Originally posted by sherwinc
Reason we don't have palm strikes is because most are useless especially against a guy punching full speed and with full power.
Get your facts straight bud,because Wing Chun strikes are the ones that are telegraphic and besides with Wing Chun you better not have your hand grabbed otherwise you'll have your fingers snapped by someone else.Open fingers will snap alot easier then bare knuckles,because your knuckles can put up with more abuse then your fingers.
Your Iron Bridge Hand is just something made to look impressive but try that on the street and you can kiss your ass good bye especially against a Muay Thai fighter.Iron Bridge Hand strike won't even work against a person with no martial arts experience.
108 different strikes,wow impressive.NOT. It's not a matter of how many strikes a style has it is a matter of whether they are useful or not.I don't care how many strike your system has,because if they are useless then there is no point of learning any of them.It's better to learn one technique that works well then several that do shit !!!!!!!!!!
Your reasons for why palms are more powerful then fists is pathetic and makes no sense.
Just because you learn to crawl on your palms,fall on palms,push and etc with your hands doesn't make fists weaker.If we walked on our palms then I would agree it is stronger then fist but we don't.Legs are stronger then arms because we use our legs more often like for walking,hiking,lifting,bending down etc.and besides most people if not all spend most of their life standing,but palms are not stronger then fists.
Lets try this for reasoning on why fists are more powerful then palm strikes:
*Palm strikes leave fingers open for grabbing,twisting and breaking.
*Fists cause tightening of hand giving you more strength
*When you lift weights you place hand over bar and close hand like in a fist.
*You punch heavy bag with fists not palms
*Bending of wrist from using palm strikes can cause wrist to break in a real situation especially if person gets a hold of your wrist, besides it can lead to alzheimers when you get older.
*Fists reveal your knuckles which are boney and fingers aren't.Although bones hurt when broken they can also do more damage when used as a weapon,just ask any Thai fighter who has knocked out opponents using their elbow and fists.
Besides power doesn't completely come from punch, alot of it also comes from the hips either way a punch will hurt more then a palm strike when hit, only in certain curmstances will a palm be better to use then fist but certainly not in fighting.
"You only use your fist when you have to masturbate yourself, and palms are useless."
All this time I thought you were disagreeing with me now it seems like you are admitting palms are useless.
