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Which arts are closest to a real fight?

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  • yo MTF sorry bro, but have to disagree with you here. like i said before. i truley believe it's all on the person. how that person interprets and uses the art he/she/it studies. but i agree with you about most the things you've said. by the way, ryan still teaching with lance?
    another thing. you said you dont agree that all MA has something to offer. the thing is diff people take MA for diff reasons. some to learn to fight some for physical conditioning, some for spiritual reasons and some just for plain confidence. IMHO every art could accomplish this at least to a certain extent you know what i mean.

    Carefull man now MTF will reply with something like "Obviously you dont do muay thai only someone who doesnt do muay thai would say that"


    • "The reason why you kung fu guys never get into the octagon of UFC,Sabaki or Pride is because you guys don't have the balls to do so and also you don't want to show the world how fast you guys would lose.You kung fu guys wouldn't even last a minute,in fact first few seconds and you guys would be knocked out cold. If you think your shit will work in these competitions then it's wishful thinking, because it would never happen."

      first off, i've never practiced kung fu. but my uncle does. again not disrespecting you bro. but arts like kong han etc. deal alot with pressure point hits w/c arent allowed in sport fighting. at the same time i agree with you coz kung fu has been poluted by alot of teacher who claim this and that but in reality are only riding on the kung fu band wagon. i believe that kung fu like all other art are effective in 1 way or the other. but for me i believe muay thai works best for me, not sating its the best art, just that its the MA thats works for me. peace everyone. alot of poeple look up to martial artists coz of our discipline. so we should live up to it.


      • Carefull man now MTF will reply with something like "Obviously you dont do muay thai only someone who doesnt do muay thai would say that"

        i'll give him the benefit of the doubt. see lance gibson and ryan (his teachers) are good fighters and good people. so i expect their students to be respectable too. i'm a die hard muay thai lover too, but i also know to respect others. without respect, we're nothing but punks with nothing.


        • I agree argueing wich MA is best is like saying which would win out of a shark and a crocadile.


          • no doubt, i dont understand why people feel like they have to know which MA is the best. i think if you're not happy with the MA you're practicing, (to have the need to get everyone elses approval by finding out which is the best) then find the right MA that suits you the best.
            by the way what do you practice. just out of curiosity. another art i acctually wont mind learning is capoeira, be wicked to learn that and bust some moves on the dance floor. no seriously, it seems like it's good for physical conditioning, specially the upper body


            • Originally posted by .T.
              The reason why you kung fu guys never get into the octagon of UFC,Sabaki or Pride is because you guys don't have the balls to do so and also you don't want to show the world how fast you guys would lose.You kung fu guys wouldn't even last a minute,in fact first few seconds and you guys would be knocked out cold. If you think your shit will work in these competitions then it's wishful thinking, because it would never happen.
              if we (KungFu) join in the UFC then in a matter of seconds, we (KungFu) will lose in a fight for only one reason: our technique is all FOUL, and surely the KungFu will enters a Jail cause we dont attack stupid, but death in every hand attack and it is not allowed in UFC,

              now, if we play stupid - how can we win the fight????

              Your god doesnt join in any tournament, and never ever been defeated any fighters, then why you insist to call him god?????
              cause it doesnt need to have some evidence or proff that he is really a god but we know that he can do it and he is.....

              like us..... there's no need for us to show how many people we can kill by only few moves, or we will enter the jail..... and it is not compatible in a tournament with rules.....



              • Quote:
                Originally Posted by .T.
                The reason why you kung fu guys never get into the octagon of UFC,Sabaki or Pride is because you guys don't have the balls to do so and also you don't want to show the world how fast you guys would lose.You kung fu guys wouldn't even last a minute,in fact first few seconds and you guys would be knocked out cold. If you think your shit will work in these competitions then it's wishful thinking, because it would never happen

                that was a quote by the way. i was responding to that comment.


