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Real Self Defense
ah jesus...not his ass again!
lets see if we can find anything WORTH watching on that site, or at least something with minimally decent value to it...
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DMA...this guy's actually a pretty nice guy, and an Inosanto affiliate I think.
This is my 2005 Kali Demo video compiled of various clips filmed while living in Fayetteville, North Carolina until early November 2006 prior to relocating b...
A TKD guy that could actually might make it work. (my guess is that he cross trains a little thai...he's gotta have a little thai in 'im...)
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an obscure FMA
An actual demonstration of Jendo Filipino Martial Arts technique of Grandmaster Jonathan "June" Makiling Abaya . Recorded by Mrs. Teresita I. Biscaro-Abaya F...
some escrima
only watched it once...I think roofblock deflection (or another sumbrada...the roofblock and umbrella look the same to me unless I'm doing them) flow drill, a split entry, followed by kaputa kapala, and then a straight blast.
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maylay silat demo, choreographed, but still cool.
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something dubbed ROSS, the subtext says it's Russian Silat...very choreographed, but I like the rolling on the floor to avoid getting stomped stuff...
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A systema guy that hits people really hard in the liver and solar plexus. Looking at the size of his forearms...I'm guessing the light touch stuff he uses...ain't exactly light. He hits sorta like some video tapes of Mas Oyama I saw...short hard punches.
another Systema guy (I don't buy into alot of their stuff...but some of the pulls and shrugs look pretty practical, IF(f) you set them up right.)
Systema founder Vladimir Vasiliev in a scene from the movie "Blizny Boy" just messing around with some of his students
AHA here we go...more my style. A nice blend of everything good.
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TONY JAA FROM TOM YUM GOONG (the capoeira thing is a little ..unlikely, but hey, it makes for good entertainment, and is very cool to krabbi krabong with drum shit?!)
hai Martial Arts vs Capoeirataken from the movie Tom Yoong Gum - Tony Jaa, Star of On-Bak, fights against Brazilian dude, then Chinese Martial Artists and Fi...
kick ass documentary of kali, muay thai, tkd, karate, etc...even though the announcer doesn't know shit, "a bit kung fu...mai thai?...lum-fe-nee stadium??" excuse me?!
They show Khuen Khru instructor's instructor.
let's see what else we gots
MCMAP grappling? okee dooke...lets put down the rifles and rucksacks and grapple!
funny FMA video. VERY FUNNY
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DAMAG guys blade stuff
Here we go...Guro Dan!...hey...isn't that Erik Paulson too?
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cro cop hurting people. I like the reggae scene at the end with him just chillin'! To hell with the fighting stuff...the end scenes are where it's at.
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funny ass silat to music...modern dance like...Martha Grahme is rolling in her grave. It's like Indonesian riverdance.
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Holy ****-shit...jakie chan and tony jaa! Why hasn't anybody made the movie?!!!
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This has to be a joke. Give's bible thumping a new meaning. I kick ass fo da lord! Seriously HOW do you expect to beat somebody who has freakin' jesus on his side. Seriously...don't mess with he-sus, he's a bad-mo-fo.
wing chun demo, highly stylized
silat machete and knife, hu-bud, polysut, and passing the blade
http://www.silatsuffian.netVisit us at the link above to know more about Bruneian Martial Arts.--------------------------------------------ABOUT THE VIDEOThi...
Kimbo Slice v. Chris Gannon, just in case somebody HASN'T seen it already.
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Daniel Aora bareknuckle fight...looks choreographed
The first ever Reality podcast!!! What happens when you put an overweight white collar worker through a mixed martial arts workout? Boxing, Kickboxing, Grapp...
quick ko's.
mma tribute with requiem for a dream music
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I'm pretty sure most of this IS a joke...but the shooting at the end with Kim Jung Ill is...ill. I'm punny...ha
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Ramond Dekker clip #2, not the kyho one.
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who's ruining mma? here's your answer...mullet wearing assholes. If this is in Idaho...I've been there.
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brazillian muay thai highlight stuff
CMA training highlight of Sami!
Originally posted by knifethrower
Originally posted by BoarSpearIt works long as everyone involved believes it works...
...sure, it might provide entertainment and a little excercise during an otherwise boring evening, but can they actually meet the expected claims.
Originally posted by Tom YumThe $1,000,000 question of the day is if Master Tu's kata's really work....
...sure, it might provide entertainment and a little excercise during an otherwise boring evening, but can they actually meet the expected claims.
sometimes i worry about you and this obsession of yours...
Cmon man there are plenty of ways to entertain a lady that dont include pulling 747's with yer willy...
ive been looking for some of these. later some are funny, you got a good eye.
Originally posted by GarlandMCMAP grappling? okee dooke...lets put down the rifles and rucksacks and grapple!
funny FMA video. VERY FUNNY
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DAMAG guys blade stuff
Training the uses of the blade for combative application as practiced heavily in the Filipino Martial Arts known as Kali, Arnis, or Escrima.
Here we go...Guro Dan!...hey...isn't that Erik Paulson too?
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cro cop hurting people. I like the reggae scene at the end with him just chillin'! To hell with the fighting stuff...the end scenes are where it's at.
funny ass silat to music...modern dance like...Martha Grahme is rolling in her grave. It's like Indonesian riverdance.
Holy ****-shit...jakie chan and tony jaa! Why hasn't anybody made the movie?!!!
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This has to be a joke. Give's bible thumping a new meaning. I kick ass fo da lord! Seriously HOW do you expect to beat somebody who has freakin' jesus on his side. Seriously...don't mess with he-sus, he's a bad-mo-fo.
