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  • #16
    LMAO. .
    and that guy was a black belt..My god, he would get beat down by any white belt in our school. That was some funny shit.


    • #17
      The sport karate videos are really bad if you watch them. There is one with a red belt that is fighting (I think it's under the tourn. and seminar section) and he is just kind of doing a weak bitch slap (at least that's what it looks like). The guy goes on to win the match by doing a move that would never even phase someone in a real fight.

      I was sitting down last night and me and my fiance watched some of the videos and she got a good laugh out of them and she doesn't even do martial arts. She said she had supreme confidence that she could beat most of them.


      • #18
        White Collar Boxing

        What the fck fighting style is that??

        'Lazy Fat Texan shout and arm wobble Kickboxing Club'

        I watched about 4 of them and got annoyed at the whole thing...

        If this is the general standard of Karate / Kickboxing in US and UK then I can understand why Bri and others pour so much scorn on the art...

        "Heyarh" (Tap, Wobble, bounce) "Yi'our Dead bubba lou..."


        • #19

          If you re-read the post I put 'roundhouse' in single quotes for a reason. I knew it was not the same thing as a MT roundhouse kick.

          Why do they call the MT roundhouse kick a roundhouse kick? Does it go around the house or something?

          Just about every art has different names for different things. We could be like the kung fu or kenpo guys and come up with cool names like 'Dragon chases old drunk woman down the water spout' kick.

          Gee whiz man, if you don't approve how will I continue to train???



          • #20
            haha ok ok ok but seriously man, do a little investigating and think about it for a sec. The majority of mainstream arts call roundhouse a roundhouse (and yes it comes AROUND) and they call a front snap a front snap (and yes it SNAPS and comes from the FRONT) TKD, karate, kickboxing, Muay Thai and just about every other art and variation of arts I have encountered UNTIL NOW has used the same terminology for these 2 kicks, more complicated kicks get different names (although not blatantly different as to call something that comes from the front as coming around). Roundhouse and front snap are basic kicks that MILLIONS of people use the same terms for.

            So what art do you do that names it's techniques in such a way?

            Damian Mavis
            Honour TKD


            • #21
              Well, if you want to start hashing out details MILLIONS of people do taekwondo and believe they are doing self defense training.

              If you really want to iron out all the wrinkles in martial arts lets start with the big ones eh?

              Then we can get into why people strike targets with their shins.


              • #22
                Originally posted by falcon3624

                I don't know if anyone else visited this site but this has to be the most pansy display of martial arts and kicking I have ever seen. Those girls are hopping around like they don't even know what the hell they are doing.

                Note to self: having a high kick does not make you a good martial artist and jumping around flailing my limbs all over often could make me look stupid on video.
                Just to add that they have absolutly no boxing skills. They look more like TKD than KB!


                • #23
                  Okay I'm just going to say it. This is an example of kB that really sucks. People who turn their backs to me in sparing (it happens on every other technique in those vid clips) make me want take their heads off or put 'um in a rear choke, or take them down and pound them! I do that in Karate class much to my instructors discuss. I just tell my instructor we gotta keep it real. He lets me get away with it cuz’ I have more MA experience than he does and I'm a grappler wannabe.


                  • #24
                    What is the advantage of striking with your shin?


                    • #25
                      aww you're copping out, what art do you do?

                      Some TKD does focus on street defence, I know that's the focus of my school. I don't think the people that go to sport TKD schools actually think they are doing self defence as their main focus. They might do a little once a month but none of them could claim that was their schools focus.

                      So you going to answer the question?

                      Damian Mavis
                      Honour TKD


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Nit
                        What is the advantage of striking with your shin?
                        The shin you say? In Muay Thai the shin is the striking surface for the round kick. It is very powerful and hurts real bad (ouch) if you get nailed with it. A shin kick to your leg can put you down and keep you from fighting for a while unless you’re used to getting hit by them.

                        In MT you really commit the kick so you swing your leg like a baseball bat (also swing you amrs hard to the opposite direction of the kick to increase speed and power). When you strike your support foot should be facing the opposite direction from the target and have a strong follow through. The impact should area should be the lower shin just above the ankle. You can drop a little lower on your support leg to gain greater range if you need to. Be careful not to land with your upper shin because you can hyper extend the knee ouch.

                        Remember this kick is very powerful and you can end the fight by kicking your attacker/opponent in his thigh but also works very well to the body and head.


                        • #27
                          My art can be found:


                          I don't know how many times I've posted these links and talked about what, how, where, and why I train. But here it is in black and white. If you have any more questions, like if we actually grab a hammer to do hammerfists or a broom to do sweep kicks, which probably aren't the same as the millions and millions of other people throughout the world doing different things but calling them the same.

                          do a little investigating and think about it for a sec
                          You'd think that after me posting > 3300 posts you might take your own advice and do some research on me before you want to square off, eh?

                          I don't think the people that go to sport TKD schools actually think they are doing self defence as their main focus.
                          You're kidding, right?



                          • #28
                            Square off? Hey man I'm poking a little light fun at your arts naming policy, that's all. To me renaming techniques is slightly arrogant, renaming them in a nonsensical way is strange and funny. A kick coming from the front being renamed as coming around is just plain odd. It's the same as pointing at a knife and saying "that's a hammer". So uh... what does your art call a roundhouse? I mean a head level kick coming from the side (or around if you prefer) using the top of the foot/shin or ball of the foot as it's attacking tool. I'm asking honestly, I'm just interested in the differences of your art at this point.

                            I'm not kidding about TKD. I've visited alot of TKD schools, I encounter a few that are completely deluded but many of them know exactly what they are about and have no illusions. A very few schools like mine are based on street defence but many are about personal development and fitness and the majority are about sport.

                            Damian Mavis
                            Honour TKD


                            • #29
                              well i only found that site a few days ago didnt download any videos so i didnt know how they all were.


                              • #30
                                A kick coming from the front being renamed as coming around is just plain odd.
                                I'm fairly certain that every art has it's own naming conventions that are usually contained within the scope of that art. When you start talking techniques between different styles you get a lot of differing vocabulary. And I'm sure that the more you research the more you'll find. I'm sorry if our convention is confusing to you.

                                You have my apologies as well as my sympathy.

                                I'm just interested in the differences of your art at this point.
                                I disagree. If you were genuinely interested in learning something you would have approached the entire situation differently. Calling us 'arrogant' and our methods 'nonsensical' is anything but an attempt at opening up a cultural exchange and an excellent avenue in your approach to a smack bottom.

                                The art I train in is simply an amalgamation of many different styles through time. Three generations of instructors put it together and attempt to make it easier to understand by experimenting with the nomenclature.

                                For example, what we call a front strike may or may not have a target in the front, it has to do with where the supporting foot is situated. Is it universally accepted? Probably not. Will the mighty WTF or ITF take it into account when they meet next? Again, prolly not.

                                Do my kicks work? Do we understand what it means when I say certain things within the context of my own style? Do I train in Self Preservation and not in a sport?

                                That would be yes, yes, ...oh... and yes,.

