I heard if you take a rod or even a bamboo stick, and roll it across your shin bone real hard (up and down), over along time like a year you wont have feeling in your shin. im gonna try it out :P
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Anyone ever heard of this?
Yeah, dude, I've heard of that. Walter "The Sleeper" talks about that shit on one of his tapes. Rolling sticks and bottles and whatchewlike.....kinda like kicking banana trees or something. Anyways, Tom Yum is right. Kicking a sand bag and doing Thai pad work will get your shins plenty hard and conditioned over time.
Re: Anyone ever heard of this?
Originally posted by c0bra
I heard if you take a rod or even a bamboo stick, and roll it across your shin bone real hard (up and down), over along time like a year you wont have feeling in your shin. im gonna try it out :P
Here is anther good one for you to try if you can:
Take an old Worn down tire with NO trend left on it, make sure there is no rim inside. Place the tire againest a wall or whatever, and lighty start to kick the tire with your shin.
Works like a charm.....
Calcium Buildup?
If you want hard shins I recommend alot of milk and just good old fashion kicking the shit out of a tree with your shins until you get calcium buildup to harden your shins.