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Which arts are closest to a real fight?

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  • #91
    Originally posted by sherwinc
    If there's a fight between WingChun versus MuayThai with the rules of only "NO USING OF FEET" only hands or fist. WingChun will win the fight 101%. You know, the only thing that i believe in MuayThai is their powerful kick, but their hand are weak, i'll repeat, WINGCHUN FIST ARE MORE ULTIMATE POWERFUL THAN MUAYTHAI.



    1. MuayThai have only 6 fist attacks (jab, cross, hook, uppercut, roundhouse, straight) punches.
    2. MuayThai use only fist and nothing else, they have no palm attacks.
    3. All MuayThai hand attacks is all telegraphic to the eye even when it is executed fast - still it is telegraphic to the eye and to the chi sau of WingChun's bridge.
    4. That's all?????? and that's all.

    1. WingChun Palms are more powerful than MuayThai's Fist because they have their Iron Palm Training as well as their IronBridgeHand Training.
    2. WingChun have a total of 108 hand attacks, that if you master it all your hand strokes.
    3. WingChun hand attacks is not telegraphic to the eye of the MuayThai but..... but WingChun hand attacks is really telegraphic to the bridge of another WingChun opponent because of their ChiSau.
    4. How about Biu Jee? It is the art of trusting fingers.
    5. There are many more, and I mention all awesome techniques of Chinese Martial Arts before and you still cannot get.


    Reasons why Palms are more powerful than Fists:
    1. Since you are a baby learning to craw on the floor - you use your palms and not fist.
    2. When you push a heavy table or refrigirator etc - you use your palms and not fist.
    3. When you close your car door - you use your palms and not fist.
    4. When your lifting a very very heavy object - you use palms and not fist.
    5. When you accidentally drop on the floor - you use palms and not fist.
    6. etc, etc, etc, and etc.
    Note: Tai Chi Chuan Theory of Palm power rather than fist.

    1. When you attack the steel wall many times what will you use: Your Fist or your Palm?
    Answer: I'll attack the steel wall using my palms and not my fist
    Answer: Because if I use my fist unto the steel wall - ooohhhh, it really hurts.

    2. For what reason will i use my Fist rather than Palm?
    You only use your fist when you have to masturbate yourself, and palms are useless.
    No offense bud but you really live in a fantasy world.You honestly think if we were to just get rid of our kicks in a competition against you wing chun guys and Wing Chun would win,then I don't know what world you are living in.Both our hands and feet are more poweful then your guys techniques.It's not just powerful kicks we have.If you can say our hands are weak then it shows me you have never felt a Muay Thai person's punch and been able to compare.

    Reason we don't have palm strikes is because most are useless especially against a guy punching full speed and with full power.

    Get your facts straight bud,because Wing Chun strikes are the ones that are telegraphic and besides with Wing Chun you better not have your hand grabbed otherwise you'll have your fingers snapped by someone else.Open fingers will snap alot easier then bare knuckles,because your knuckles can put up with more abuse then your fingers.

    Your Iron Bridge Hand is just something made to look impressive but try that on the street and you can kiss your ass good bye especially against a Muay Thai fighter.Iron Bridge Hand strike won't even work against a person with no martial arts experience.

    108 different strikes,wow impressive.NOT. It's not a matter of how many strikes a style has it is a matter of whether they are useful or not.I don't care how many strike your system has,because if they are useless then there is no point of learning any of them.It's better to learn one technique that works well then several that do shit !!!!!!!!!!

    Your reasons for why palms are more powerful then fists is pathetic and makes no sense.

    Just because you learn to crawl on your palms,fall on palms,push and etc with your hands doesn't make fists weaker.If we walked on our palms then I would agree it is stronger then fist but we don't.Legs are stronger then arms because we use our legs more often like for walking,hiking,lifting,bending down etc.and besides most people if not all spend most of their life standing,but palms are not stronger then fists.

    Lets try this for reasoning on why fists are more powerful then palm strikes:

    *Palm strikes leave fingers open for grabbing,twisting and breaking.
    *Fists cause tightening of hand giving you more strength
    *When you lift weights you place hand over bar and close hand like in a fist.
    *You punch heavy bag with fists not palms
    *Bending of wrist from using palm strikes can cause wrist to break in a real situation especially if person gets a hold of your wrist, besides it can lead to alzheimers when you get older.
    *Fists reveal your knuckles which are boney and fingers aren't.Although bones hurt when broken they can also do more damage when used as a weapon,just ask any Thai fighter who has knocked out opponents using their elbow and fists.

