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  • kicks

    hey guys i know the question of about how to throw proper round kicks has been asked many time,could some of the more experienced people put togeather a detailed explanation with possible photos or drawings(chalambok,terry,khun kao,retired,please respond),thanks to who ever takes on this task.

  • #2
    Umm are you training on your own? I would think that this question would best be answered by your instructor.


    • #3
      ''practice make perfect''


      • #4
        Ummm, no.

        "Practice makes permanent."


        • #5
          "Practice makes habit" ?


          • #6
            Keep it up and you'll go blind.


            • #7
              how to throw proper round kicks
              Trying to salvage the thread from my earlier detour.

              We use 'roundhouse' kicks thusly:

              We strike with the ball of the foot.

              The knee of the striking leg is pointing towards the target.

              Start standing, pick your knee up in a figure four (knee up, foot forward) curl your toes up, point your knee toward the target and execute a snap kick.

              That's a rough description of our technique. Does that help?



              • #8
                I think what Sz is referring to is more of a front snap-kick then a roundhouse/thai kick.

                There are couple of little things you can do to put more power behind them. First off is to pivot on the ball of your planted foot as you do them. If you don't swivel enough (almost 180 degrees) your hips will keep your foot from being able to have full power.

                Another good tip is to lead with the hip. This telegraphs just a little, but it puts alot more power behind the kick. Essentially, start swiveling your body before your leg.

                Yet another good tip is to not lock out (or nearly lock out) your knee at the point of impact. This is more of the way I learned my kempo roundhouses whereas my thai roundhouses are brought in and strike essentially with a bent knee on the lowest part of the shin to maximize the power. There should almost be a little push off with the leg at the point of impact as well. You can practice this by striking very slowly against a bag, making sure your knee is bent, and then straightening your leg at the point of impact such that it pushes your leg back away.

                Hope this helps.


                • #9
                  go to they have videos on how to throw kicks and punches.


                  • #10
                    Apoth is correct. What I described is a snap kick that WE refer to as a roundhouse. The MT roundhouse is a totally different animal as he? described.




                    • #11
                      Originally posted by street
                      go to they have videos on how to throw kicks and punches.
                      I don't know if anyone else visited this site but this has to be the most pansy display of martial arts and kicking I have ever seen. Those girls are hopping around like they don't even know what the hell they are doing.

                      Note to self: having a high kick does not make you a good martial artist and jumping around flailing my limbs all over often could make me look stupid on video.


                      • #12
                        I hate to be negative but I thought the same thing. I think some of them have decent natural fighting ability (the girl who goes up against the instructor and a couple of the guys in the competition videos) but the fighting is essentially flailing about, weak, and full of holes.


                        • #13
                          that sure is one sorry display of martial arts


                          • #14

                            what crazy martial art refers to a FRONT type kick as a ROUND type kick? How on earth would someone put those words together for such a blatantly wrong kick? How does front snap come aROUND? haha. Also... he's on the Muay Thai forum asking how to do round kick (one would think he wanted to know how to do Muay Thai's round kick) But forget that, I'm still flabbergasted over the front snap being called roundhouse... I mean I've seen variations of names for techniques in different arts but that is just so horribly wrong I have to know what art names things in such a bizarre way.

                            Damian Mavis
                            Honour TKD


                            • #15
                              Man I went back and watched some more of those videos and noticed a few things.

                              1. Some of those guys that are competing are a little overweight and when I say overweight I mean they need to lay off the budweiser.

                              2. Their technique sucks bigtime. I only saw one woman on there that looked like she had any technique at all.

                              3. Someone should tell that guy that after he gets the heavy bag he needs to put something in it. When you can hit a heavy bag lightly and send it swinging like crazy it's kinda obvious that your heavy bag ain't so heavy.

                              4. That "kickboxing" they are doing looks more like TKD than anything.

                              5. They need to get some better looking women.

                              Hopefully if I ever get jumped in a dark alley it's by one of these guys because I would have supreme confidence that I could push them over and make it back home easily.

