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Best Legal Weapon to carry

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  • Best Legal Weapon to carry

    I was trying to think of a weapon that is legal to carry that would be effective.
    I think the best one would be a cane. with a cane, you could hook limbs, and strike your opponent very easily.

    what do you think?

  • #2
    Well a cane isnt the normal choice for 16 year old TKD BB's it isnt gonna exactly "fit" I would reccomend a pair of really good running dont need weapons.


    • #3
      Naaa... knucks man... it's all about the knucks. lol.


      • #4
        Oh... they're not legal lol my bad. Ummm... baseball bat? If stopped by a cop(walking) you were just going to play baseball, (in car) keep a glove nearby and again say you were playing baseball. Uhhh... you can legally get a concealed weapon such as a knife or gun. I'm goin with knucks though, even though their illegal, I just love them lol. It gives every one that George Forman shot.


        • #5
          The correct answer would be your BRAIN.


          • #6
            Oh God... lol. I'm going to have to concede the point Boar, though you are no fun lol. I list brass knucks SECOND THEN SHEESH! lol


            • #7
              Hey I just realised our quotes are sorta the same Boar, the whole carry a big stick/diplomacy. Nice


              • #8
                I would have to go with the Trapo, which is a weapon from Atienza Kali. It is simply a hard object within a soft object: padlock inside of a bandanna, rock in a sock, soda can in a t-shirt, fishing weight tied to a piece of rope, etc. It's a swinging, improvised "sap" device. I like it because it's parts are legal to carry, and being a flexible weapon, it can literally wrap around your opponent's defenses and still land a good shot to the head. It's not a new idea, to be sure...but it's a great equalizer that sure does work.


                • #9
                  cut off a peice of garden hose about 2 feet long, and tie one end into a fat knot


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by BoarSpear
                    The correct answer would be your BRAIN.
                    some of the old forum regulars are at a bit of a disadvantage hey mate.

                    Me mate has a baseball cap, burberry right, but it has this metal rim to it so that when he nuts someone, it cuts. he's been lifted by the old bill like 3 times wearing it and they've never sussed.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by nutter
                      some of the old forum regulars are at a bit of a disadvantage hey mate.

                      Me mate has a baseball cap, burberry right, but it has this metal rim to it so that when he nuts someone, it cuts. he's been lifted by the old bill like 3 times wearing it and they've never sussed.

                      what the hell did you just say?


                      • #12
                        I said my mate right has this burberry cap with a metal edge so it cuts when he nuts ya. he's been lifted by the fuzz a few times, like 3 I think, but they ain't ever noticed it right so it is dead subtle. You follow mate?


                        • #13


                          • #14

                            Ah good old English English.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by BoarSpear
                              The correct answer would be your BRAIN.
                              Second choice would be an AR-15......(with a 'conversion' kit back home )