    Besides power doesn't completely come from punch, alot of it also comes from the hips either way a punch will hurt more then a palm strike when hit, only in certain curmstances will a palm be better to use then fist but certainly not in fighting.

    "You only use your fist when you have to masturbate yourself, and palms are useless."

    All this time I thought you were disagreeing with me now it seems like you are admitting palms are useless.


    • #92
      Well im a new member at the site and i see that most of you are very knowledgable regarding the martial arts. We all have our preferences and oppinons, but i dont beleive that we should put down other arts. Saying that, whoever wrote that shit about wing chun being better than MT is a fuckin shithead. First off you shouldnt say shit about other arts. secondly u need to go fight someone that knows muay thai. I do agree though that the palm strike is good. Unlike the fist it can take a lot of impact. That's all i have to say about that. Also, who the **** is going to remember 108 different attacks in a fight? Or a sparring match for that matter? You can say that a grandmaster could, but by the time he is a grandmaster, get this, he's friggin old!! The fact of the matter is, unless you're goku off of dragonball z, you're not going to remember 108 different techniques in the heat of battle. Ok im done with that

      A lot of people say that 90% of fights end up on the ground. I can definetly see that. When someone loses, they're probably on the ground lol. Maybe the other 10% is people breaking it up. That's my oppinion anyway. I know enough of brazilian jiu jitsu to say that it is very effective. It may not be the greatest choice when you're fighting with more than one person though lol. Yet, you cant ignore the edge it gives you with an unknowledgable person.

      Striking is also an area where you cannot neglect. Knowing how to strike should be at least part of your main arsenal. You have to know how to hit and hit hard. Someone on this forum said something about using force. They said something like "If you have to use force, make sure it's excessive." (that's not the exact quote but you get the point) I totally agree. Once you've decided to fight, you make sure you destroy your opponent. I just hope people dont take that the wrong way and go out and kill people haha (maybe i shouldnt laugh....). The point being is that we shouldn't go looking for fights and only fight when it is neccessary. But when it is neccessary, don't hold back.

      As for what style is realistic, none of them are. WAIT WAIT I DIDNT SAY THAT MARTIAL ARTS ARE USLESS. Now lets not over react here. Any style you learn will give you an edge. A fight in reality has too many variables (someone else in this forum said that too)-who can take the most hits, who's bigger and more intimidating, who has the element of surprise, who is more confident, who cares for or not about rules, who has honour, who HAS A WEAPON!!! Who knows?!?! who can say if you're going to go to the ground or if you're going to get smashed by a knee or a haymaker or and elbow or a head butt so on and so on. The only thing you can do is prepare yourself the best you can before hand and "roll with the punches." People say "oh you should've done this" or "he couldve done that" but really in a fight chances are you're not going to see every opening or every chance.

      Remember that every martial arts style has something different to bring to the table and that we are all similar at the same time. We are all children of the same idea. We all strive for perfection in what we do. We all train hard and sacrifice. We all love what we do.

      "Success often comes from good judgement. Good judgment come from experience. Experience often comes from bad judgment." ~Tony Robbins~
      (Yah yah he's no Musashi Miyamoto)

      Good luck and train hard!!


      • #93
        [QUOTE= whoever wrote that shit about wing chun being better than MT is a fuckin shithead.[/QUOTE]

        **** up loser, ure so gay, go **** a cat fuckwit.
        **** off, im bored of your trying to sound like an expert like u said u are new, maybe u should end ure journey here and **** off


        • #94
          Originally posted by whoever wrote that shit about wing chun being better than MT is a fuckin shithead.[/QUOTE

          **** up loser, ure so gay, go **** a cat fuckwit.
          **** off, im bored of your trying to sound like an expert like u said u are new, maybe u should end ure journey here and **** off

          Hey man i didnt say i was new to MA just new to the site and im not trying to sound like an expert. im just trying to give my 2 cents and educate dumbasses like you. from what you just said I doubt that you're an expert either. The only reason your bored is because you dont have a life. pfff violence and vandalism is your motto? You sound like a fuckin moron. So why dont you **** off instead?



