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Awareness while walking - battle won before it starts?

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  • Awareness while walking - battle won before it starts?

    I just thought I'd point out that when walking down the street you should be AWARE of everything around you.

    If you are aware of your surroundings you can spot potential troublemakers and avoid them. You also won't be caught by surprise ad at worst you can always run away before that shifty guy comes near you.

    I honestly think that most fights could be avoided if you are aware while walking.

    beleive me, the difference between knowing your in a bad situation before it happens and getting caught by surprise are very different. If you're caught by surprise you'll not do much reacting.

  • #2
    First allow me to say, THANK YOU for posting a real topic. Second yes you're exactly right, awareness and avoidance are the two BEST weapons in your SD arsenal. Actually having to use your physical skills means your awareness and avoidance need work....its early warning or can prevent you from getting "Pearl Harbored"...IF you dont pull a Pearl Harbor yourself and ignore the warning signs of trouble.


    • #3
      It's awful the amount of people who just look straight ahead when walking and are off in their onw little world. You should be looking around you. Muggers look for people who are unaware to mug them as they are the easiest targets.


      • #4
        Yeah being aware is a great example of an easy step to conflict avoidence. If you feel strange, like something is going down, it probably is.

        ^True, people walking with thier heads down dragging thier feet are singled out as prey instantly.

