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Concussions from Martial Arts

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  • Concussions from Martial Arts

    I have a question concerning concussions in martial arts, is it true that after 3 or 4 concussions one is asked to quit due to the fact that continuous of fighting after that many concussions can lead to brain damage ?

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  • #2
    I do not know about being asked to quit.

    But it is extremely dangerous to fight with a concussion and in can greatly compound the injury to the brain. Often people become more and more likley to get concussions.

    recently a study on soccer concluded that much more damage to the brain was being done from microconcussions from hitting the ball with the head repetitively that was first believed.

    that being said some people continue to fight with concussions, or play football with concussions with out what appears to be serious effects. But if your life isn't on the line I don't know why you would take the risk.


    • #3
      Originally posted by eXcessiveForce
      I do not know about being asked to quit.

      But it is extremely dangerous to fight with a concussion and in can greatly compound the injury to the brain. Often people become more and more likley to get concussions.

      recently a study on soccer concluded that much more damage to the brain was being done from microconcussions from hitting the ball with the head repetitively that was first believed.

      that being said some people continue to fight with concussions, or play football with concussions with out what appears to be serious effects. But if your life isn't on the line I don't know why you would take the risk.
      You have misunderstood me, I don't mean fighting while you still have a concussion what I mean is overall. If a person has had more than 3 or 4 concussion in his life time due to fighting would he be more likely to get brain damage and would he be asked to quit after that many concussions ? Obviously a person wouldn't fight while he still has a concussion unless he is stupid.


      • #4
        im sure most football players and fighters out there have had their share of concussions. i wouldnt be concerned too much about it? or am I wrong?


        • #5
          You might want to talk to pro-boxers about this. They tend to get more head trauma than kick boxers, but getting kicked in the head will more likely knock you down if not out.

          I've been on the end of about half a dozen standing eight counts, where I was practically KOd, but somehow still standing. The head hurt for a day or two afterwards, so I don't spar full contact as often.

          Also talk to a doctor.


          • #6
            I had concussion after most of my fights & it never did any permanent damage......i think.................

            what was i talking about?

            oh yes it's 10:30pm

            Hmmmmmmm weathers nice


            • #7

