimal time with maximum violence. Name one like that. All of stiles have something, but it’s more like abstract models of a real thing. The only systems, which solve the problems, are specially developed hand-to-hand military systems, And you can’t learn that in fancy Sportclub in Manhattan or in a basement of a private house. The key for us, simple folks are the mind set. My long time friend and brilliant kickboxing coacher (not a Teacher) always said: Good fiddler will beat bad Karate master. SO, train, train, and train. And we have to remember-what makes your art or stile real is intent.
                            P.S. I’m surprised you put Sambo in the same group as wrestling. Can you explain why?
                            "The only systems, which solve the problems, are specially developed hand-to-hand military systems"

                            HHHHHHHMMMMMMM,that's funny you say that since the hand to hand military systems come from martial arts.

                            Such as MuayThai is a martial arts used in Thailand for the armed forces and U.S marines also use it from what I last remember reading.

                            Canadian army uses Judo,Jujitsu,Wrestling,Boxing,Kickboxing and some other martial arts styles.


                            • #15
                              Well that's it then, we should all apply to the Royal Marines, or the SBS... then we will know for definate that ares skills are defacto undefetable

                              real life fight? what about Vodka-fu, involves a lot of pointing, bad insults and spitting, and maybe a badly thrown puch or headbutt - groin combo

