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Best Legal Weapon to carry

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  • #16
    Originally posted by nutter
    I said my mate right has this burberry cap with a metal edge so it cuts when he nuts ya. he's been lifted by the fuzz a few times, like 3 I think, but they ain't ever noticed it right so it is dead subtle.

    Originally posted by nutter
    You follow mate?
    Not one fukin word


    • #17
      Well you're a Texan mate, what you expect?


      • #18
        Originally posted by nutter
        Well you're a Texan mate, what you expect?
        Yeah Can I get a fukin translator over here!!! lol


        • #19
          Another good weapon is a bench right. In CMA we learn a form where you use a bench to kick the shit outta whoever. Carry a bench mate.


          • #20
            Originally posted by nutter
            a metal edge so it cuts when he nuts ya.
            I’m still trying to figure out why anyone would want to NUT on their assailant


            • #21
              Originally posted by nutter
              Another good weapon is a bench right. In CMA we learn a form where you use a bench to kick the shit outta whoever. Carry a bench mate.
              Do they teach you to throw animals at the opponents too?

              Imagine throwng a decent sized, pissed off dog at an assailant...


              • #22
                or a pie


                • #23
                  Originally posted by knifethrower
                  I’m still trying to figure out why anyone would want to NUT on their assailant
                  You never heard of nutting mate? You wouldn't last five minutes in Bradford on a friday night mate.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by nutter
                    You never heard of nutting mate?
                    you're so durty....

                    Originally posted by nutter
                    You wouldn't last five minutes in Bradford on a friday night mate.
                    I usually last longer, but its cool bro....jj.

                    In all seriousness, I think I do understand what you mean.


                    • #25
                      nutting someone is hitting them with your head right mate.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by nutter
                        You never heard of nutting mate? You wouldn't last five minutes in Bradford on a friday night mate.
                        I’m not social enough to show up


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by nutter
                          nutting someone is hitting them with your head right mate.
                 Texas you usually get hit befor you get that close


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by knifethrower
                   Texas you usually get hit befor you get that close
                            unless you keep your head a moving target


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by knifethrower
                     Texas you usually get hit befor you get that close
                              That's where you go wrong mate. You wanna walk right up to him mate, talk all nice right, then nut him good and proper like before he knows what's what.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by nutter
                                That's where you go wrong mate. You wanna walk right up to him mate, talk all nice right, then nut him good and proper like before he knows what's what.
                                Nah thats where YOU are wrong...NO one gets close enough to head butt as a first strike...even my friends dont stand that close when talking to me...NO STRANGER ever will...I will confront your dumbass for even tryin...we aint kissin, you dont need to be in kissin range, back off

