what would u guys say would be more useful for general self defense for the street, a folding blade or a small kabuton(sp?). they both have their strengths and weaknesses i suppose, one being a blade and the other being an impact weapon. any thoughts?
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knife or kabuton for the street
Yawara Sticks, Kubotans in some places, Koppo Sticks...all of these things along with edged weapons may be banned by name or description... But there are so many things that can be pressed into service as an improvised pocket stick and the movements are so brutally effective and easy to learn that they can never totally "ban" the pocket stick unless they make Citizens write with Crayons.
Don Rearic...
Even a closed folder will put the hurt on.
I voted for the blade but as Boar pointed out a knife is a stick (with a sharp edge)... My little K-bit is mostly a stick.
Voted knife
I voted knife but as I said I carry both.
I would use both together or on their own. But as Tant01 said you can use anything a pen, coke bottle or pepsi, mobile phone anything that is harder than the target area.
Carrying weapons is only a problem if you get caught. If I were in the States like most of you are, I'd carry a gun aswell.
Kobutans are cack. What's the point?? like you have it on your key chain or something, "mate is that a kobutan in your pocket or are you just pleased to see me?" If some hard git starts pounding on your arse, fumbling in your trousers for a kobutan is the first thing that comes to mind, "dude, can you stop beating on me for a sec, I need to get my equilizer". It's bollox. And even if you do produce the kobutan, the villian will just think you're taking the piss out of him and give you an extra kicking to teach you a lesson. Blades on the other hand, now those people know to respect. And shooters, that's a whole other level innit.
Carry both
Originally posted by nutterKobutans are cack. What's the point?? like you have it on your key chain or something, "mate is that a kobutan in your pocket or are you just pleased to see me?" If some hard git starts pounding on your arse, fumbling in your trousers for a kobutan is the first thing that comes to mind, "dude, can you stop beating on me for a sec, I need to get my equilizer". It's bollox. And even if you do produce the kobutan, the villian will just think you're taking the piss out of him and give you an extra kicking to teach you a lesson. Blades on the other hand, now those people know to respect. And shooters, that's a whole other level innit.
Palm sticks can be a very good tool when controlling and to destroy an attacker. With the corrct training.
Originally posted by Tant01
I still think you should be banned... At least Phill Elnore has some small base in wing chun... You have no style at all. If you're gonna TROLL at least make it funny!
You bug me...
[QUOTE=nutter]Wots your obsession with banning people about. You need a power trip do you or something? you flame people and yet you have the cheek to claim that people should be banned. look in the mirror before accusing others of trolling tant.QUOTE]
You claim to be from London and you're looking to buy automatic firearm?
You think pocket sticks are what again?
You have NOTHING constructive to contribute to the forum.
Have you even bothered to introduce yourself?
You poke fun at the insignificant errors of the insightful and intelligent members...
In short you're a troll and I have little tolerance for you.
Don't be offended by MY opinion of you or what I think of your posts...
I'm nobody special. There are ten thousand or so other members for you to try to impress...
Welcome to my ignore list...
Tant, do you think that he has named himself nutter as his last ditch to be cool?
people on this forum, speak about what they do or have done in the Martial Art's world, what do you do as in your personal profile you don't say or are you worried that people may laugh.
I think that you need to try less to impress people who have done M.A for many years with the nutter angle. Most people on here have seen and dealt with people like that. Your post reply was because I hadn't typed a H. Children please.
Tant, a perfect person for the slinky test!!!!
well i brought this up for a few reasons. i always carry a blade, but i also have a nice small steel kabuton with a rounded end, not a spear one. it looks like one of this big dr grip pens, but its made of steel. u can do alot with it, like jamming the nice rounded end into a persons ribs or back, holding it to fortify your punch, using the rounded end against thin layers of flesh over bone to open wounds, etc. theres plenty you can do with it. and unlike a knife, u dont have to deply anything, once u have it in your hand its ready to use, were a knife might fail to open. they sell hard plastic kabutons that have a sharp pointed end, its literally a big ass plastic dagger u can plunge into someone which are obviously pretty lethal and probobly illegal, but im talking about the regulare ones with the rounded ends.
also i dont really know, but it seems using a kabuton would inflict more pain on people since its an impact weapon. would it have more stopping power than a blade? how many times have we heard stab victims say they were stabbed and didnt even realize till later? id hate to stab someone if my life was in danger and have them not realize it till later, and just finishing me off then and there.
any thoughts ?
cutting structural points that insure integrity of the body is a key for SD...also just like any weapon, knowing how to use it to inflict maximium damage in minimum time is essential. The thrust is probably deadlier than the slash (in my opinion) (its one of the biggest blade debates) but it can be more dangerous to use (requires more commitment) Also the actual edge degree and sharpness as well as blade pattern all play a part in how effective an attack is.