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Awareness ....if you arent, this could be you.

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  • Awareness ....if you arent, this could be you.

    Proof that awareness is the best weapon you have...once it fails you may never get the chance to recover...

  • #2
    I can honestly say that I would have been watching and facing that guy if that was me.

    I dont blame the .. lady? ... for being unaware, she shouldnt have to be, but I can honestly say I would of.

    When im walking down the street I notice the people on the other side of the street and watch them... (if I think they pose any threat, for instance I will pay less attention to a child or a woman than I will to a man).

    I'm not even that concerned with self defense, its certainly not first on the list of reasons why I train.


    • #3
      The stomping was so unnecessary, if only he knew BJJ or had more common sense, he could have just locked in an RNC! If that was Cloroform he put on her mouth, shouldnt that have knocked her out? Besides, something like that only happens to women and sometimes puny guys and kids. But if he tried that on me, before the cloroform kicked in, I would locked up with him and tripped him, or just double leg him and I would have started punching his eyes out!


      • #4
        People dont pay attention, to anything. Driving is a perfect example, people read, watch tv, eat and put on makeup while driving and talking on the cell So why should they pay attention when walking? Lack of awareness is an invitation to matter what you are doing. Wake the F Up people. It might be YOU that doesnt survive your daydreaming...sometimes it isnt your big safe Suv running over someone while you talk about wahatever on the cell, its a predator eyeing you.


        • #5
          And the chances of that happening are very little. And where I live, when youre attacked, its by a group of people and fighting back is not an option, unless you want to die!


          • #6
            Originally posted by 7r14ngL3Ch0k3
            The stomping was so unnecessary, if only he knew BJJ or had more common sense, he could have just locked in an RNC! If that was Cloroform he put on her mouth, shouldnt that have knocked her out? Besides, something like that only happens to women and sometimes puny guys and kids. But if he tried that on me, before the cloroform kicked in, I would locked up with him and tripped him, or just double leg him and I would have started punching his eyes out!
            ......... So sorry the asshole wasnt properly trained to prey on women , so you reccomend BJJ to all the muggers and rapists huh?

            BTW, how old are you?...that wasnt CF...its a head control...its a lever for the whole body, much like the thumb...please tell how you would double leg someone who grabbed you by the head from BEHIND??

            As for all your "i woulda"...


            • #7
              It would prevent less injuries, so yeah!


              • #8
                Originally posted by 7r14ngL3Ch0k3
                It would prevent less injuries, so yeah!
                Okay, you are apparently either 12 years old or just fucked in the head...either way, welcome to my ignore ought to be banned, and I dont say that often, trolls can be funny. you are lower than the scum on the wanna help him be more productive...i hope he visits the women in your family next...

                i suggest you move your posting to M.A.P. with the rest of the pro rapist...


                • #9
                  You took that so offensively, my bad


                  • #10
                    Dude stole what I would do if I ever was to attack someone.

                    I've thought about all the training I've done and found that what that guy exactly does is almost impossible to counter.

                    You can only stop it before it happens.

                    I was gonna try to explain this one day, but thought I couldnt explain it well enough, anyway, if I was ever going to attack someone, that is exactly how I would do it.

                    I do have to say that the stomping did seem excessive and unneccessary though in this situation, was she really going to put up that much resistance after one or two kicks to the face, I dont know it seems like he did it just for the fun of it (as gross as that sounds).


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by SamuraiGuy
                      Dude stole what I would do if I ever was to attack someone.

                      I've thought about all the training I've done and found that what that guy exactly does is almost impossible to counter.

                      You can only stop it before it happens.

                      I was gonna try to explain this one day, but thought I couldnt explain it well enough, anyway, if I was ever going to attack someone, that is exactly how I would do it.

                      I do have to say that the stomping did seem excessive and unneccessary though in this situation, was she really going to put up that much resistance after one or two kicks to the face, I dont know it seems like he did it just for the fun of it (as gross as that sounds).
                      I understand she is on life excuse for what he did, and nothing is too bad a punishment if they catch him...the more painful and longer they can make the pain last the better.


                      • #12
                        I think the video demonstrates Boar's point just fine, regardless of the specific details of what the guy did.

                        Check your six. That woman would have had plenty of audible warning that there was a guy BEHIND her as they were walking in.

                        Once they were in the same building, her body facing should not have given him her back.
                        You don't have to face somebody, as that could lead to aggressive confrontation(You looking at me punk!? type confrontations) but keep them within your peripheral vision. Keep yourself ready to act the instant you pick up sudden movement or noise.

                        The key was she let her guard down, and that was the end of that. Assume they're about to act, and have a sucker punch/shiv ready to go.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by bigred389
                          Check your six. That woman would have had plenty of audible warning that there was a guy BEHIND her as they were walking in.

                          Once they were in the same building, her body facing should not have given him her back.
                          You don't have to face somebody, as that could lead to aggressive confrontation(You looking at me punk!? type confrontations) but keep them within your peripheral vision. Keep yourself ready to act the instant you pick up sudden movement or noise.

                          The key was she let her guard down, and that was the end of that. Assume they're about to act, and have a sucker punch/shiv ready to go.

                          Well said, although I prefer a palmed blade. I ALWAYS have one either in my hand or my hand is in contact with the handle WHENEVER i am in a spot that my security is in question. When going in and out of doorways and elevators or stairwells or around blind corners for instance public restrooms are also high on the list of dangerous spots. Parking lots, when the cars or VAN around my car disturb my tranquility for instance i palm my blade until everyone else is in the car, then i get in. When you must park in a questionable place, let the best fighter out first, then everyone else can get out


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by BoarSpear
                            People dont pay attention, to anything. Driving is a perfect example, people read, watch tv, eat and put on makeup while driving and talking on the cell So why should they pay attention when walking? Lack of awareness is an invitation to matter what you are doing. Wake the F Up people. It might be YOU that doesnt survive your daydreaming...sometimes it isnt your big safe Suv running over someone while you talk about wahatever on the cell, its a predator eyeing you.
                            I have never so vehemently agreed with anything in my life, then what Boar just wrote. Driving, skiing, walking in a mall (I hate those evil places), create your own space and for the love of god get the fuk out of mine. It’s so sad for the poor lady…I’m going to go show that to my wife. If anything good comes out of this sick twisted act, it will be a lesson.


                            • #15
                              Shit... I mean... I feel bad and I agree with both points... She had NO IDEA... I mean come on... he was a regular nerdy white boy, how was she gonna know? But then again, anybody could run your shit and I( an average sized guy who's not afraid of anybody) would'nt turn my back to some dude I dont know when alone without my boys. I mean, I would have let him walk ahead at least... it's not difficult. And on top of all this... it's a she, not a he... She's a women... I don't know how women think but if I was a girl I sure as hell ain't turnin my back at night to some dude bigger than me, even if he don't look like the type. Sad shit... he stomped her ass bad... It makes me sick, I hope her boyfriend/brother/dad killed em.