                • Originally posted by osopardo
                  IMHO I don't think grappling has all that much to do with reality fighting. The usual sequence of a real fight goes something like this;

                  1. Verbal assault (threats, insults, etc.)
                  2. Someone throws a punch (very very rarely does someone throw a kick or shoot for a takedown).
                  3. Someone counters (usually a flinch-parry, a push, or a block-punch combo- nothing fancy).
                  4. A third party intervenes by either stopping the fighters or helping one of the fighters.

                  The only times I've seen grappling in a street fight was when a trained grappler was involved and it occurred to him to use his training. The results were usually not pretty. The grappler would usually become the recipient of a hailstorm of blows (kicks and punches).

                  Personally, I love grappling, but in a "real" fight, I don't see the point of going to the ground and committing your entire body, attention, mobility, arsenal, etc. against one opponent when there could be others lurking nearby. Besides, who wants to get that intimate with a stranger?
                  Hi osopardo,

                  I agree up to a point. True. Most fights will probably never go to the ground as long as the two fighters are about the same hight and weight. In that case neither fighter would want to take it to the ground for every reason that you've mentioned.

                  However, the strategy changes, and the mindset changes, if a big heavy guy really wants to hurt a little guy. In that case, the best way for the big guy to accomplish that aim is to take down the little guy; overpower him, and then beat his brains in. Personally, if someone ever tried to take me down during an arguement, or whatever, I'd consider it to be a serious threat to my life and I'd deal with it accordingly. I expect most attackers will be bigger than me and I'm in big trouble if he takes away my ability to run. That's why I think grappling actually has alot to do with reality fighting.

                  Take care,

                  Mr Niceguy


                  • Originally posted by mrniceguy148
                    Hi osopardo,

                    I agree up to a point. True. Most fights will probably never go to the ground as long as the two fighters are about the same hight and weight.


                    • Most fights will not go to the ground if they are the same size or weight? Right


                      • Grappling is bullshit in the real world.You think all fights go to the ground based on the fact that police always do it or you see it in ufc or something.Wake up call! it does'nt happen as often as you think I see street fights on almost a daily basis at work.Most fights go to the ground what a load!


                        • Originally posted by CKD
                          Most fights will not go to the ground if they are the same size or weight? Right

                          I think fewer fights go to the ground than is generally reported the numbers I keep seeing is 90% but I think for the general public it’s more like 70%. 90% is more for the police, correction officers, and other professionals.

                          The reason so many fights go to the ground is the fear of being hit. People do not want to get hit in the face and they will do anything not to get hit. Things include lowering the head and swinging blindly (I’ve seen untrained fighters do this a lot), grabbing on and trying to muscle the guy to the ground or some other position that they can’t hit to the face, slips and falls account for a lot too.

                          I honestly do not think size really matters but I’m not sure of what the statistics are on this. It could change depending on the disparity of size but if it does I can’t imagine it would change by much.


                          • Dar. Youve obviously never been atacked by a 110 kg mountain of muscle.Size does matter ask any woman!But it can be countered but if you get hit you will get KO'd.


                            • Originally posted by guy incognito
                              Dar. Youve obviously never been atacked by a 110 kg mountain of muscle.Size does matter ask any woman!But it can be countered but if you get hit you will get KO'd.
                              I didn't say size doesn't matter! What I said is I am not sure how size difference changes the percentages of fights that go to the ground.

                              In other words if you have ten guys the same size fighting how many of those fights will go to the ground versus 10 guys of different sizes fighting how many of those fights go to the ground.

                              If you know the percentages then please enlighten us.

                              Size does matter in fighting, strength does matter and don’t ever say I said otherwise. Now that's been said mindset is probably the most important thing. Unless a 90lb’er is fighting a well conditioned 280lb’er then that 90’lb’er better have super human powers or a hell of a lot of luck.


                              • Not all styles need strength for fighting. WC does not use strength at all. At least at the place were i learn. We deflect all the attacks and speed is the most important thing.