          • #95
            Originally posted by Karate_is_cool
            Hey man i didnt say i was new to MA just new to the site and im not trying to sound like an expert. im just trying to give my 2 cents and educate dumbasses like you. from what you just said I doubt that you're an expert either. The only reason your bored is because you dont have a life. pfff violence and vandalism is your motto? You sound like a fuckin moron. So why dont you **** off instead?

            hahahaha whatever loser, im sick of hearing about how gay u r. end of story


            • #96
              But when I did read my first post again i do have to agree that i sound like i think im an expert lol. but thats not i was trying to imply by all means. Everything i typed was from my own belief and from things that i learned after reading the previous posts. so dont think that im trying to teach anyone anything lol. im no beginner but i know most of you guys know much more than i do (except for that fag from new zealand).



              • #97
                Originally posted by Karate_is_cool
                That's all i have to say about that. Also, who the **** is going to remember 108 different attacks in a fight? Or a sparring match for that matter? You can say that a grandmaster could, but by the time he is a grandmaster, get this, he's friggin old!! The fact of the matter is, unless you're goku off of dragonball z, you're not going to remember 108 different techniques in the heat of battle. Ok im done with that
                You could not remember(using your head and eyes) that 108 alphabets of wingchun in an actual fighting situation, but thru the sensitivity of both of your bridge forearms(using your chisau, autopilot) you can use that 108 easily, even you.... you cant believe yourself how did you done it, you did use your 108 using your chisau and not your head and eyes....

                i really did it up to 108 of wingchun plus the 55 of chidianbun plus the pushing hands of taichichuan and the single short, double short, single long, double long, and kneeling hand attacks of ngochokun kungfu.... very easy.....

                you only know karate, and it is only karate, and karate is only the basics of kungfu and nothing more..... how can a BASIC Moves be superior to ADVANCE Moves?????? since Karate is only a basics of KungFu.


                • #98
                  Originally posted by sherwinc
                  you only know karate, and it is only karate, and karate is only the basics of kungfu and nothing more..... how can a BASIC Moves be superior to ADVANCE Moves?????? since Karate is only a basics of KungFu.
                  Note: Since you only have the 'basics' of an actual human brain, how can anything you say be taken seriously? Psycho


                  • #99
                    Originally posted by Karate_is_cool
                    Well im a new member at the site and i see that most of you are very knowledgable regarding the martial arts. We all have our preferences and oppinons, but i dont beleive that we should put down other arts. Saying that, whoever wrote that shit about wing chun being better than MT is a fuckin shithead. First off you shouldnt say shit about other arts. secondly u need to go fight someone that knows muay thai. I do agree though that the palm strike is good. Unlike the fist it can take a lot of impact. That's all i have to say about that. Also, who the **** is going to remember 108 different attacks in a fight? Or a sparring match for that matter? You can say that a grandmaster could, but by the time he is a grandmaster, get this, he's friggin old!! The fact of the matter is, unless you're goku off of dragonball z, you're not going to remember 108 different techniques in the heat of battle. Ok im done with that

                    A lot of people say that 90% of fights end up on the ground. I can definetly see that. When someone loses, they're probably on the ground lol. Maybe the other 10% is people breaking it up. That's my oppinion anyway. I know enough of brazilian jiu jitsu to say that it is very effective. It may not be the greatest choice when you're fighting with more than one person though lol. Yet, you cant ignore the edge it gives you with an unknowledgable person.

                    Striking is also an area where you cannot neglect. Knowing how to strike should be at least part of your main arsenal. You have to know how to hit and hit hard. Someone on this forum said something about using force. They said something like "If you have to use force, make sure it's excessive." (that's not the exact quote but you get the point) I totally agree. Once you've decided to fight, you make sure you destroy your opponent. I just hope people dont take that the wrong way and go out and kill people haha (maybe i shouldnt laugh....). The point being is that we shouldn't go looking for fights and only fight when it is neccessary. But when it is neccessary, don't hold back.

