Right, i need drastic help quick. I'm suffering from a huge loss of form and confidence in my fighting. For the last few weeks i've been getting my ass kicked in sparring sessions. And i'm making people nowhere near as good as me look like qorld beaters. I'm suffering from a badly broken toe at the minute and as a result i find myself pulling out of kicks without even meaning to. I've also started to develop bad habits which have never been the case before. Not only that but i'm also pulling out of punches, and what's that to do with my toe? I think subconsiously i am worried about hurting the toe again. But i broke it about 4 months ago and hurt it again sparring at least once a week. Why is it such a mental block to me know?
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Loss of Confidence
Hey man, I know it sucks but you have to cut out the sparring until your toe is fully healed. Don't even kick pads with that leg if it is hurting your toe, don't even pivot on that leg if it is hurting your toe! I wouldn't be concerned with the psychological effect it is having, deep down you know it's all related to your toe. I would be more concerned with the permanent damage you will do if you don't let your toe heal properly. I'm the king of injuries, it sucks but I have learned to let things heal and take care of myself or I will be sabotaging my future attempts at success in the ring by having "never fully healed" injuries always hindering me during fights.
Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
Pain is in the mind
The aspect of losing confidence must occur within the mind. So does the pain of your toe. Think about times when you were at your best and relax. This will bring you peace as you rest that toe of yours. Once it is healed, forget about it and sparr again. all things work out for the best.
Definately take a break. I tried training injured a little while back and not only will your training suffer from poor technique from trying to cover your injury but you will eventually injure yourself worse and have to sit out even longer.
Better to rest, maybe shadow box and return healthy. Buy some fight tapes to keep you motivated in the time being.