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wing chun demo, highly stylized
silat machete and knife, hu-bud, polysut, and passing the blade
http://www.silatsuffian.netVisit us at the link above to know more about Bruneian Martial Arts.--------------------------------------------ABOUT THE VIDEOThi...
Kimbo Slice v. Chris Gannon, just in case somebody HASN'T seen it already.
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Daniel Aora bareknuckle fight...looks choreographed
The first ever Reality podcast!!! What happens when you put an overweight white collar worker through a mixed martial arts workout? Boxing, Kickboxing, Grapp...
quick ko's.
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mma tribute with requiem for a dream music
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I'm pretty sure most of this IS a joke...but the shooting at the end with Kim Jung Ill is...ill. I'm punny...ha
Ramond Dekker clip #2, not the kyho one.
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who's ruining mma? here's your answer...mullet wearing assholes. If this is in Idaho...I've been there.
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brazillian muay thai highlight stuff
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CMA training highlight of Sami!
Originally posted by Chris75some of those are good
Seperating the wheat from the chaff, all 4 u fools.
Muay thai ko’s
ha ha tai chi lady versus mma son, matricide is funny.
Mom thinks she’s learned some new defensive techniques in Tai Chi and tells me to attack her. If playing dead is a Tai Chi move then she is a master.
streetfight with a kid who knows some TKD. kicking versus boxing only.
Arnis de Abinico
Sunday night fightclub, with trained people
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Tom yum Goong
Buakaw v. Masato
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Thai K-1 Fight
Mr. Slice vs. Sean Gannon
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Not another Kimbo fight?!
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post kimbo fight...
Mas “MacDaddy” Oyama
Ultra violent cartoons are cool
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Kombato brazil
Brazilian Security and self-defense system, developed for the brazilian marines. Developed by the Master Paulo Albuquerque.
Muay thai vs TKD
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Sabaki Women’s division Kyokushion fight
FMA (Rutgers)
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Tabimina Balintawak really close range Kali trapping
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More arnis demos
odd muay thai amateur video (like a freakin’ art film?!)
A University piece. This short is based on my feelings and emotion leading up to my first ring fight as a kickboxer.
MMA “Nightmare”
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Sensei Erik Paulson leg locks...the guys awesome, and really cool too.
sudo vs. masato
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Somebody pissed off Jongsanan “wooden man” they usually don’t throw bos like this...unless somebody crossed the line...
A short clip of some of one of most amazing punching and elebow exchanges I've ever seen. The guy who initially goes down and makes a nice comeback is 2x Lum...
San Shou fight
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Masato hL
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Carl Cestari
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Tapi-tapi FMA footwork stuff
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A kid fight with some attempts at some pretty decent techniques
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Pekiti Tirsia
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These videos were filmed in March-April 2005 at the Ritz-Epps gymnasium up in Ft. Bragg, North Carolina. The backyard clip is in the backyard of the home whe...
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Wing Chun sparring...pretty good approach.
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Breaking may be fun to watch...but this guy looks like a man with a chip on his shoulder...cheer up little camper! -Clinton Murphy of Team Bergamo, the top Martial Arts Breaking team in the World (check out the Bre...
Behavioral self defense...Insanto JKD/MT/FMA guess...looks like some of the stuff I was taught by my instructor.
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Isn’t this the guy “gungfu” wanted to challenge?! HA HA HA HA
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Mr. Ludwig vs. Sam Morgan
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Kevin scary.
Muay thai for the UFC
Silat stick
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Sonnon -like WC, boxing, and some weird ass Systema shit
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TKD backyard boxing kicking vs. punching
Kimbo’s 3rd fight
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afterfight fight
Legends of MMA
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Mixed MMA vids
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Kid Yamamoto
Fedor Frankenstein
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MMA fastest ko’s
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SNAP...another one? What the hell are these guys doing...CALCIUM PEOPLE!
CMA meet MMA in a single fighter
Visit Sami Berik's facebook page!/pages/Sami-Berik/19525182520Training for Cage FightingPro MMA fighter Sami "The Hun" Berikw...
A Kimbo hl reel?
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Mark (clad his first names not Mike) Hunt
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Evangelista Santos
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Hayato Sakurai
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Silva is an angry person
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More chute
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Remy Bonjansky
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Frank Trigg
Cro Cop
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Misc. FMA
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Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. (silat, I know, not tech. fma.) (very good!)
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box drill, like above
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gun training-cool
Misc thai boxing
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look at what we can do too!
messin’ around, untrained...boxing
Krabbi Krabrong
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@ lumpinee
Muay Thai Main Event @ Lumpinee Boxing StadiumNopparat Kiatkumton (Red) vs. Artchai Fairtex (Blue)Round 2
RAMBAA M-16 HELLA!!!!!!!
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Kyo vs. Muay fight
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Jaa of a down??
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Decent fight club
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Northern Thai banana tree
To kick down the tree you need to use the bone of the upper shin , I had issues kicking with the flat of my foot when I first started Muay Thai. This helped ...
I love this intro
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Oh jesus...50 in 30 seconds...
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Fatih vs. Monsin
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Farid HL
Anuwat HL
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Husen “Diablo” Muhammed
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Ludwig HL
JKD stuff.
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This Garland is not the way. I don’t wear SHITTY sneakers. Oh...and I’m not AS ugly.
I’ll try to post a video of me, my fight, or some shitty backyard boxing if you kiddies want....