                    As for what style is realistic, none of them are. WAIT WAIT I DIDNT SAY THAT MARTIAL ARTS ARE USLESS. Now lets not over react here. Any style you learn will give you an edge. A fight in reality has too many variables (someone else in this forum said that too)-who can take the most hits, who's bigger and more intimidating, who has the element of surprise, who is more confident, who cares for or not about rules, who has honour, who HAS A WEAPON!!! Who knows?!?! who can say if you're going to go to the ground or if you're going to get smashed by a knee or a haymaker or and elbow or a head butt so on and so on. The only thing you can do is prepare yourself the best you can before hand and "roll with the punches." People say "oh you should've done this" or "he couldve done that" but really in a fight chances are you're not going to see every opening or every chance.

                    Remember that every martial arts style has something different to bring to the table and that we are all similar at the same time. We are all children of the same idea. We all strive for perfection in what we do. We all train hard and sacrifice. We all love what we do.

                    "Success often comes from good judgement. Good judgment come from experience. Experience often comes from bad judgment." ~Tony Robbins~
                    (Yah yah he's no Musashi Miyamoto)

                    Good luck and train hard!!
                    I agree with most of what you say.

                    A person who knows wing chung needs to fight a MuayThai fighter before saying that shit,exactly shit.

                    I disagree that the palm strike is good and useful, unless you are cornered against a wall.

                    That is so true when you say, who the hell is going to remember 108 different attacks during a fight? That's a very good point about how a grand master may be able to remember all the differrent attacks but would be too old by then anyways.

                    I also agree that 90% of fights end on the ground although I know some people disagree with that.

                    "Striking is also an area where you cannot neglect. Knowing how to strike should be at least part of your main arsenal. You have to know how to hit and hit hard. Someone on this forum said something about using force. They said something like "If you have to use force, make sure it's excessive." (that's not the exact quote but you get the point) I totally agree."

                    I too agree with this. That's why I personally think point sparring is useless.

                    "Any style you learn will give you an edge."

                    Here I would once again have to disagree,because I feel the only arts that will give you an edge are arts that train specifically on sparring,self-defense and street defense.Arts that do katas do not give you an edge.That's my opinion though.

                    "The only thing you can do is prepare yourself the best you can before hand and "roll with the punches." People say "oh you should've done this" or "he couldve done that" but really in a fight chances are you're not going to see every opening or every chance."

                    So true,but this is an obvious statement.

                    "Remember that every martial arts style has something different to bring to the table and that we are all similar at the same time. We are all children of the same idea. We all strive for perfection in what we do. We all train hard and sacrifice. We all love what we do."

                    True but some arts don't bring reality to the table.

                    "Success often comes from good judgement. Good judgment come from experience. Experience often comes from bad judgment."

                    True however seems like many people here don't have good judgement from experience. Anyone who thinks Martial Arts styles that do katas are useful for self-defense as far as I am concerned don't have good judgement and probably don't have much experience in martial arts or at least not as much as they claim.


                    • My instructor told us a story a while back: When he was in the military him and 2 others were having this same argument. The drill instructor came up and said thay were all full of shit and he would beat them all. So, they met the next day where the D.I. told them to. The pool. He jump in with the first guy, then the next guy, then my instructor. He beat them all the same way. He grab them by the top of the head and pushed them under the water. The point being that every situation calls for a different skill. If your in the midwest, you better know how to wrestle. If you're in thailand you better know Muay Thai. If you're in the middle of a rice patty, neither muay thai nor wrestling is going to help you, so silat would be a pretty good bet. How about the small alleys and walkways in asia. Are you getting my point? There is ALWAYS going to be someone that is bigger, stronger, crazier, and better prepared than you. So the best you can do is be as well rounded as you can possible be, and chances are the average person you come up against in the street will have maybe 10% of the knowledge you have. Again, just my 2 cents.


                      • Originally posted by MuayThaiFighter
                        I agree with most of what you say.

                        A person who knows wing chung needs to fight a MuayThai fighter before saying that shit,exactly shit.

                        I disagree that the palm strike is good and useful, unless you are cornered against a wall.

                        That is so true when you say, who the hell is going to remember 108 different attacks during a fight? That's a very good point about how a grand master may be able to remember all the differrent attacks but would be too old by then anyways.

                        I also agree that 90% of fights end on the ground although I know some people disagree with that.

                        "Striking is also an area where you cannot neglect. Knowing how to strike should be at least part of your main arsenal. You have to know how to hit and hit hard. Someone on this forum said something about using force. They said something like "If you have to use force, make sure it's excessive." (that's not the exact quote but you get the point) I totally agree."

