Re: Re: Re: Re: ignorance at its best(no offence)
S.Anucha LOL
I think when you try to demystify fighting and the fantasy of being the ultimate warrior I don't think peopel can handle it. But I would not the stylists in UFC PRIDE K1 etc are light weights either.
And hey I have never lost a fight or been knockedout but I have gotten my ass kicked more than a few times. I think getting KO'd would have been better
I have never agreed with the "90% of all fights end up on the ground" when teh Gracies started saying that in the earyly 90's... its garbage especially if somone with fighting skill is involved. People should take from thier own experience and if they don't have any, fine. But have an open mind to other people s experiences....
Originally posted by S.Anucha
This UFC crap has totally brainwashed people and the guys who are doing the "I am the street warrior" promotionary stunt need a good lesson!!!!
This UFC crap has totally brainwashed people and the guys who are doing the "I am the street warrior" promotionary stunt need a good lesson!!!!
S.Anucha LOL

And hey I have never lost a fight or been knockedout but I have gotten my ass kicked more than a few times. I think getting KO'd would have been better

I have never agreed with the "90% of all fights end up on the ground" when teh Gracies started saying that in the earyly 90's... its garbage especially if somone with fighting skill is involved. People should take from thier own experience and if they don't have any, fine. But have an open mind to other people s experiences....
