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Right in the balls!!!

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  • #61
    Originally posted by >:)
    . Maybe a sudden pull or harsh squeeze would stop his brain primilary planning on attacking you back in that particular moment.

    While this may be true I have also seen people get f***ed up for grabbong and squeezing someones balls.

    Think of it this way..if you grab an animal real hard anywhere and it doesn't want to be touched it will go ape shit on you.

    You grab my balls I'm slapping with all I got till you let go b/c I am now aware that the only way to stop the pain is to put you down.

    I prfer a sharp smack to the groin right behind a follow up attack.


    • #62
      good point. Not that I've ever used it properly (ie. outside of training) but I'd prefer grabbing their adam's apple rather than their balls. They tend to tilt their head back and lose being able to see the oponent and have less chance to swing at you decently than with a groin grab. The arms and head are pretty much free to come back with attacks if someone grabs your groin. The grabber still has the advantage nonetheless imo.


      • #63
        Originally posted by >:)
        good point. Not that I've ever used it properly (ie. outside of training) but I'd prefer grabbing their adam's apple rather than their balls. They tend to tilt their head back and lose being able to see the oponent and have less chance to swing at you decently than with a groin grab. The arms and head are pretty much free to come back with attacks if someone grabs your groin. The grabber still has the advantage nonetheless imo.

        Yes but wouldn't more people be expecting you to go for the throat???

        Plus if they turn thier head away while attacking you that could most likely cause you to lean into thier punch while attempting to reach your goal?


        • #64
          Most people would probably expect an aggressor to start aiming flurries of random punches and haymakers at the head, or bull charge them into some awkard kind of clinch. Atleast over here it seems that way for drunken brawling on a friday or saturday night. I sincerly doubt most guys who got into a street situation would automatically tuck their chin in and get into a decent protective stance. They aren't likely to be a trained fighter.

          If they've turned their head away while coming at you, they've made a big mistake!

          Most people aren't trained in any kind of combat or self defense. (At a guess) the majority of people willing to attack/mug/threaten you on the street with or without a weapon isn't trained either. It would be pretty easy for a well trained individual who knows his skills/feints/deceptions to provide an opening for himself.

          I just brought up an AA grip as it's an better alternative to a groin grab imo. There's plenty of other things to do of course. But if you're close enough for a solid clinch, i'd say you're close enough to perform it on the average joe. It will scare the living shit out of them


          • #65
            Originally posted by >:)

            (At a guess) the majority of people willing to attack/mug/threaten you on the street with or without a weapon isn't trained either.

            I have to disagree. I think most muggins aren't a first time deal for the mugger. Anything like mugging people is training itself. You mug diffrent people and notice who to mug and who to avoid if you stay alive long enough.

            These people may not be anyone's text book definiton of a pro...but they get up and do it almost everyday, it's thier paycheck and not that it's right, but it is a proffesion.


            • #66
              Stone crusher grip (like cracking walnuts)

              True that... It's like saying "untrained knifers" are not dangerous.

              When I brought up the nut crush thing I mentioned Kimura... He was a Judo guy. (Always going for the attachment ) It's not to grip and retain but to grip (CRUSH) and release. A tactic of causing them to slip into the OODA loop. They need a moment to think their second thought about carrying out the attack. It gives you a moment (or two) to initiate your follow up attack. Not a fight ender to bank on or a handle but an attack of sorts on a "vital" target. GI Joe with "Stone Crusher" Grip...

              Even a tame cow will kick you if you squeeze a teet too hard...


              • #67
                ^I didn't say a mugger with a knife isn't dangerous if they haven't trained in blade work

                Originally posted by kingoftheforest
                I have to disagree. I think most muggins aren't a first time deal for the mugger. Anything like mugging people is training itself. You mug diffrent people and notice who to mug and who to avoid if you stay alive long enough.

                These people may not be anyone's text book definiton of a pro...but they get up and do it almost everyday, it's thier paycheck and not that it's right, but it is a proffesion.
                But they get up and do what everyday. Threathen people with knives/etc for rape/money/etc. If they had to use it, they'd stab/slice/prod. This does not exactly make them masters of their weapons. It builds their willingness to go ahead and do it, but most won't be in the league of people who has trained and mastered blade and weapons arts is all I meant. Best to just get the **** out of there if you can however good you are.


                • #68
                  Originally posted by >:)
                  ^I didn't say a mugger with a knife isn't dangerous if they haven't trained in blade work

                  But they get up and do what everyday. Threathen people with knives/etc for rape/money/etc. If they had to use it, they'd stab/slice/prod. This does not exactly make them masters of their weapons. It builds their willingness to go ahead and do it, but most won't be in the league of people who has trained and mastered blade and weapons arts is all I meant. Best to just get the **** out of there if you can however good you are.

                  That's my point dude. They do stab people shoot people and beat people. They can't possibly report as these happenings in the paper or news so most go unnoticed if it wasn't you or someone you know. People have been doing this for centuries...just like MA's. I am almost sure there are families somewhere in the world who pass this knowledge along to kids or an apprentice. I don't disagree that people who have no clue do this as well. they just don't do it for long because they get busted too much or die.


                  • #69

                    Originally posted by >:)
                    ^I didn't say a mugger with a knife isn't dangerous if they haven't trained in blade work

                    But they get up and do what everyday. Threathen people with knives/etc for rape/money/etc. If they had to use it, they'd stab/slice/prod. This does not exactly make them masters of their weapons. .....

                    I didn't mean to imply that you had said that but that some folks dismiss these felons as unskilled with their weapons (ie; "This does not exactly make them masters of their weapons.") It hints at underestimating the danger they represent. A big NO-NO! INTENT is a strong foundation! In other words if these "comon thugs" mean to run you through they are even more "dangerous" than a so called expert with years of training. The reason being the expert blade artist has no intent to stab/slash/maim/kill a random victim.

                    Never underestimate the attacker...


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by Tant01
                      INTENT is a strong foundation! In other words if these "comon thugs" mean to run you through they are even more "dangerous" than a so called expert with years of training. The reason being the expert blade artist has no intent to stab/slash/maim/kill a random victim.

                      Never underestimate the attacker...
                      That's a very interesting point. I've kinda wondered about that...I wonder what the psychology behind that is. (your mind can slow you down, especially making big decisions...but if somebody has gone there and is willing to act without too much hesitation...they seem to have a bit of an edge over the nice guy...pun intended.)


                      • #71
                        Originally posted by Garland
                        That's a very interesting point. I've kinda wondered about that...I wonder what the psychology behind that is. (your mind can slow you down, especially making big decisions...but if somebody has gone there and is willing to act without too much hesitation...they seem to have a bit of an edge over the nice guy...pun intended.)

                        Look up anything on the samurai mentality if you wanna know about intent dude.


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by kingoftheforest
                          Look up anything on the samurai mentality if you wanna know about intent dude.
                          Oh, the Hagakure stuff, and why the Chushingura guys got bitched out for taking too long to do "they stuff"?


                          • #73
                            Originally posted by Garland
                            Oh, the Hagakure stuff, and why the Chushingura guys got bitched out for taking to long to do "they stuff"?

                            Dude i was looking at that exact book on my shelf here when I posted that.


                            • #74
                              If forced to defend myself and/or my family and friends I would use every target and means necessary. So obviously I voted yes.


                              • #75
                                Yeah, I agree with all you lot. The mind controls the body etc. And a well trained bladesman intent on defending his own life should be able to do his thang

                                I have no idea where this thread is going anymore so I'm out