                        I too agree with this. That's why I personally think point sparring is useless.

                        "Any style you learn will give you an edge."

                        Here I would once again have to disagree,because I feel the only arts that will give you an edge are arts that train specifically on sparring,self-defense and street defense.Arts that do katas do not give you an edge.That's my opinion though.

                        "The only thing you can do is prepare yourself the best you can before hand and "roll with the punches." People say "oh you should've done this" or "he couldve done that" but really in a fight chances are you're not going to see every opening or every chance."

                        So true,but this is an obvious statement.

                        "Remember that every martial arts style has something different to bring to the table and that we are all similar at the same time. We are all children of the same idea. We all strive for perfection in what we do. We all train hard and sacrifice. We all love what we do."

                        True but some arts don't bring reality to the table.

                        "Success often comes from good judgement. Good judgment come from experience. Experience often comes from bad judgment."

                        True however seems like many people here don't have good judgement from experience. Anyone who thinks Martial Arts styles that do katas are useful for self-defense as far as I am concerned don't have good judgement and probably don't have much experience in martial arts or at least not as much as they claim.
                        The Story of the Wind and the Sun

                        A fight sparring of Wind versus Sun

                        their aim is to remove that jacket wear by MuayThaiFighter

                        The Wind blew hard, and harder and hardest

                        but MuayThaiFighter defense is to hold his jacket tighteir in order not to remove his jacket.....

                        the Wind failed!!!!

                        its the Sun's turn...

                        the Sun shines brightly and brightly until that stupid MuayThaiFighter remove his jacket - its so very hot.....

                        the Sun wins.....

                        Kungfu is more powerful than a Non-KungFu Martial arts.....


                        • I totaly agree with Sherwinc


                          • Yeah but now dull people will get on and claim not to know what sherwinc is talking about!


                            • this is the best you can do


                              When several guys start chasing you, you run.
                              When someone fires a gun you run.
                              When someone pulls a knife you run.

                              Most realistic situation.


                              • Originally posted by sherwinc
                                If there's a fight between WingChun versus MuayThai with the rules of only "NO USING OF FEET" only hands or fist. WingChun will win the fight 101%. You know, the only thing that i believe in MuayThai is their powerful kick, but their hand are weak, i'll repeat, WINGCHUN FIST ARE MORE ULTIMATE POWERFUL THAN MUAYTHAI.



                                MUAY THAI:
                                1. MuayThai have only 6 fist attacks (jab, cross, hook, uppercut, roundhouse, straight) punches.
                                2. MuayThai use only fist and nothing else, they have no palm attacks.
                                3. All MuayThai hand attacks is all telegraphic to the eye even when it is executed fast - still it is telegraphic to the eye and to the chi sau of WingChun's bridge.
                                4. That's all?????? and that's all.

                                WING CHUN:
                                1. WingChun Palms are more powerful than MuayThai's Fist because they have their Iron Palm Training as well as their IronBridgeHand Training.
                                2. WingChun have a total of 108 hand attacks, that if you master it all your hand strokes.
                                3. WingChun hand attacks is not telegraphic to the eye of the MuayThai but..... but WingChun hand attacks is really telegraphic to the bridge of another WingChun opponent because of their ChiSau.
                                4. How about Biu Jee? It is the art of trusting fingers.
                                5. There are many more, and I mention all awesome techniques of Chinese Martial Arts before and you still cannot get.


                                Reasons why Palms are more powerful than Fists:
                                1. Since you are a baby learning to craw on the floor - you use your palms and not fist.
                                2. When you push a heavy table or refrigirator etc - you use your palms and not fist.
                                3. When you close your car door - you use your palms and not fist.
                                4. When your lifting a very very heavy object - you use palms and not fist.
                                5. When you accidentally drop on the floor - you use palms and not fist.
                                6. etc, etc, etc, and etc.
                                Note: Tai Chi Chuan Theory of Palm power rather than fist.

                                1. When you attack the steel wall many times what will you use: Your Fist or your Palm?
                                Answer: I'll attack the steel wall using my palms and not my fist
                                Answer: Because if I use my fist unto the steel wall - ooohhhh, it really hurts.

                                2. For what reason will i use my Fist rather than Palm?
                                You only use your fist when you have to masturbate yourself, and palms are useless.

